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Truth Ubique

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Well it looks like George showed up for work at 9am Sat

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Thanks JKT!
Posted on vivasancarlos this am! I guess ice cream and facts are the same thing???
Personally I feel this board has transitioned into pablum - content fit for infants.
Bart's board has had informative recent posts on
- a 17 story condo being built next to Champs (that's what the digging is for),
- 8 houses burgled in San Carlos recently,
- information on the RE fraud and court actions on the Fiesta Hotel & condo mess,
- info from a tourist claiming a local police traffic ticket shake-down.
This Payton Place board seems to want to focus on beautiful puppies, slide projectors, kite stores, etc.
If you want to stick your head in the sand and ignore the safety and financial aspects of the community - go ahead. For me - forewarned is forearmed.

Today at 09:07 AM #12

Jeff,That's why they make vanilla and chocolate.
Some like one. Some like the other. Some like a little of both.
To each his own.
Thank you for bringing it up.
George in San Carlos



Hello Everyone,

I am a new member on this site. This being an election year I would love to see us form a really good Political site. There are so many issues that are truly frightening going on in America today.

Just to name a few.........being lied into war in Iraq, continual violating of the Constitution, eroding our rights, ignoring the Geneva Conventions, creating secret laws, illegal wiretapping of American citizens, torturing of prisoners, the devaluing of the dollar, the economy in general, offshoring jobs to China and India and the incredible prices now one has to pay for gas, food, clothing etc. We are being sucked dry and I do not see the American people rising up!

For over 2 years of research I have come to the conclusion that both parties are owned. The primary is a sham. The CFR and others put up candidates that will do their bidding regardless of what party. We are then given the privilege to vote for either one, giving the illusion that we are truly voting. The president is "selected" well in advance by the global elite and regardless of party he/she will do their bidding.

If you are interested in sharing and learning what I have learned to see if we can come up with some solutions on how to take our country back................I would love to see that happen here on this board. We do not get the truth on any of the corporate owned news channels and we need to get the word out to people about what is happening. I need your help to do that!

First you will need to start to turn off the TV news channels and listen to alternative radio on your,, and At first I was not really impressed with what some of the hosts were doing. They were way too conservative for me. But gradually I could really agree with a lot of their the form of government we have, the corruption in the system and even the corruption of the courts right up to the supreme court. Then of course getting rid of the Federal Reserve and the IRS was the hook. The federal Income Tax is a fraud that has been perpetrated on the American people since the Federal Reserves creation in 1913. They are not Federal and there is no reserve folks. You dollar is worthless and is hardly worth the paper it is printed on. Research it for your self and check out the names of the people who own the Federal Reserve. It ain't you and it ain't me.

Now as far as the Viva San Carlos board is concerned, I too belonged there for a short while. I was posting some serious questions and instead of getting any factual, documented responses................I was attacked by Hawaii. He is extremely right wing and militaristic. Any criticism of this present administration he considers a personal affront. Finally when I was fed up with it I pointed out that he was British (he even pouted about how he supported the monarchy) and we had gone to war with them to gain our Independence. We would do it again if we had to. I think I used the expression that we kicked their a$$ once and we would kick their a$$ again.

You see even since the signing of the Federal Reserve Act (16th Amendment) back in 1913..............America has been going to war, whether the people wanted to or not. It is the Crown of England, the European royal families, the Rothschilds and Rockefellers along with Haliburton, Bectel Bush, Cheney et al who benefit from these wars...................not we the people. We suffer with our own flesh and blood and our tax dollars. It is time we the people woke up. It is time we stopped thinking Republican, Democrat, left, right etc...............that is the old divide and conquer tactic they use. We need to become Americans and take our country back!!!!!

How can we be exporting "democracy" when we are loosing our freedoms daily at home.

The next thing is we are not a democracy...........we are a constitutional republic. Democracy = Mob Rule..............Constitutional Republic = Rule of Law. That means that no one is above the even the president whether he is a democrat or a republican.

Yes George banned me too. If you do not have the same political beliefs and blinded loyalties as George you are repramanded and given warnings on that site. Then before you know it you are banned, like some kind of adolesent child. George is all about way or the high way!!!

He selectively invited Fred and Hawaii back to post. I have looked for that post but it was not there this morning. Fred more or lest feels the same way as I do about the control that Georg is flaunting and told him so, ending with the ball is in your court! I wrote him an email protesting his selectivity and have yet to hear from him. If he does not answer I will post that email here tomorrow just to show you how he strong arms people! Reminds me of Nazi Germany!!!! Ya yu vill post tisvay!!!~~!

I am not interested in the back and forth sophomoric name calling that is now going on on the Viva board. We have very serious matters affecting our country right now.

This administration is just looking for an excuse to go to war with Iran. Again it is for control over the oil.

Please do not be so dumb as to fall for their propaganda ...............that Iran is going to attack Israel or the US.

Israel has approximately 400 nuclear weapons and has the third largest nuclear arsenal on the planet. Do you think that the leaders in Iran are that stupid? This is all propaganda to open up another front...............and we can not even handle what we have going now in Iraq and Afghanistan!!!! We are bankrupt and in debt to the tune of 9 trillion folks!!

This are your Neocon duo citizenship (with Israel) leaders such as Wolfowitz, Perle, Fife, Chertoff, and their Contract for a New American Century. They have infiltrated all levels of government and are still promoting Israel's causes. It is time we got out of the middle east. Got the troops home from Iraq and let Israel and Palastine form their own peace agreements.

Remember it was Eisenhower who told us "To beware of the Military Industrial Complex." Too bad we did not listen.

By the way Vietnam was over oil also. That was not discussed.........but you can google it for yourself by putting in Vietnam Oil Fields and learn that Vietnam is now the 4 largest oil producingl nation in that region! There is a Vietnam Embassy in Washington ...................and 58,000 of our boys died ..........for line the pockets of the global elites? The False flag for that war was the Bay of Ton Kin that Johnson lied about.

Let's forget about the Viva Board and make this board a place where we can learn about what our government is really doing. We have to wake up fast because right now America is becoming a Corporate Fascist state and all of our freedoms and rights are being eroded and the middle class is being eviscerated.

Hope this appeals to some of you folks. I am looking forward to hearing from you. I believed George banned another fellow called Johnson...................he had a lot to say and it had nothing to do with blind loyalty to either party or president. If he is here on this site I hope he starts to post.
Thank You for reading.



welcome to you too Freedom,
The only one who may want a political debate I know of is Hawaii and he said he want nothing to do with this forum.

besides who care thereall the same in it for themselves and like George a bunch of thieving liars.

We also have a political thread it just needs kick starting.

As for being banned welcome to the club, I and I know most others never got a warning it just happens, but George lies and tells everyone you had been warned often.



Look like they are requesting posters to say thanks!

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