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king George

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1king George Empty king George Tue Aug 19, 2008 6:13 pm

Al + Val

Al + Val

George is still claiming you guys are sending him e mails from himself.

His latest is a self manufactured reply claiming nothing can be done, where by everyone knows hes lying because he didn't c&p the mail.

hes just trying to get everyone to feel sorry for him like the calm before the storm.
Hes planning to hit residents and the like very soon.

rumour has it he wants to start a subscription fee to be a Viva member.

lets see at $35 - 00 a year x 580 members thats $20300 a year of un earned income and no doubt tax free if everyone pays up.

Nice move George wheres alecs the pimp? Still posting pics of the day for penies, and selling Porno and posting pictures of san carloses prostitute ring.

Hey George get bobby to sell his drugs on viva and you'll make a lot more. I mean if he claims medical attention in the us should be like imms then mexmo must be a free musical business. Hey Bobby how come Mexmo is a free business but you charge to perform your copied performances of other artists and sell CD's? Oh yer I forgot you cando what you want but everyone else has to give give give.

Commie Bar steward you'll get yours soon too

Oh sorry leslie i didnt mean to be rude by ignoring you. Hows you boobs hanging? Did you get them with IMMS or in the US? I never understood why you didn't use the Canadiian surgon who did your sex change. Or is it just the feel of your ass bobby preferes, sort of like him having an inside job isn't it?


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