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Hey George

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1Hey George Empty Hey George Fri Nov 14, 2008 6:25 pm



Don't you think if AcuDorky claims to know who we are he should have the guts to tell everyone?

Don't you think it odd he say's he can't tell you because of a promise?

Don't you think its odd he calls everyone a liar but won't or can't provide a name?

Your been taken in again George,

And let me reassure you Captain Jack isn't one of those AcuDorky likes to accuse, I am burried within your forum 24/7 I even post now and again.hahahahahaha

But here read some of your own stuff and then ask the questions again.

Dorky's a liar and a cheat, what will you all do went its prooved the creeps a conman.



We have all come close to crossing a line at one time or another. But Holly/Ishtar/Jack/Brian/janetjackson/and all the other names this person uses does nothing but attack and name call never making any valid points. The only purpose of the posts are to call everyone a liar except her.

Now I have called her a liar because he/she/it is just that, a liar and I've proven it when she has challenged me to do so. Many others on the board have done so as well. This person comes to the Viva board with one thought only, to disrupt the board. And a lot of us, including myself feeds this troll way to often.

Even you and I have bumped heads more then once. But for the most part one or the other or both backs away when it gets too heated. This person just refuses to do so. He/she/it has been banned time and time again for crossing the line and has done so gleefully.

George has had his hands full babysitting us on this board and most of us are thankful he takes the time and effort to do this. You've been around for a long time. You remember what it used to be like. Geez it gets close to that at times now, but like I said at some point the "collective we" will back down and go back to being civil.

If Holly/Ishtar/Jack/Brian wasn't such a good computer geek having found a way to work the system here on the board he/she/it would have been gone a long time ago permanently.


Registered: June 24, 2008
Posts: 150
Yesterday at 05:11 PM #6

You guys have coined the "don't feed the troll", as it works out that is probably good advise. The person in question will not go away. He/she is computer savvy. It takes nothing to change and subscribe to email addresses, and very little expertize to even change your IP. If you do know the person, why do you not expose them, are they a SC resident? Why do they have this vendetta? All this is none of my business, but we all live it daily, from the outside looking in, it appears complex or inane, but no one is willing to really bring the issues to a head.

Registered: July 18, 2008
Posts: 518
Yesterday at 05:27 PM #7


And exposing them would accomplish exactly what?

I don't know who it is.

I find him / her / it extremely obnoxious.

I had tried to find out in the past and whomever it is is very good at hiding. If fact they are probably reading this right now and laughing. So what?

If we were to find out who it is and we were to expose them what would you or I or anyone else do about it?

Let me count the ways we could stop them or get even with them or punish them.

#1 .....................


I can't come up with any that wouldn't lower me to that germ's level.

Perhaps you can?


Registered: March 27, 2008
Posts: 2,117
Yesterday at 05:34 PM #8

I happen to believe it is the same guy that suns the Banamex board. I could be wrong. Once I thought I was wrong but I was only mistaken.

The thing to remember is what George posted. There is no way to stop or to punish this person other then to recognize the posts as coming from he/she/it and then ban them. Only to have them post under another name and the cycle starts all over again.

I propose that once the collective "we" recognize this person under the new name is to totally stop all conversation with he/she. I feed the troll as much as the next guys so i will try to do my best once I realize who it is.

Registered: July 18, 2008
Posts: 518
Yesterday at 05:40 PM #9

Moderator's Note:

Thanks for the offer Larry.

However I don't want the well meaning folk on VSC to go vigilante on me.

Vigilantism causes more problems than it solves.

We have enough difficulty keeping it straight now.

I will watch the board and keep it as honest as I can.

Registered: Aug 13, 2008
Posts: 695
Yesterday at 05:43 PM #10

I agree with Fred and Bomb and doc. I am not just guilty of feeding the troll, but also baiting the troll. I confess that I have done it for fun and entertainment and it is time to stop. I promise not to indulge anymore. As I have said before it has been quite juvenile of me.
Patricia Adams

Registered: March 27, 2008
Posts: 2,117
Yesterday at 05:44 PM #11

Maybe we should all get out of the sandbox and graduate to the playground

Registered: Aug 13, 2008
Posts: 695
Yesterday at 05:54 PM #12

I know, but darn, it's going to be hard to grow up so fast.....and to keep my promise.....did somebody say something about a martini?
Patricia Adams

2Hey George Empty Re: Hey George Fri Nov 14, 2008 7:12 pm



Yes it is strange that those who challenge George are banned, the question is why. The answer is easy he's getting hot under the collar and doesn't want to admit he owns the Viva board. You gotta remember hes in sales! All salesmen lie its there nature, they just don’t know when to stop selling.

You know whats also hilarious is George thinks the sun shines out AcuFake, I can't wait til he falls and he will big time. Jean pointed out the three who attacked Holly the most don't even live in SanCarlos!

Anne Mann live is San Francisco and is a queer dyke

Patricia lives in Alberta and has a mega phone in her throat.

Larry claims hes teaching in Laguna Beach, but has no Ca Lic!

All three call someone a liar and pretend they are the governing board. Perhaps George will see the light soon and get rid of them because as someone said recently we didn't have these problems before AcuDoc.

I think like the rest of you theres too much evidence against acu being legit.

3Hey George Empty Re: Hey George Fri Dec 19, 2008 4:36 pm



And George, Hawaii was right you are the owner of viva san carlos and the only one who called anyone a whore was you!!!
But then being a conman and a cheat comes natural to a wanted real estate agent. Like all the names you lie about we concur you have multiple names you must spend hours inventing them to make your stats look better. What will you do when your phone book of names runs out or you have a membership that exceeds the global population?

George, Hawaii caught you out and as you did in the past you cover it up by banning him and saying he was the problem what a piece of shit you are. You know Mexico does have an extradition treaty with the US… keep looking over your shoulder I’ve been standing at the side of you and you didn’t have a clue.

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