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Another lie from George.

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1Another lie from George. Empty Another lie from George. Mon Feb 16, 2009 3:16 pm



From the Viva board, read Georgies lies, .

Registered: March 27, 2008
Posts: 3,013
Feb 12, 2009 at 07:38 PM #1

I'd like to make the motion to have Stevie reinstated. George and I have been emailing back and forth him Stevie to answer some of his questions and both of us and the viva board

This is what Georgie posted on the viva board, claiming its the reason why Stevie was banned.
Please note this post is an email copy, look at the date above the name Stevie its an e mail format not a viva format?


Registered: July 18, 2008
Posts: 1,220
Yesterday at 08:41 PM #30

Moderator's Note:
This is what Stevie posted and wrote.
This is what got Stevie Banned
()()()()()()()()()()()()()))()()()()()()()()()()() ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()

02/05/2009 06:11p - GG1 -
From Stevie:
I like the way you make up the rules as you go along, yet you post a set of rule where anything is acceptable except obsenities. Your a two face dictator, I bet you voted for Obama.
what I read on the Bamamex board about you looks to be true, So Im also guessing the criminal offenses mentoned and you trying to convince everyone it bogus is also true.
That means that the other stories about Bull Sht and AcuFraud must be true as well.
I'm also pretty sure all you loud mouth armchair generals ran a way to Mexico to avoid the draft, typical commies.
Enjoy your paradise I will visit and look you up for sure.

02/05/2009 05:06p - GG1 -
I plan on visiting San Carlos in the Summer.
I'll gladly whip all your asses with my one good arm tired behind my back.
#32 its obvious you were a coward and ran yellow tail you a loud mouthed commie, PROVE YOUR NOT.
So shut the F... Up or you'll be first on the list.

This is the real reason Georgie banned Stevie

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##Feb 05, 2009 at 01:08 PM #76

From Stevie

Why don't you do something useful and safe whales preferably at 20000 leagues under.

I am tired of you stupid idiots who just want to fight and can't be bother to do research. I plan on visiting San Carlos in the Summer.

I'll gladly whip all your asses with my one good arm tired behind my back.

#32 its obvious you were a coward and ran yellow tail you a loud mouthed commie, PROVE YOUR NOT.

So shut the F... Up or you'll be first on the list.

So why did Stevie post that threat?

Subject: Just As I Thought
Posted By: bud32 Replies: 102
Views: 1,170 Posts #10 and #11...why does anyone even try to conduct a dialogue with two people who expose their IQs so openly. Chimps, yes, but newts, uh-uh.

By the way, Stevie, why close with "For God, Country, and CORPORATIONS" on all your posts?

Subject: Another failure about to happen
Posted By: bud32 Replies: 11
Views: 151 Stevie

"For God, Country, and Crap"?

Georges Response


Registered: July 18, 2008
Posts: 1,220
##Feb 05, 2009 at 02:51 PM #82

Moderators Note:

Stevie will not be posting here anymore.

Threats of violence meet my criteria for obscene.

So Stevie defended the Marines and was banned but the rest of the cult were allowed to post pbscene pictures and comment and remain to post and stir up trouble.


Registered: July 18, 2008
Posts: 1,220
##Feb 05, 2009 at 04:43 PM #88

Moderator's Note:

Stevie and others were given fair warning.

Others responded favorably. Stevie responded by putting an IP identifier and a troll on his signature.

He then followed up with physical threats.

If that's right wing behavior then Joelpb and Ek are correct. That makes this a left wing board.

The kind of behavior Stevie engaged in is unacceptable in polite company and on Viva. If Doc, Cheesecake, Zorro, Beegees2, Chrisy, Bud32 or those others on the left were to engage in it they would be removed from the board as well.

This is not the only board available and frankly we would be happy if we could make the Political Forum go away completely.

Unfortunately you guys would just end up on the community forum and annoy the people who choose to ignore you all over here.

This is the cesspool you all have created. You figure out how to clean it up.

George banned Stevie because George couldn’t control him! Vengence from Georgie Boy


My post (#76), asking "Stevie" to just ONCE back up his "I AM RIGHT!!" claim seemed to launch him into psychological orbit.

I'm sorry for Stevie. All of us who enjoy these back and forth debates have to admit that this forum gives us with a chance to play "mental poker" ...something some of us do daily in management jobs that require reasons for our decisions. In Stevies' case, he no doubt felt he was finally in a mythical "board room" where he could scream and vilify the bastards who didn't know that he is always right and others are always "the enemy". Imagine, in that kind of mind, what effect a "NEGRO-COMMIE-LIBERAL" Chairman of the Board would be like! So, he snapped...and will never know that admitting when you're wrong is GOOD, not evil.

Stevie, we know you'll be back...

It should also be remembered Georgie Boy got rid of Hawaii after George was the one who called geezers widow a whore. All Hawaii did was tell a story like Geezer and let everyones mind work over time. Hawaii was also innocent as have a lot of people who Georges power crazed indoctrination din't work against their free will.



Last edited by Admin on Mon Feb 16, 2009 5:18 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Another lie from George. Empty Re: Another lie from George. Mon Feb 16, 2009 4:37 pm



Another factual and post of TRUTH.


Registered: Feb 09, 2009
Posts: 1
Today at 09:32 AM #38

You can condemn the Banamex board all you want there are a lot of people read it, it does have some interesting posts. It is also making you look Guilty in your actions and how you decide who to ban and why. that in turn puts a big question mark over all your priddy claims and the threats he has posted claiming you threatened him.
I know you doesn't like to mention the Banamex board so I'll just post a link.
Its important to note priddys copies are accurate according to this board. So you should start to come clean and stop the crap you want everyone to believe. There are many on here who think you are unfair and bias towards certain people especially those who have a different political point of view.

Get real George now's your change to turn over a new leaf and be fare and factual.

Obviously if this post is deleted and I am banned it will show you in your true colors. Does everyone remember Instructor? he was banned for asking questions about who ran the board.

3Another lie from George. Empty Re: Another lie from George. Thu Mar 12, 2009 3:02 pm

Al + Val

Al + Val

This is Georges lates lie

You only have to read it to see.

Registered: July 18, 2008
Posts: 1,291
Today at 05:12 AM

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George for Alecs

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