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Boy George - Rise and fall of an egomaniac

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I have followed the policies and actions of George, as lead person in the latest VSC renovation.

I had made three posts that were deleted from VSC, all being factual and pertinet to our daily lives as residents of San Carlos.

It clear to me that George is assuming ... in his own mind ... that he knows best for the people of the VSC board. After reviewing his life background ... it is clear that he is a natural born and aggressive Salesman. And good at it ... so long as the sailing is smooth and the client is a ¨lay down¨ or easily swayed.

I am the person who brought the VSC board to a cleansing boil ... starting at the time of Hurricane Henrietta hit S.C. Some 18 monthe ago. Real Estate fraud, bank fraud, the pediphile activities, drugs, corruption, murder, assult and everything else that litters the paths of Narcotraffickers and Con Artists.

My motivations were born in an act of defense against forces illegal, immoral and intolerable.

AS A RESULT, and with the help of many, many like-minded, interested parties, including my inspiration ... Snowbird Reality web site (I knew the site was truthful ... as I had previously discovered via my own circumstances); there is now light on that dark side of Paradise.

From the beginning, all of my work was in coordination with the Federal law enforcement agencies of three countries. VSC and the other forums were only part of a broader interactive information database. The results have been successful and beneficial for all who sail on the better side of right and wrong.

The sucesses were a direct result of citizen awarness and input


And now for these same reasons: GEORGE OF SAN CARLOS has made me angry and justice needs a sword, again.

I pity you George, my wrath has no beginning and has no end. Just ask around!

Being honest in every case, every time ... is your only possible salvation.

You guys are funny; you just keep digging graves ... as if you had nothing better to do. I bury the gravediggers. That is my job. Just ask MEL KLINE (MexicoMel)



What did happen to big mouth Mel? I figured since his road charly buddy Larry wasn't around to cover his ass ole Mel decided to stop calling people out and perhaps decided to shut his pie hole.

The VSC forum is quickly becoming a 'feel good' forum. It's making San Carlos sound like some fairy tale land, a place without problems, where the sun shines all the time and no one mumbles a negative comment because the place is sooooo clean and wholesome.

George has placed himself in top position on the forum and now has become the sole responsibility for deleting posts. Posts are being deleted regardless of their merit if the posts don't paint San Carlos as heaven on earth.

If your words on the VSC forum aren't hung with fresh smelling flowers and fluttering birds and song on the air, it's deleted.

Censorship is one thing and gross censorship stifles open discussion and free thought.



gross censorship stifles open discussion and free thought.

And in the case of San Carlos, as circumstances currently stand, gross misrepresentation of our reality, is a potentially deadly assault upon our persons and property.

We are in the middle of THE REAL DEAL NOW ... and wishen and deceit ... ain´t gonna cut it ...

Take the example of Los Zetas in Caracol

I don´t think Mel can go to long without talking ... the kitchen is just a little too hot ... he will be back.



We need to clarify again that we do not have a list of e mail address and we do not send out pornmail or solicit members other than our 1 post inviting a few good honest poster.
We would like to reiterate that the e mail addresses used to send the porn mail and the IP addresses that sent them were a match. Therefore, as the police and a good IT expert will tell you the only way someone can use your e mail address and IP is if they use your computer.
The porn mail came from and,, along with many other names but the IP addresses remained the same. Those IP's and e mails were sent by alecs (Alijandro Martinez) and AcuDoc (Larry Parnnell).
Banamex was not even in existence when the pornomail began, but AcuDoc did publish he collected IP's, user names and probably e mail addresses too.
Bravenet closed the other board because of the amount of pono complaints received.
The present new board has removed all personal data and can only be seen by the Admin and Moderators/Committee.

Jose Martinez
Richard Baca
Mel Klein

So if there is bogus posts and excuses made about e mails, only "VSC Committee has access to what is being abused. As a charitable Forum run for profit, they should be audited. That audit should provide all financial accounts and a list of all members. We suspect that the admin is creating bogus names because if you have a lot of members people think its a good place to go.
Yes George is a good salesman, but even good sales men get caught when they con the buyers. And then it will be time to move south to Carbo and start again.

The Cartel of VSC are now being caught out and questioned, This hood wink cover up was posted by George the self appointed Mafia Don of San Carlos. There are many questions in need of answers but the only answers forth coming are deletion of post and poster.

Please note for future reference.

All Board Members should read this:

Anyone anywhere in the world can copy your first and last or both your names and register an email with it.

And on and on as long as many times as there are ISP's.

There is no stopping them. There is only identifying them and blocking them from your email system. They will eventually exhaust themselves if you will ignore them. They will regenerate and attack again and again if you acknowledge they in any way. (This is a one time post) We don't want to encourage them any more than is necessary by putting out this message.

Alecs has developed a pretty good filtering system for keeping the spammers and frauds off the board but while it's good it's not perfect.

In the meantime if you get junk mail from someone called ChrisyHommes@ anything or BobbySahlen@anything ignore it.

It's just the same crazed minds at play. It's a big world and there are a lot of people out there who just get their kicks trying to make others as miserable as they are.

They lurk around dark corners and play their sleazy game with anyone who responds to their nonsense.

It's not who the are that's the problem it's how they present themselves and it is almost impossible for them to be civil.

We will remove them from the board as soon as their inner devils get the best of them and they show expose their identities

Don George for Alecs

Solar Wind


If Bobby Salhen says he never registered how come theres an ad for MOMEX ?



Thats a very good question Solar Wind,

If you look at the bottom of the ad for MexMo it also say's,

"A donation was made to The Music Genome Project from Mr Robert & Mrs Leslie Sahlen for the placement of this Ad"

Now we can't say a donation was actually made? And under the circumstances we wouldn't want to assume?




............................ flippen








Quote of the day:

We will remove them from the board as soon as their inner devils get the best of them

One strike is just that, George ... one strike!

Adios Big Boy




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