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Translated report regarding Villa Sirenas mess-March 2008

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We are looking to co-participate for a solution to the problems of society, sharing something of our own…. Sometimes we are distributors of exterior ideas

Saturday March 1, 2008
Con vista al Mar (Edition No. 139, Column)

By: José G. Rodríguez "El Zurdo"
The delinquent siblings: Catalina and José Ordaz
FECAL and the goals…but against

On Wednesday February 20, there was a very interesting meeting in Hermosillo, in which a group of foreigners residents from San Carlos, along with Mr. Jon Mellen, presented before the governor Eduardo Bours Castelo the nightmare they were going through because of the controversial Catalina Ordaz de Evatt, who wanted to, prevent their access to their respective condominiums, despite the fact that the affected parties are legitimate owners, without any pending debt with anybody …The above is part of the fight that Ordaz de Evatt has against Mr. Jon Mellen, principal shareholder of an association that is the owner of the hotel Fiesta de San Carlos and the condominiums Villa Sirenas, with part of the property still in construction and the other part ready to use. All of this happened because the Association presided by Mr. Mellen, decided to remove the Administration Powers from Ordaz de Evatt, people who claim to know, indicated that such measure was caused by suspected bad money management by the turbulent woman, who is famous among other things because of her proven conflictive spirit, which has lead her to become well known in the different civil and penal tribunals …It is also known that Catalina Ordaz de Evatt except in very rare exceptions, has enjoyed from a suspicious impunity that the great majority can not explain, just as no one can explain how it is that such a discredited and dishonest person, which is the case of Mr. José Ordaz Aguiar, is enjoying of the privilege of law he has for being an official of the City of Guaymas, considering that instead of him on such position a better option would be a can full of garbage …The foreigners affected by Ordaz de Evatt, as well as the businessman Jon Mellen decided to see governor Bours Castelo to present their situation before him, apparently with the knowledge that behind the actions of such woman is the protection of somebody powerful within the official agencies, without of course mentioning any names …On this same space I also previously commented that everything was pointing in the direction of Mr. Wenceslao Cota Montoya, who is the titular of the legal department of the state government, he is the associate of Catalina Ordaz de Evatt in a civil association named “San Carlos Trust”, and it was created to operate trusts with the catch that they were cheaper than the ones operated by the banks, it resulted more attractive to foreigners who acquired properties in San Carlos, but they didn’t realize that they had fallen into a trap, being exposed to the fangs of that corporation …The title document was made on April 28, 2000, with the number 793 at the offices of the Notary Public Number 79, Enrique Ahumada Tarín, with such document we can positively assure you that both: Ordaz and her dirty brother, the chemical engineer José Ordaz Aguiar, will enjoy of impunity until I don’t know when, and it insults the concept of justice and damages the prestige that San Carlos has abroad, since cases such as the present one is only one of many that make of Catalina Ordaz de Evatt the main promoter of discredit for the tourist center …Now, perhaps José Ordaz may be feeling it a little closer, he used all the time they gave him at the radio station XEBQ to say a bunch of insults and accusations against half the world, including myself, stating that I was a protector of old ladies foreigners whose activity was the traffic of drugs in San Carlos, and that I was a user of such drugs as well, not without previously verbally destroying the businessman Jon Mellen and his attorney, and also Mr. Alberto Albin Cubillas who is the leader of PAN local political party, and making negative declarations to all and each one of them from his best word repertory …The problem with this cheap Official is that he does not provide evidence for his sayings, and surely he will never do it since it is all part of a plan, the product of his delusional mind and the intention to diverge the attention to places where he and his sister will not be part of the scenery, although, for their bad luck, he’s not going to make it, for the simple reason that long time ago that pair of dirty birds have been tagged as dirty, not worthy of credibility and respect, regardless of how much time and amounts they invest on radio stations famous for being corrupt, and means of communication in writing with similar fame, brother and sister together on such type of actions…Mr. Ordaz the official assured that I will never accomplish success in the financial world, surely the way it has happened to him, with the exception that little what I’ve made in life has been the product of work and dedication, never dirty actions, frauds and other corrupt actions like the ones he has incurred on, same thing of his sister Catalina, I bet double to single that they cannot afford the luxury of a good night sleep, since it is natural that the day is not long enough for them to plan actions to commit their crimes, and then, to plan the strategies that will allow them to prevent the punishment they deserve …If being a rat gives them money, that’s their decision and their consciousness, if they have one …In the meantime, Catalina Ordaz de Evatt and her brother José Ordaz Aguiar are in a full insidious campaign of poison that would be the envy of rattle snakes, but regardless of everything and whatever they do or say, something tells me that it will not be much longer before justice finally does the corresponding action, and that way both persons will end up paying with prison, for the untold number of atrocities they have committed, the way things are, I don’t see how their attorney Mr. Alán Jaramillo or the mighty Wenceslao Cota Montoya will be able to relieve them of all their guilty actions, and I don’t believe that the governor Mr. Eduardo Bours Castelo, once informed of the situation and relation of State Officials with Ordaz de Evatt, will remain with his arms crossed, knowing what it means to San Carlos to have the presence of such people whose rapacious actions are already well known outside our frontiers, it is precisely abroad where it has been considered that the law in our country is like dead matter, when it comes to bringing to justice white collar delinquents, just like one of the affected parties by the Ordaz told me, when the guards hired by such woman would not let him have access to the condominium of his property, only because he made the mistake of being in the company of a couple of friends who came to visit from Idaho …Witnesses to the action above were precisely the leader of the PAN local political party Mr. Alberto Albin Cubillas and the Chief of Police of San Carlos…Finally, we’ll see what happens with that couple of stinky and poisonous reptiles …Since we are already talking about people of that nature, it would be good to know what type of privilege the Padilla brothers have, in order to have access to the municipal police radio frequency, and be able to go this way to the places with dead bodies and beat other means of communications to the news of this type that no one requested from them, it is well known that invading a police frequency is a federal crime that must be punished, as long as there is a complaint on that regard, unless it is an “under the table” arrangement, and I don’t believe that’s what’s happening, at least not with the Chief of Police Óscar Villa Encinas, hopefully he’d be able to provide his opinion on such particular regard …FECAL compares soccer with the fight against organized crime, when he publicly stated that his government has made several goals to the big Mexican Drug Lords, with the exception that the little angel does not state anything in relation to the goals made against his official goal post, in a game that in past years had as a result almost 3000 dead persons, via execution, in the majority of the cases the authors of such executions were never identified and arrested …Actually, it makes you think that this year the game will have more goals than last year, but the score will be in favor of the bad people, because no matter what FECAL says, the organized crime has better strategies than the government, not to mention weapons and the money to corrupt half the world …See you later.

Published by Revista Sin Límite Avante on Saturday March 01, 2008

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