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Ordaz-Fiesta mess-English

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1Ordaz-Fiesta mess-English Empty Ordaz-Fiesta mess-English Mon Jul 28, 2008 2:45 pm



Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Catalina Ordaz de Evatt, evicted (Edition No. 148, Magazine Article)

By: José G. Rodríguez (El Zurdo)

Slowly, justice is starting to make progress in the case of the American Mr. Jon Mellen against the Ordaz Aguiar

When justice was supposed to have been denied in the case of the American Investor Mr. Jon Mellen, against the controversial Real Estate Businesswoman Catalina Ordaz de Evatt and José Ordaz Aguiar; finally, on June 26, the first step was taken on the proper application of the law.

The time was at the 14:40 hours when the Agent of the Court for the Civil Matters (Juzgado Segundo del Ramo Civil) went to the premises of the Hotel Fiesta San Carlos and the Condominiums Villa Sirena, and the purpose was to order Catalina Ordaz de Evatt to leave such area, she had arrived there 2 hours before, apparently she had been warned of this operation by an internal source. At first, she refused to obey such order, claiming that such order was not valid.

When confronted with the possibility that she would be forced to leave the property through the use of police force, the turbulent woman decided to abandon the place, just to place herself outside of such property, in the company of her sisters Mercedes and Beatriz, as well as her attorney Mr. Alán Jaramillo and a small group of her supporters. Once outside the property, Mrs. Ordaz de Evatt made threats of collective discharge from employment against the police officers who were in charge of the operation ordered by the Judge Mr. Roberto Encinas Melendres, she accused these police officers of corruption and arbitrary actions, despite the fact that the police officers acted at all times with the proper respect under the instructions of the Commander Mr. Óscar Villa Encinas, as well as Mr. Francisco Vidaurrázaga and Raymundo Mercado. The police officers never responded or made a reply to the improper language used by Mrs. Ordaz de Evatt, they simply concentrated on the task of applying security measures, in order to prevent any violent actions.

Mrs. Ordaz de Evatt not only verbally attacked the police officers, she also made reference to a partial, corrupt and inclined justice according to her criteria, and she also said that such justice had the intention of protecting the interests of the investor Mr. Jon Mellen.

On the other hand, Mr. Jon Mellen always showed respect before the situation, and he observed the procedure from a prudent distance.

Additional to the verbal attacks against the authorities and the Judge in charge of this case, Mrs. Ordaz de Evatt and her sisters Mercedes and Beatriz made aggressive statements against me, accusing me of being guilty of this legal situation and for the problems they now face against the authorities.

It is public knowledge that Mrs. Ordaz de Evatt and José Ordaz Aguiar formed an association headed by Mr. Jon Mellen and other American investors, for the construction of the twin condominium towers and the purchase of the Hotel Fiesta San Carlos to a group from Obregon Sonora, the Ordaz Aguiar provided a lot located at the Boulevard Manila Fabio Beltrones. Such lot was acquired by the Ordaz family through shady labor litigation in prejudice of and against Mr. Goergio Mortellini.

Right after a few months of operations; conflicts started between the Ordaz and Mellen, under the suspicion that the Ordaz was not operating according to an honest administration. Mrs. Ordaz Aguiar de Evatt was responsible for managing the financial resources for both: Villa Sirena and Hotel Fiesta San Carlos. As a consequence the Administration Council decided to cancel her authorization to continue managing such corporations.

Although, Mrs. Ordaz de Evatt, instead of complying with the decision of the majority; she continued managing these corporations, and she hired a group of persons to establish a radical security operation. She ordered the new security employees to prevent any access to Mr. Jon Mellen, associates, auditors, etcetera, and to deny these people the access to both: the hotel and condominium premises. The new security employees followed her orders in an effective way, even before the presence of the Notary Public Mr. Miguel Salas Mariscal, who provided testimony of the conflictive situation.

Incredibly, Mrs. Catalina Ordaz de Evatt also ordered the change of locks at the condominiums, being such condominium the property of Mr. Jon Mellen; Mrs. Catalina Ordaz de Evatt allowed her attorney Alán Jaramillo the use of such property. Mr. Alán Jaramillo and his family occupied such condominium during the days of Holy Week (Semana Santa) and other dates later. This information was according to sources that lived close to the area.

This translated into accumulative crime, since she committed such crimes while she was in charge of both corporations.

As the Judge for Civil Matters (Juez Segundo de lo Civil) was studying the denouncement filed by Mr. Jon Mellen and his Partners, with the assistance of an Attorney from Hermosillo named: Jesús Borchardt; Mrs. Catalina Ordaz de Evatt continued to accumulate legal fights. She even went to the point of using two checks from Villa Serena’s bank accounts, this according to her own statements: “to make a juicy donation of five million pesos to the City of Guaymas”.

Meanwhile, her brother, City Official/Councilman (Regidor) José Ordaz Aguiar declared that such amount was a payment for the excess of property acquired at the Tinajas sector, but such property at the Tinajas sector was in litigation with the City since the term of Carlos Zataráin González.

Whether it was a donation or not for the alleged purchase of property in excess, Mrs. Ordaz de Evatt had no legal right to dispose of the finances of a corporation that had previously cancelled her administration rights long before such donation took place. This is considered another crime of the Penal type, therefore one more litigation will follow. Hopefully this time justice will be performed in a timely and effective manner, in order to give everyone what they deserve.

But that’s not all. Mrs. Catalina Ordaz de Evatt is currently facing a number of legal conflicts derived from fraudulent sales of houses and lots. She has caused damage and loss to foreigners who trusted her to do different businesses of buying and selling. There is also a lawsuit filed against her for violations on the use of soil and other concepts, for damage to the ecology, she has also been arrested after a Federal Judge issued an order of arrest against her for violations to the ecology.

Unfortunately for Ordaz, the above is reason enough for the head of the Direction of Real Estate of the State of Arizona Ms. Mary Uttley to keep an open file on Mrs. Catalina Ordaz de Evatt, in order to specify on such file the number of illicit actions that Mrs. Catalina Ordaz de Evatt has incurred, in the area of San Carlos. The American Official will acknowledge the risks that her fellow Americans could be exposed to in the event they decide to invest at such tourist area. The image of such tourist area has been discredited abroad in a sensible form. Although, after the performance of the law when ordering the eviction of Catalina Ordaz de Evatt; businessmen such as Jon Mellen have recovered part of their confidence on the Mexican Justice, according to Jon Mellen’s declarations: “It is something that encourages investors to go ahead and continue with other projects”. Such projects have been paralyzed waiting for a legal definition in reference to a number of conflicts created by the Ordaz Aguiar.

A well informed source with knowledge about the actions of Catalina Ordaz de Evatt, said that she was planning a counterattack against the association whose president is Mr. Jon Mellen, and such attack will be made through different Mexican Authorities, as well as the promotion of a Labor Union assigned to the CTM Agency to keep the Hotel Fiesta San Carlos on constant problem, using for such purpose employees who according to her statement these employees were loyal to her, and the fact of having the power of influence at the Junta de Conciliación de Arbitraje (Labor Authority) in Ciudad Obregón. The Head Official of the Junta de Conciliación de Arbitraje (Labor Authority) in Ciudad Obregón is a citizen from Guaymas named Mr. Marco Antonio Acedo Samaniego.

NOTHING AND/OR NO ONE ABOVE THE LAW (sign) were the contents of an enormous sign that Catalina Ordaz de Evatt and her family showed once the whole procedure was terminated/completed. This was very amusing to the group of people who were there gathered to witness such judicial action. Therefore, Catalina Ordaz de Evatt forced herself to remove such sign from sight, especially considering that Catalina Ordaz de Evatt was standing on a property that she had just been evicted from. This surely happened because according to that phrase; justice was finally being rendered… despite Catalina Ordaz de Evatt’s wishes.

Published by Revista Sin Límite Avante, on Tuesday, July 15, 2008

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