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Stevies posts George's Mail

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1Stevies  posts George's Mail Empty Stevies posts George's Mail Tue Feb 17, 2009 7:40 pm



We have e mailed Stevie and told him we have moved his post to this forum, with the hope the Viva San Carlos section of Banamex will be used for a more sophisticated poster.

These are Stevies Posts.

I have been accused of being Priddy and other people by George and I have also been called a liar by him. So to prove my innocence here are a few e mails that were sent between George VSCM AcuDoc and myself. I fully expect George to post e mails on his forum but as he likes to alter and change things to suit his own cause they will be from his own imagination or invented to suit.

I have changed one part of an e mail to black italics because that is the part George lied about of why I was banned.

I am posting these e mails from George and AcuDocTCM because I will not stand by and be called a liar and be accused of being Priddy.
George VSCM has a mental problem and will either have a break down of heart attack. He accuses everyone of being Priddy and has no real proof Priddy is the problem. Priddy is just Georges wayout so people feel sorry for him. I have also been accused of being Magic Fingers I don’t have access to Georges Forum since he banned me. So again his excuses are to cover his own down fall. George claims to be something he will never be, a Moderator!

These e mails are posted oldest first’

From: George Gadsby
Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2009 4:22:36 PM
Subject: Robert Priddy and your question

bombero asked a similar question yesterday and because he did so politely, I gave him the best answer I could.
I will copy you below with my response to bombero:
his question and my response:
George, How long have you and your wife lived full time in SC? Why have you found it necessary to so embed yourself in the community? (not condemning only curious, most come to retire)
I saw the post you are referring to when it was first posted, I am happy that you have addressed it.
Why is this Priddy (sp) out to get you and wife? I think it best (especially if you are not messing with us) that you delete/change the word exaggerate, from the threads title: ex·ag·ger·ate (g-zj-rt) v. ex·ag·ger·at·ed, ex·ag·ger·at·ing, ex·ag·ger·ates 1. To represent as greater than is actually the case; overstate: Did overstate, or was there nothing at all?

Exaggerate is just a headline.

To Bombero,
Since you asked politely. I have been coming to Mexico since my dad started bring the family down from Arizona when I was about 5 years old.

I have always loved Mexico and the culture and the way of life. I have been coming down for sixty years now. I'm sixty five this year.

My dad died when I was 14 and in addition I have always worked in one from or another to support myself and my family. I have done it all, from washing cars and mowing lawns to shining shoes in a barbershop to multiple newspaper routes and finally the last thirty or so years as Partner and Owner of a Real Estate Firm in California. I don't think I will ever retire. At least I hope not.

Margaret and I discovered San Carlos a little over four years ago after two separate sets of friends stopped by after the Copper Canyon tour and recommended the town to us.

We came and we saw and we bought our home on an acre in the Ranchitos four years ago.

I have been a computer buff since 1969 (almost 30 years) and our real estate company had a web site that I created and ran. Hence my interest in Viva San Carlos web site and bulletin Board.

I met Alecs a while back and knew how difficult life was for him. He was living hand to mouth and lost the vsc board twice. I was one of those guys who always had a 100 pesos for him or left 100 or so with Jean Baker at the bank. I also helped with the money to buy him a new camera when his old one crapped out. It was I who gave him the money to bring the board back to life last time it died around March or April of last year. Alecs does not pay me. He has not paid me back the money I gave him and I don't expect him to. It was a gift to Alecs and to San Carlos to get the Board back up and running.

Moving on... I have always been a joiner and for better or worse I usually end up being the committee chair or president of whatever I join. Political Clubs, Parade Chairman, Rotary, Exchange Club and on and on. I am neither shy nor retiring.

As a result it is necessary to be careful of how many things I participate in.

When we retired from our real estate business November 2007 and moved to San Carlos full time a year ago I became more active in the San Carlos Men's Breakfast Club. Alecs is a member and at that time and couldn't afford the breakfast so Mexico Mel and I took turns buying his meals.

The group decided it needed a project and it decided to help Alecs. I agreed with the group and as usual became the responsible party. Since then Alecs is doing much better. He has a steady cash flow. He no longer needs any sort of handouts from the community and he pays his own way all the way.

I am also a Rotarian. The motto of Rotary International is "Service Above Self" and I take it literally. I am the past President of the Alameda California Club with 115 -130 members and on moving full time to San Carlos I joined the local club. ( about 53 members) I will be President of beginning in July this year.

It's my curse I guess. I don't fish. I don't golf well. I hate gardening and I can't just laze around. So I volunteer to do what I can with Rotary and I help Alecs.

Both are unpaid positions. But I believe both also help make San Carlos a better place for all of us to live. I suppose that if there were a political avenue in San Carlos I would run for town council or mayor as well.
I hope this answers your questions .

As to why Priddy is out get us I have no idea. I have never met him he should have no bone to pick with me. He also seems to have problems with others if you read his board. Some people just never seem to be happy unless they are making others unhappy.

I sincerely hope I have answered your questions and satisfied your curiosity. I live with my doors and windows open and my window shades up. I have no skeletons in my closet. Please feel free to share this little note with anyone you wish. I have amended it slightly since sending it to bombero but mostly just clean up.

And now that I have divulged my life story would you be so kind as to at least share your true name?

George Gadsby
576 Ave "F" Ranchitos
Casa De Muchos Besos

Don't believe what you read over there.
The owner of the banamex board is a certified loony who has been hauled up by the federalis before and is about to be again.
He is a hermit living on daddy's trust fund money and banished by his own family.
He sits by himself in his little house on the Caracol and makes up crap about a few people.
As to Bobby and Leslie. They had an accident with an older dog who was fine one day and went off on a puppy the next. The puppy died and they had to put the older dog down because they couldn't trust it any more.
They have different political beliefs than you but they are good people and contribute time and money to the community.
I just spent two weeks of my own time putting down a rumor on his board about two law suits. It has been cleared up but was a real pain in the ass. He is an expert at cut and paste and his stuff looks pretty authentic.
Have fun and enjoy the forum. I would advise you not to put any faith in anything you read on banamex. Everyone in San Carlos knows who this guy is and to tie yourself to him in any way would cost you any credibility you might want to create.
Just a word to the wise. Do with it what you see fit.
I got this one after posting something about Bamamex on Georges forum, Yet he continues to post Messages from Bamamex and Priddy!
Sorry Stevie. The posts on the other board are nonsense and do not deserve the light of day here.

What's over there stays over there.

I have edited out your post.

We have made a policy decision to limit exposure to that board.
Several of Viva's members have been seriously slandered by that psycho and we don't want to give him any credibility. He has none. I do not know you but I do know Bobby and Leslie and I know that none of the stuff posted about them over there is true.

Last edited by Admin on Tue Feb 17, 2009 7:42 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Stevies  posts George's Mail Empty Re: Stevies posts George's Mail Tue Feb 17, 2009 7:41 pm



I never received this e mail until George sent it this time around? But he said he did and it was never returned to him. I tell you never sent it.

From: ""
Sent: Thursday, February 5, 2009 7:18:56 PM
Subject: What part of this did you fail to comprehend Stevie?
Stevie and Doc,
Both of you are over the top.
I am not going to let you ruin the board for the other users.
This is the ONLY request I will make of either of you. The next one to attack the other will be removed from the board.
There are others who have done the same but only in response.
Their rhetoric will calm down as soon as you two back off.
I am truly sorry it has come to this but I will not let you two children ruin the board.
This is the FIRST, LAST and ONLY request you will see.
The truce begins at 5:30 PM San Carlos time.
A single attack by either of you after that point will get you removed.

George tried to accuse me of being Priddy this was posted on the Bamamex forum and george sent me it by e mail.[
This is on the banamex board.
Do you know what it means?
Joined : 27 May 2008
Posts : 134

Subject: Marine Stevie Today at 4:49 pm
We'll when a plan comes together it really works,

If anyone else challenges my credentials they go the same way.

I sent a few PM's and told him I was gonna get him and I did I got him so worked up georgie Banned him. Remind me to thank you one day George perhaps I'll do it when I show you the lead ingots we talked about before.

Oh its really great to screw Georgieboy about.

hey Georgie guess whats to come soon real soon...hahahahahaha

I tried and got no Answer, one try was enough.
Call me at 510-522-8303 It's an Alameda County Vonage number.
The email below is one I got from Robert T. Priddy on Dec 8th. He set up his "from" line to what you see below.
From Shown in the "From" bar so it looked like Alecs was sending to me.
email address A right click shows that it came from Priddy who uses "captain jack" as one of his email addresses.
You can set up your "From" the make it anything you want. Santa Claus or Jesus Christ.
A right click on it will show you who sent it if you don't think it was Santa Claus.
Read the email. Does it look familiar? I know it's from Priddy. It's not from any of the posters you see on the board.
He is on the board and can see what we do. We don't know who he is signed on as so we haven't been able to remove him. It wouldn't make any difference anyway because he would just get back on.
I am collecting email and threats that he sends and we will have him deported soon. We know who he is and where he lives. I have the Federalis watching him now.
It looks as though he taunted you into a position that got you banned. I am trying to get to the bottom of it but I need more information. Did he send you anything else?
I sent this to George and his answer is below it.
Sent: Sunday, February 08, 2009 8:27 AM
Subject: proof
I couldn't sleep so I did some surfing last night and found this.

Registry Data
Created: 2007-05-18
Expires: 2009-05-18
Updated: 2008-05-13
Registrar Status: clientDeleteProhibited
Registrar Status: clientRenewProhibited
Registrar Status: clientTransferProhibited
Registrar Status: clientUpdateProhibited
Name Server: NS1.FORUMOTION.COM (has 4,554 domains)
Whois Server:

Server Data
Server Type: http
IP Address:
IP Location - New York - New York - Softlayer Technologies Inc
Response Code: 200
Domain Status: Registered And Active Website

DomainTools Exclusive
Registrant Search: Forummation owns about 1,733 other domains
Email Search: is associated with about 1,743 domains
NS History: 2 changes on 3 unique name servers over 1 year.
IP History: 5 changes on 3 unique name servers over 1 years.
Whois History: 18 records have been archived since 2007-08-31.
Reverse IP: 1,290 other sites hosted on this server

Whois Record
Larry Pannell
1500 Ketchum Rd,
Hampshire IL 60140
United States
Cox Communications
Domain Name:
Created on: 18-March-08
Expires on: 18-March-10
Last Updated on: 13-August-08

Sub Domain Names:
Sub Domain Administrative Contact:
Larry Parnell
1500 Ketchum Rd,
Hampshire IL 60140
United States
Created on: 18- May-07
Expires on: 18-May-09
Last Updated on: 13-May-08

Private/Non Transferable

Technical Contact: FORUMATION.COM
Le Brieve 13772
01143-2382294-886571-436 ext 1338

Domain servers in listed order:

I think this is the same road we have been down many times before.
This looks to be something you found on the banamex
I would need to see the actual godddy link that took you to this to view the original. Priddy has done many cut and past jobs and he makes them look pretty good. See the two he did on law suits against me. The originals can be found on line and proves that his stuff was a cut and paste job.
Send me the link where you found the information

3Stevies  posts George's Mail Empty Re: Stevies posts George's Mail Tue Feb 17, 2009 7:43 pm



It simple really.
He made up the threats on his board.
I look there to see what he is up to. He registered a user by making up my name and he has with many others.
I have never posted there. I have no way to log on there since I didn't register I don't even have the password he uses.
Believe what you wish.
Post and play over there as you wish.
It's not my problem. The only way I will go after Priddy is through legal channels and with the Mexican Federalist who are tracking his lunacy and lead laced thr
This is George accusing me of being Priddy.
To Robert T. Priddy aka CaptainJack.
How's it hanging pal?
We're watching you.
And another accusation
Hey Jack,
How's it hanging buddy?
We're watching you!

The problem with this e mail is when you register your sent an e mail to the address you register with just like you are on Georges forum. And there are a couple of posts from George!

I used to use GeorgeFromAlameda until I moved to San Carlos.
I do use GeorgeInSanCarlos on the Viva Board when posting my personal things. My wife suggested that I do so so that my moderator functions are separate form my personal questions, answers and opinions.
I have never posted on Priddy's Board.
What you see would be like me going to someone else's board and registering as Stevie and posting over there. Same name but not the same person. Pretty simple thing to do.
This was forwarded from George
Forward to Stevie.
I had an email exchange with Larry.
This is the result.
510-522-8303 Alameda CA Vonage
226-0785 San Carlos Direct
Hey George
Like I always said I think Stevie is harmless and it sure looks like he got sucked into "Priddy World". It was interesting to see all the work Priddy has done to defame me. It just shows how sick he really is. So I guess you can either give Stevie my email or phone and maybe this will all go away for him, and me for that matter. At least as far as he is concerned.
I will take you word that Steve is not some nut that will abuse the address or number. Give him this number 208-209-5294. It is my business number and rings at my home also. My home number I want to keep private to you and other friends. Also if you want to give him my email give my business email
I'd be happy to clear things up fort the guy. We both know how crazed Priddy is with both of us.
It says you have threatened Priddy and you have a gang waiting to beat him.
Stevie, I reminded him that he had pissed 11 people off and that they wanted to meet him. That's about as far as my threat went. He responded to "keep the fuck" away from him or he would send lead flying our way. Who threatened who?
And banning people because of an opinion or being a little out spoken isn’t proving the bamamex forum is lying. Stevie, No one has ever been banned for an opinion or for lying. Not you ... not anyone. You were banned for threatening to come down here and beat people up. Larry or anyone else would have been banned for the same.
Example, George VSCM when AcuDocTCM and me agree to tone it down, we agree, you also told me you would use the same enforcement and treat everyone the same, Stevie, I did ask everyone to tone it down. None of them were nearly as bad as you and Larry. He toned it down as asked. They did not but they were not as ad as you two and
then you popped off with the threat of getting physical to Bud That's what got you banned. and I’m sorry you didn’t you just banned me for an angry comment because the Marines were insulted by Bud #32. Stevie, I did not ask you and Larry to stop. Only to tone it down. He did you did not. See above Cheese Cake was more insulting than my post with all her obscene pictures but you did nothing. Zorro kept repeating insults and insinuations and you did nothing. Insults and taunts yes. Threats no. see above. Expat? Kept posting insults and again you did nothing. There were others but I can’t remember them now. So because you did nothing I thought it was ok for me to reply in the same manner? I was obviously wrong which to me looks one sided. Stevie, that's the way it looks to you. That's not the way it looks to me. The rules on the Political board are call each other all the names you want. You and Larry were just wasting everyone's time because you had gotten to the point where that's all you were doing. There was no information. Just a series of spiraling name calling. That's why I asked you two to tone it down. Stevie, You are in the minority on the board because there are more moderates and left leaning posters than right. It may look like you were ganged up on but it's just a matter of numbers. You post provocative things and those you provoke will jump in and post back.
I want to thank you for letting me make these points and I look forward to an answers that will put this to rest once and for all’
I think the person who owns the Bamamex forum is a member of vivasancarlos and purposely tries to get an argument going so people get banned or don’t post. Stevie, the person who owns the banamex forum probably has more than one ID on the Viva board. I don't care if he does or how many he does since I have no way to police who is on the board. His style is pretty obvious and he's easy to recognize when he posts so I give him a little room and then if he continues I ban him. He has been banned at least ten time so far.
The main question is why is he hunting you two ? And have you complained to the forum supplier?
I don't think I ever said Priddy was disabled. I think he is a very disturbed person who has his own agenda. Priddy may be on or off medication since he seems to come and go with his stuff. He managed to do enough damage to Viva to get the ISP to kick viva out two time before last May when I offered to help Alecs. He is probably pissed at me for thwarting his efforts to destroy the Viva Board. Maybe he thinks if Alecs board is wrecked people will visit his board at banamex. You've read it. It's crap. I have no idea why he is pissed at Larry or Bobby and Leslie. Who can figure out a diseased mind?
The banamex ISP is a proxy and is designed to keep people from finding out who the real owner is. We hope you are able to pin it down because that would make our case a lot stronger with the Federalis.
Good Luck.
cc: Larry AcudocTCM

4Stevies  posts George's Mail Empty Re: Stevies posts George's Mail Tue Feb 17, 2009 7:45 pm



So after receiving this email admitting the problems were created by Priddy, why didn’t george re instate me?
I got this from the banamex board. It was a thread started about you. It shows that it was Priddy that sent the hate emails to some on the board to get you worked up so you would meltdown and get banned.
I'd like to have you back on the board.

We'll when a plan comes together it really works,

If anyone else challenges my credentials they go the same way.

I sent a few PM's and told him I was gonna get him and I did I got him so worked up georgie Banned him. Remind me to thank you one day George perhaps I'll do it when I show you the lead ingots we talked about before.

Oh its really great to screw Georgieboy about.

hey Georgie guess whats to come soon real soon...hahahahahaha

Registered: March 27, 2008
Posts: 2,994
Today at 07:38 PM #1

I'd like to make the motion to have Stevie reinstated. George and I have been emailing back and forth him Stevie to answer some of his questions and both of us and the viva board. Also to clue him in on Priddy.

It seems that Priddy from the Banamex board has been playing his usual bs games. He set Stevie up to the point that Stevie had a meltdown on the Viva Board and that caused him to be banned. Priddy admitted to sending the hate and obscene emails to members here. Many of us in the past had the same thing happen. It set Stevie off.

So even though our politics are different and Stevie is a bit off the wall, but aren't we all, I don't feel he would have crossed the line to get banned if he had known how Priddy can set someone up and knew it was happening to him.

Through our emails I think Stevie is a good guy and deserves another chance. I do not believe he will get personal and it was just due to circumstances that led him to do so before.

We have voted others in before with 2-3 chances. I believe Stevie deserves another chance.

What say you...yea or nay?

I got this yesterday, George accused me of being Magic Fingers.
This is between you and me.
Behave yourself. One threat and you are gone again.
The IP George said was mine and Magic Fingers was my own IP starts 38!
MagicFingers is a new registree and has your IP address.
If it's not you it's a real good imitation.
I also got an invitation to jopin Bamamex’s new forum, I asked George how my e mail got in Priddys hands. He claims I must of posted it or contacted someone. I did not e mail anyone on the Viva Board I did it direct e mail to email it did not go through the Viva San Carlos forum. It was either given or hacked as AcuDocTCm and George VSCM were the only two I e mailed and it was direct contact you tell me how they got it?
I have a lot more e mails between AcuDocTCM and George VSCM I can post if needed

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