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Deleted Posts - reposted

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1Deleted Posts - reposted Empty Deleted Posts - reposted Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:42 pm



Deleted post:

2Deleted Posts - reposted Empty Re: Deleted Posts - reposted Wed Aug 06, 2008 7:46 pm



or you can look for:

Topic title: Dead body La Manga

OR I CAN REPOST MY BACKUP COPY ... which sounds best to you Banamex ????

3Deleted Posts - reposted Empty Re: Deleted Posts - reposted Wed Aug 06, 2008 9:59 pm



Deleted post
Subject: Coming soon! Porn Police 6-28-2008 2:46 pm

Cyber-Policias recorrerán los chats para atacar a la pedestría.

Policías de varios países planean vigilar chats de Internet como parte de una operación multinacional para combatir redes organizadas de pedrastia. Los agentes incautarán las finanzas de operadores de páginas Web que vendan pornografía infantil y congelarán las tarjetas de crédito de sus clientes .
Según el plan, un agente aparecerá en un chat de vez en cuando para ver las conversaciones y se identificará con un tipo de ciber-clave para que los que participen en el chat lo sepan.,

They are on their way ######

They are on a tight budget, so I told them that you and your wife would be more than happy to provide room and board. Don´t worry, they have your address, etc.

They are looking into the matter of :

The unsolicited porno that targets your list of VSC outcasts. ###### provides the list … ####### #### signs off on it … and our own little demon, ###### ##### … selects and sends it.

Started Sept. 16, 2007 when the Powers that be, were dividing up drug routes and territories at ####´# now famous birthday party.
As the ##### clan was desperate to eliminate the ######-Chinese Meth Group. Ironically, the first porn mail came from the ##### camp in an effort to I.D. the chinese meth man … in the subscript … for the feds. And they did. Thanks guys.

The Chinese King of Meth was crusing SC in ####### ####´s blue vintage T-Bird and enjoying the baby sex at Dorado condos, that his host (####) provided; and the #### Group were on their yacht in the Bahia, deciding how things would be divided up … if at all.

####, being a survival of the fittest type, decided to let things run their own natural coarse … and ##### ###### can elaborate more if you need it.

As we all know, ##### is an expert in directing the “Natural Coarse” of things in our area.

And in the end … prevailed in blood.

And you can let ######## know that her friends in high places are tied up at the moment and will not be able to attend. But don’t worry, our friends upstairs will do just fine … for this brief action.

Keep on sailing … just remember to put the boat in the water first … and you will do just fine ######.

4Deleted Posts - reposted Empty Re: Deleted Posts - reposted Wed Aug 06, 2008 10:16 pm



ANY COMMENT ........... banamex !

5Deleted Posts - reposted Empty Re: Deleted Posts - reposted Wed Aug 06, 2008 10:39 pm



Lots of comments bbg,

But lets start with PM's, don't send pm'sof a complaining nature, do it on open forum so everyone can read it

As was posted previously we do not delete posts or edit there content, you are accusing the wrong people and on the wrong forum. Besides as your link is clearly in Spanish it should have been posted on the spanish board not this one.

We pride ourselves of being a none censorship forum and allow all comments on all subjects except porno. And the only reason Porn is not allowed is because site rules allow access people as young as 13 yrs old.

The old board was frequented by you bbg and that board did have a lot of your comments deleted because they made no sense and were a waste of bandwidth. Perhaps you should pre plan what you want to write and check it prior to posting. Or at least make sure your not suffering with PMs at the time.

So go complain to George.

6Deleted Posts - reposted Empty Re: Deleted Posts - reposted Wed Aug 06, 2008 10:52 pm



The old board was frequented by you bbg and that board did have a lot of your comments deleted because they made no sense and were a waste of bandwidth

Hum, so Jon Mellon is back in bed with Catalina Ordaz.

What a shame, the truth is now a lie

And you Banamex are CHIEF liar

7Deleted Posts - reposted Empty Re: Deleted Posts - reposted Wed Aug 06, 2008 11:01 pm



WHAT ABOUT THIS POST MAKES NO SENSE ... banamex? .... or is it now Ordaz/banamex

Deleted post
Subject: Coming soon! Porn Police 6-28-2008 2:46 pm

Cyber-Policias recorrerán los chats para atacar a la pedestría.

Policías de varios países planean vigilar chats de Internet como parte de una operación multinacional para combatir redes organizadas de pedrastia. Los agentes incautarán las finanzas de operadores de páginas Web que vendan pornografía infantil y congelarán las tarjetas de crédito de sus clientes .
Según el plan, un agente aparecerá en un chat de vez en cuando para ver las conversaciones y se identificará con un tipo de ciber-clave para que los que participen en el chat lo sepan.,

They are on their way ######

They are on a tight budget, so I told them that you and your wife would be more than happy to provide room and board. Don´t worry, they have your address, etc.

They are looking into the matter of :

The unsolicited porno that targets your list of VSC outcasts. ###### provides the list … ####### #### signs off on it … and our own little demon, ###### ##### … selects and sends it.

Started Sept. 16, 2007 when the Powers that be, were dividing up drug routes and territories at ####´# now famous birthday party.
As the ##### clan was desperate to eliminate the ######-Chinese Meth Group. Ironically, the first porn mail came from the ##### camp in an effort to I.D. the chinese meth man … in the subscript … for the feds. And they did. Thanks guys.

The Chinese King of Meth was crusing SC in ####### ####´s blue vintage T-Bird and enjoying the baby sex at Dorado condos, that his host (####) provided; and the #### Group were on their yacht in the Bahia, deciding how things would be divided up … if at all.

####, being a survival of the fittest type, decided to let things run their own natural coarse … and ##### ###### can elaborate more if you need it.

As we all know, ##### is an expert in directing the “Natural Coarse” of things in our area.

And in the end … prevailed in blood.

And you can let ######## know that her friends in high places are tied up at the moment and will not be able to attend. But don’t worry, our friends upstairs will do just fine … for this brief action.

Keep on sailing … just remember to put the boat in the water first … and you will do just fine ######.

8Deleted Posts - reposted Empty Re: Deleted Posts - reposted Wed Aug 06, 2008 11:03 pm



Would like me to fill in the blanks ?

9Deleted Posts - reposted Empty Re: Deleted Posts - reposted Wed Aug 06, 2008 11:40 pm



As was posted previously we do not delete posts or edit there content

You might explaín this while you are at it.

The old board was frequented by you bbg and that board did have a lot of your comments deleted

10Deleted Posts - reposted Empty Re: Deleted Posts - reposted Thu Aug 07, 2008 2:19 am



bbg Please explain your comments
"Hum, so Jon Mellon is back in bed with Catalina Ordaz."

11Deleted Posts - reposted Empty Re: Deleted Posts - reposted Thu Aug 07, 2008 2:37 am




From bbg
To: Admin
Posted: Sat 26 Jul 2008 - 9:15
Subject: [No title]
Have a very sensitive message for dea. Is it safe - to post here
Very important

Our reply to bbg

1, As Banamex pointed out we do not delete or edit any posts

2, Get with the game or go else where because you seem to create more problems than your worth,
If you carry on we will make an example of you by suspending your membership for a period of time. Its your choice?

3, Your message "is it safe to post message for DEA" is a childish and stupid comment. We dont really care what you think your doing or who you think your writing to but you could at least try and be a little more beleivable.

DEA have a hot line any message can be left via voice or print annonimously.

DEA have no durastiction in Mexico

DEA dont need you stupid reports

Now shouldn't you take you medication and go to bed.

12Deleted Posts - reposted Empty Re: Deleted Posts - reposted Thu Aug 07, 2008 5:55 am



A classic ... a living classic

13Deleted Posts - reposted Empty Re: Deleted Posts - reposted Thu Aug 07, 2008 6:15 am



And you thought Catch-22 was good ...

14Deleted Posts - reposted Empty Re: Deleted Posts - reposted Thu Aug 07, 2008 6:24 am



you win

15Deleted Posts - reposted Empty Re: Deleted Posts - reposted Thu Aug 07, 2008 6:46 am



Not surprising, cockroaches have survived a very long time ...

16Deleted Posts - reposted Empty Re: Deleted Posts - reposted Thu Aug 07, 2008 4:56 pm

Phyllis L

Phyllis L

bbg your a liar you should go make freinds with George hes of the same caliber you are.

from the viva board proof GEORGE/MARGARET IS VSCM


Registered: July 18, 2008
Posts: 61
Aug 03, 2008 at 08:33 PM #8

Take care Gary.

George and Margaret

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