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Viva's Mail Smuggling

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1Viva's Mail Smuggling Empty Viva's Mail Smuggling Fri Feb 27, 2009 3:02 pm



This is only part of our report being produced and sent to the Mexican authorities about the continued illegal operation of trasporting US Mail to San Carlos.
Under Mexican Law all mail must go through Customs and be inspected, medications are counted as the importation of illegal drugs so someone is going to jail soon very soon!

Registered: March 28, 2008
Posts: 767
##Feb 12, 2009 at 09:11 PM #27

HHHMMMMM? Can you imagine how their costs soared during the $4. a gallon gas fiasco?

Registered: June 23, 2008
Posts: 264
##Feb 13, 2009 at 12:02 PM #28

Mexico mail is very different then the USA...

There is very little mail and few mail boxs at houses , just 2 on this block ...

The mail carrier just drops the mail off on the ground inside your gate...Many people do not get any mail, the kids think it is just paper to them...

Every one in Mexico has crdit with the big stores...If you pay up every month you get no bill at your house and it is not sent my mail,,, WHEN YOU DO GET MAIL ...Just a person walking around asking where is this number and who is Valdez or Fino...I also see the it is a different person some times and mail does not come ever day...maybe once or twice a week ...Any letters from a law office is hand delivered to you ...No one gets mail like Debbie... Crafts and all kinds of things off E Bay...boxs and $0.99 or just a few $$$,s on a bid...

Guaymas thought that this mail that I had Sat night was for ALL of GSC...Little do they know there are about 5 different mail delevery coming into SC every week...

The person I picked the mail up for says I lied to them and was just trying to get money from them...That,s O.K...because there storys are all mixed up too...Saying ALL there mail BELONGS to friends ...This person has no friends ...and they are always looking on the BB ...who is this person and that person...if there your friends call them up...or just take it to them when you visit...


Please do not feel like the only one who has used me ...A ...I thought ...A good friend here in SC ran up a large tap of over 4000 pesos at J.C.,s Cafe from late 2006 up until we closed in 2008...WHAT I DO NOT LIKE ...HE WINED AND DINED OTHERS AND SIGNED FOR IT LIkE A BIG MAN...also never paid Debbie for shopping in Tucson three different times... "FOOD" The person told me that JC "my youngest son" did a bad work on his boat and he will pay me when JC pays him...JC was 18 years old at the time...That was between 2 Americans and this is between an American and a Mexican business...I asked him 3 times by email to pay this bill and he tells me to get Fxxken lost...I MYSELF wanted my Mexican wife to put a Demanda on him..."Mexican law suit" Gely must still like she will not sign the papers...and says he is just an old man... Soon there will be another Mexican to sign the papers for me...

People that know this person... send me this EMAIL all the time...


PS...Debbie and I owe no money on the JC,s Cafe business and every one else has pay us...always one sour apple...

Once again no names...Larry

Registered: June 23, 2008
Posts: 264
##Feb 13, 2009 at 12:51 PM #29

At 12.15 pm today I got 3 different emails all asking me ...something like...why no names...

If you do not know who is who in GSC it means nothing to you even if I wrote there name...Larry...

Registered: March 28, 2008
Posts: 767
##Feb 14, 2009 at 03:03 PM #30

I am curious to know if you have been reimbursed for the Custom's money and any other fines that were assessed, Ja? Sounds to me like you were protecting this individual rather than what they say you weren't truthful about----an awful lot of YOUR time was wasted and you were put in considerable jeopardy---I would think they owed you for the stress---worrying about losing the van and things in it and going to jail.

Eventually, people get 'found out' without NAMES Named. BTW----I for one have missed JC's---it was our favorite place for breakfasts and lunches in all of SC----our best to all of your family. Kind regards, Janice


Registered: June 23, 2008
Posts: 264
##Yesterday at 09:43 AM #31

I can,t help but beleave storys when different people tell me...

You sent me a PM and an E-mail saying that you were sorry for the mail problem and hoped our problem can be left behind us I have been quiet since you said sorry about the mail problem and wish to leave our problems behind us...BUT..I still need to be reimbursed for the money I am out.

I hear that you are telling people that I called you two times DURING MY CHECK POINT STOP....and that you but the time together and that I was lieing to you .... I only called you ONCE (1 time)...Did I not?. ABOUT 9.00 PM...The sun was still up in the sky when I was stopped... and I did not call you I did not have your phone number...WHY DO YOU TELL THINGS LIKE THAT TO PEOPLE?

You cry to every one that I had no receipt for you and was trying to take money from you ..The truth is that I did the best I could and paid money ...keeping you out of the problem...

I have a receipt for you in my name: Lawrence St.Onge. This is a Mexican Fed Re.#SLAX400528A75 SINCE 1997...2009...

I am going to go downtown Guaymas and find out how I can make this out to you as a receipt from someone supposedly running a free business...

Most people have the intelligence to have kept their mouth closed ...You want attention ...I will bring it to you ...Give me a few days as I can not be walking around down town with my bummed up leg and foot...would you like me to bring someone to your door so that you can believe me? I can do that.

Posted on BB......"We need a US notary. I tried to call Debbie, but the phone wasn't working. Does anyone know how I can reach her of if there is another US notary in town."

Posted on BB......"The only legal US notary is at the American Consulate in Hermosillo. I have used the Mexican Notario in the past and it has been accepted."

For your information: ...Debbie. WAS doing the Notary for free and charging only for her paper work.. You were fast to tell the BB that Debbie. was not legal in so many words... .People like you stopped her work... You need attention from the BB and had to KNOCK Debbie on the NOTARY so many words WHY DO YOU DO THESE KIND OF THINGS TO PEOPLE ...


Back in 2006 An American woman came in the Cafe {computer club day} and asked Debbie who she could get to do some sewing....the lady talked to Gely...You had the shame to follow the woman out side and take the work away from my Mexican wife...In addition to that---a friend posted on the BB for Gely that she was a good seamstress and to contact her. YOU followed up that post with one of your own---on the same thread. Your sewing say is cheep...with little money... but it is not a business to you ....sounds funny to me...10 pesos to Gely is like $10.00 dollars to us American,s. WHY DO YOU DO THESE KIND OF THINGS TO PEOPLE.?

Gely, Debbie and I all have RFC numbers and pay taxes. I am telling you up front, not behind your back like you do to every one in town...that I am going to do something about you bad mouthing Gely, Debbie and myself... This is my whole family that you have been bad mouthing in one way or another...WHY DO YOU DO THESE KINDS OF THINGS TO PEOPLE ?

PS...Many of you know who I am talking about ..What a difference in Debbie and Gely from this person...

One more thing I do not like at all...You pull work in from the BB for mail and sewing..""".I do mending at reasonable prices, Contact me"""...

Our web masters does not get any $$$,s from you ...

But others like myself have to pay for ads...


Once again there are no names ...and of coures not a business name....Ja.Ja Ja.
View Member Profile Send Private MessageSend Email Find Member's Threads Find Member's Posts Gerald

Registered: March 28, 2008
Posts: 70
##Today at 06:29 AM #32

Wonder why you allow personal beefs to be posted? Do you think this is helpful to residents of SC? Bet if it wasnt from Ja, it would be deleted.
View Member Profile Send Private MessageSend Email Find Member's Threads Find Member's Posts vscm

Registered: July 18, 2008
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##Today at 06:42 AM #33

Moderator's Note:

To respond to Gerald's Inquiry,

The post refers back to the question that was posed at the beginning of the thread. "Is U.S. Mail legal coming into Mexico" It's still relevant.

"You sent me a PM and an E-mail saying that you were sorry for the mail problem and hoped our problem can be left behind us I have been quiet since you said sorry about the mail problem and wish to leave our problems behind us...BUT..I still need to be reimbursed for the money I am out."

The residents of San Carlos who use the different mail services need to know there are risks involved in doing so.

In addition there were no names posted and 98% of the board has no idea who this refers to.

Those that do know have already chosen up sides.

2Viva's Mail Smuggling Empty Re: Viva's Mail Smuggling Fri Feb 27, 2009 3:04 pm




Registered: Jan 05, 2009
Posts: 62
##Feb 12, 2009 at 04:18 PM #18

I think they kept their overseas services. Just couldn't make a dent in the US.
View Member Profile Send Private MessageSend Email Find Member's Threads Find Member's Posts Mesa

Registered: Sept 24, 2008
Posts: 95
##Feb 12, 2009 at 05:30 PM #19

I still ask the same question and the consulate should know something about it. This is a legal issue involving both the US postal service on one level and international agreements on a different level. In the US for example, it is illegal by federal law for anyone to put anything in a mail box except for a PO employee. So, it is legal for anyone to have in his possession someone else's mail. Next if it is, is it legal for that person to leave the US with that mail.
View Member Profile Send Private MessageSend Email Find Member's Threads Find Member's Posts maryzee

Registered: Nov 11, 2008
Posts: 33
##Feb 12, 2009 at 05:46 PM #20

Mesa this is not something the Consulate will be handling. The only one who can give you the answer you are wanting is the
Check out their website or goole usps

Registered: Sept 24, 2008
Posts: 95
##Feb 12, 2009 at 05:51 PM #21

Maryzee, unless you are an employee of the US consulate service and are an expert on international law then maybe you should keep your thoughts to yourself. I would like to hear the law from the consul, not from someone that knows nothing but feels that they must protect the consul from those of us with a question. What we ask the consul is NONE OF YOUR CONCERN.

Registered: Nov 11, 2008
Posts: 33
##Feb 12, 2009 at 06:00 PM #22

I already asked them about Mexican Trusts and the post office and they said they would not be addressing that. Sorry

Registered: Nov 11, 2008
Posts: 33
##Feb 12, 2009 at 06:15 PM #23

emai for usps :
View Member Profile Send Private MessageSend Email Find Member's Threads Find Member's Posts Ja

Registered: June 23, 2008
Posts: 264
##Feb 12, 2009 at 06:49 PM #24

This is a fast answer for you ...

I will get you the Green Valleys Az. P.O. phone number ...

Need to look for it...Later...

Oh...Ask for Sue she is the Post Master...
View Member Profile Send Private MessageSend Email Find Member's Threads Find Member's Posts Pandemonium

Registered: March 27, 2008
Posts: 245
##Feb 12, 2009 at 08:30 PM #25

If you go back to the beginning I think that the issue is the amount of other people's mail being brought in at a time by an individual.
Has anyone tried to take other people's prescription drugs and a car full of Mexican mail into the US?
No question mail is a serious problem for people LIVING here. the Mex. mail is very slow and expensive. (and a bit problematic) We use UPS which is rather expensive for a package of business and personal mail and magazines that arrives via most of the major cities in Mexico but does get to the house by a very charming friendly (that's UPS) delivery man.
I read that DHL was leaving the US market.
I am not dumping on the services offered here by people. We use one. They are well meant but may run into problems. Especially in the changing political climate.
For a serious Mexican commercial mail service to work people must be willing to pay for it. It will not be cheap.
View Member Profile Send Private MessageSend Email Find Member's Threads Find Member's Posts traveler

Registered: May 04, 2008
Posts: 106
##Feb 12, 2009 at 08:36 PM #26

Mesa say's "In the US for example, it is illegal by federal law for anyone to put anything in a mail box except for a PO employee."

Postal service says this week increased cost of doing business requires 1st class stamps be increased to 44 cents in the US. This is outrageous! I think we all should put one PO employee in our mailbox's and then lock it. That would cut way down on overhead.
View Member Profile Send Private MessageSend Email Find Member's Threads Find Member's Posts JaniceJackson

3Viva's Mail Smuggling Empty Re: Viva's Mail Smuggling Fri Feb 27, 2009 3:06 pm



Registered: Sept 24, 2008
Posts: 95
##Feb 11, 2009 at 05:29 PM #6

I posted a note in the post re town hall meeting with the US consulate suggesting that someone ask him about this question. I will be out of town on Fri otherwise I would do it myself.

Registered: June 23, 2008
Posts: 264
##Feb 11, 2009 at 07:15 PM #7

Gely and I left Guaymas Feb 4th at 7:40 AM Wed., We got to the USA border at 12:57 PM and at 1:10 PM were on our way

We had done 4 days of yard sales, Dollar Stores and Harbor Freight with 50% off and more ...

We crossed the border into Mexico at Noon on Saturday.

We came to a Federal road check about 25 miles North of the Kino Bay exit...South bound on RT 15...

The officer looked in the van and saw that we had a lot of merchandise, so he had us pull over.

The first thing he asked was: "Where we were going and where did we come from.?"

Gely answered him in Spanish that we live in Guaymas and were coming from Tucson.

He asked..."Tucson, AZ in U.S. ?" ...Gely said yes...

He asked me for I.D....then he asked for my papers to be in Mexico...

I gave him my FM...and he checked to see if I had a stamp for leaving Mexico and if I got stamped back in for the days we were out of the country All checked out O.K.

Then he proceeded to unload the van. After 20 minutes of taking things out of the van, he asked if we have 'importation papers' for these things ...Gely gave him a receipt that we had paid taxes on $500.00 USD...Gely $300.00 and Larry $75.00 and paid on $125.00...about $20 some ...

Then he asked if we had a permit to bring ALL this Federal U.S. Mail into Mexico ?

We made a mistake and told him that we do not need any permit for this mail..

At that point he told us to wait and he walked away. In a few minutes another Federal car pulled up... Aduana.

His problem was that we were transporting U.S. Mail into Mexico and taking a job away from the Mexican Postal Service ...

He told us that this amount of mail constitutes a business and some one is getting paid to perform this service.

So, we were given an escort to the Aduana office in Guaymas. There we met with an officer who spoke perfect English.

He got right to the business at hand. I told him that this certain mail here belonged to all my family... it was all addressed to a St.Onge and all the same address. No problem with that mail.

Then he asked if we had claimed this large amount of mail with different names and addresses at either an Aduana office, or Customs office? We told him, No, we had not.

We were then told that there was a fine for each count and other problems.

He wanted to know WHO runs this business of picking up and delivering this mail? ...I told him that we all meet at J.C.'s Cafe in San Carlos. The people come in and have breakfast, and ask us to pick up their mail when we go to the States.

HE TOLD ME that J.C's has been closed for a long time! Then I told this officer that we now meet at Evie's for breakfast and people come and pick up their mail there.

Then with 2 copy machines running, they proceeded to copy most all the names and addresses from the letters.

The officer asked me: "If we send all these names to the U.S., do you think there is anyone with a 'WANTED WARRANT' out for them?" (We do not want people hiding in Mexico) He verbally listed about 10 different things that a person could be wanted for. I raised my eye brows and shook my shoulders, as I have no idea.

He then told me that he could arrest me right now, on the spot, for distributing medication (Pharmaceuticals) from the U.S. into Mexico with no papers or permits; AND he showed me packages with medications in them. Also, that there may be medications in these package that are not legal to be used in Mexico..and after Mexico depórts you back to the U.S....that the U.S. would pick up on Federal Mail and Drug charges...The thing you would need is to be bonded with no criminal record to transport these medicines. I WAS afraid of losing our van and all that was in it!

He asked me if I was 100% sure that there were no guns or bullets in these packages....

He also asked to see my FM and checked to see if I was legal (stamped) going out of Mexico and coming back into the country. And he checked the tax receipts to see if taxes were paid on all the merchandise in the vehicle. He told me that he sees that I have legal working papers here, and why am I doing this for people while taking work away from the Mexican workers! Also: he told me that with this much mail, it needs to be mailed from Nogales, AZ and a private car to pick it up and deliver it to a P.O. Box in S.C...This way the mail would not be going to Mexico City and back to Hermosillo to Guaymas and then to San Carlos...with less chance of being lost...And the mail would be delivered in about 6 hours, NOT 30 days...Most of these package would be held and opened by Mexican Authorities in Mexico City.

Also: That ALL these large envelopes and packages need to go through Customs ...

He stated that a person picking up mail for 2 or 3 different people is not a problem, but not this many people!

He also stated ...Here in Mexico if some one pays for gas that is a business...

This detained Gely and me for 4 hours and 20 minutes...The mail was dropped off safe but I am out about 70% of the money I lost. I sat down to explain all this to the person that I dropped the mail off to....I WAS TOLD THAT THERE WAS NO TIME TO TALK AND THE MAIL NEEDS TO BE SORTED OUT ..PEOPLE ARE COMING...I feel that it is my responsibility to tell you what can happen to the next person without a Mexican wife, an old van and mostly used things from yard sales. It went well for us because I have lived in Mexico for 15 years, am married to a Mexican woman and have a little 7 year old daughter...

At one point I told this officer to open the packages...he smiled and said: ..."Ralph, what I don't see will not hurt you or me...".

There is a way of saying "mordida" ..with out saying ...would you take this...

OH WELL, this is life in Mexico...When you go off the trail...

Any one who wants to talk to me can call me ...044 622 134 5118 or 132 2009...I will also help you with the word mordida...very helpful ...

This is the thanks I got from your Post Master that is running an illegal business in Mexico...

...Larry I do not beleave you...and you will get in trouble if you post a letter...So you people can take the chance ...No Thank you ...

View Member Profile Send Private Message Find Member's Threads Find Member's Posts Rice

Registered: Jan 29, 2009
Posts: 29
##Feb 11, 2009 at 07:28 PM #8

???????? source of info. suspect.
View Member Profile Send Private MessageSend Email Find Member's Threads Find Member's Posts Cheesecake

Registered: March 27, 2008
Posts: 998
##Feb 12, 2009 at 08:19 AM #9

No. What IS suspect is:

Registered: Jan 29, 2009
Posts: 12
Old post Yesterday at 06:28 PM #8
???????? source of info. suspect."
View Member Profile Send Private MessageSend Email Find Member's Threads Find Member's Posts Chester

Registered: June 04, 2008
Posts: 10
##Feb 12, 2009 at 08:26 AM #10

For several years I have been concerned about people bringing boxes and packages along with the mail. My policy has been to only bring packages for people I know, if requested, and then only if I can open the packages before crossing the border. While it is very thoughtful to bring everyone's packages, it is not worth the risk. Also, after reading JA's post, I will be more careful to check in and out.
Chester B. Stone, jr.
View Member Profile Send Private MessageSend Email Find Member's Threads Find Member's Posts JaniceJackson

Registered: March 28, 2008
Posts: 767
##Feb 12, 2009 at 09:47 AM #11

I agree with Anne's suspicions about Rice. And I also agree with Chester---I think Larry's post was gutsy as well as informative and pretty scary as well.
View Member Profile Send Private MessageSend Email Find Member's Threads Find Member's Posts maryzee

Registered: Nov 11, 2008
Posts: 33
##Feb 12, 2009 at 11:24 AM #12

I was stopped once, but all I had was envelopes with mail. I will not bring in medications for anyone. I know that you can go to jail for that. I believe there is a form if you intend on bringing in medications for others.
When they saw all the mail, they stamped each envelope with the Aduana stamp.
If I bring in packages, I open them and put them inside a plastic bag with the contents intact and the original mailing label. It would be so nice if we could get a legitimate mail carrier like DHS or DSL or UPS.
I do get deliveries of mail to my local address.

Registered: Nov 11, 2008
Posts: 33
##Feb 12, 2009 at 11:27 AM #13

Mesa, I do not think the Consulate will address the mail situation, as this is a different area for expats. They have their own courier service, so am sure that it will not be put on their agenda. I would say to check with the USPS website and put it on there?
View Member Profile Send Private MessageSend Email Find Member's Threads Find Member's Posts JoseJMartinez

Registered: March 26, 2008
Posts: 258
##Feb 12, 2009 at 11:55 AM #14

Larry, your post on the mail issue was fantastic. I applaud your courage. I learned long ago to NEVER take package mail to the US for anybody, as long they are letters that is ok. If the US authorities want to open the envelopes, they can...the only difficulty for me would be to replace the envelope and postage and that is all. However coming back makes me nervous, especially doing a favor for who knows who.

Many have asked me to take a gift close to Xmas and if they are good friends, I will, as long as the gift is unwrapped. Coming back is another story, because one is liable for the item as well as any illegalities that could arise. Once I had a UPS box. I allowed a friend (only one) of mine to use it, then this guy allowed his friends to use it and they inturn told others. I paid over $100 US for the box rental, and then I was enslaved to the guys that were freeloading. I decided to stop this when a person complained to me that a household Item that I HAD to brought to him was broken.

I cancelled the UPS box and never again will I do that.

My suggestion is that someone in the US can rent a box in one of the Courier offices. Then this person with some regularity picks up and opens the envelopes the side of the envelopes so that they can be declared as documents. From there, the person gets the courier to send them directly to SC as documents to the name of a specific person, who in turn will distribute. Going up, they can also go by courier in open envelopes with the correct postage affixed. When arriving with the person, the envelopes should get sealed to be put in the USPS.

View Member Profile Send Private MessageSend Email Find Member's Threads Find Member's Posts exresident

Registered: May 19, 2008
Posts: 35
##Feb 12, 2009 at 12:24 PM #15

There are several mail forwarding services in Laredo for other parts of Mexico. We use one of them - but may only have envelopes that bend sent there. The mail is forwarded by Estafeta to Jalisco 2 or 3 times a week. It passes through customs with little or no problems because there are no packages. Our cost for a large mailbox in our area of Jalisco and the forwarding service, which provides one with a US address, is $264US per year. It sounds as if there is a niche for a new business serving San Carlos. Mail Boxes Etc. also do this but at much greater cost. They accept packages but handling costs plus duty usually exceed the value of the package. But someone might approach MBE in Hermosillo to see if they would run a service for San Carlos. Paying someone for legal service removes risks to people casually carrying mail down - and as Larry has shown, there is a risk.


Registered: Jan 05, 2009
Posts: 62
##Feb 12, 2009 at 02:59 PM #16

We did have a mail service here in SC (from Rocky Point) and they lasted about 6 months. They were expensive, did not deliver as promised, etc. DHL does come to Guaymas and SC if you want to use them. The only other alternative is Letterbox. I let people use my mail box in Nogales, but I know who they are, the invoice for packages is on the outside of the box, and there is a medical health form that is used for medicines.
View Member Profile Send Private MessageSend Email Find Member's Threads Find Member's Posts Hookup

Registered: March 28, 2008
Posts: 478
##Feb 12, 2009 at 04:16 PM #17

Is DHL still alive in Mexico? I heard it went under in the states.

Never liked their service, compared to USPS, UPS and FedEx.

4Viva's Mail Smuggling Empty Re: Viva's Mail Smuggling Fri Feb 27, 2009 3:08 pm




Registered: March 28, 2008
Posts: 761
##Feb 14, 2009 at 03:03 PM #30

I am curious to know if you have been reimbursed for the Custom's money and any other fines that were assessed, Ja? Sounds to me like you were protecting this individual rather than what they say you weren't truthful about----an awful lot of YOUR time was wasted and you were put in considerable jeopardy---I would think they owed you for the stress---worrying about losing the van and things in it and going to jail.

Eventually, people get 'found out' without NAMES Named. BTW----I for one have missed JC's---it was our favorite place for breakfasts and lunches in all of SC----our best to all of your family. Kind regards, Janice


Registered: Jan 05, 2009
Posts: 61
##Yesterday at 05:35 PM #1

I went to the States today and brought the mail down. I will NOT be home tomorrow but will be here Thursday until 9:30am and after 5pm. I will be here Friday am. Call me for any other times.


Registered: June 23, 2008
Posts: 264
##Feb 10, 2009 at 02:45 PM #1

About these check points coming into Mexico...

Is it legal to bring other people,SSS US mail,S in to Mexico...

I would like to hear what some of you people think of this...

Has any one ever been stopped with a load of US mail for other people ¿ ¿ ¿ ...Larry...

View Member Profile Send Private MessageSend Email Find Member's Threads Find Member's Posts maggy

Registered: March 28, 2008
Posts: 112
##Feb 10, 2009 at 06:47 PM #2

I was stopped bringing lots of boxes for other people, once...and they opened everyone of them...and I had to pay some moneys...and was everyone happy to get their items...but the custom people didn't seem to care about the mail...thaT WAS 3 OR 4 YRS AGO.
View Member Profile Send Email Find Member's Threads Find Member's Posts garth

Registered: April 12, 2008
Posts: 54
##Feb 10, 2009 at 07:56 PM #3

one cruising sailboat couple was stopped and the mexican officialo found were prescription drugs for others. they were bringing in large asmounts of mail for a b and c groups. this is a jailable offense in mexico. they were given the option of turning around or going to jail and having the vehicle impounded. they were lucky they were even given the turn around option. i will not bring in things for others without opening them and will certainly not bring in pills for others. most of the time the officials are very helpful and tolerant but people should be aware of bringing in restricted or illegal items.

Registered: June 23, 2008
Posts: 264
##Feb 11, 2009 at 03:24 PM #4

I guess it is NOT VERY IMPORTANT to the mail business here to let San Carlos people know what happened to their mail last week...I will get a letter together and post it soon. If MY name and address was among these pieces of mail in that particular load of mail last week, I would want to know what was done in Guaymas at the Aduana office Saturday night. It might just be dangerous to some people.I think that the mail business should have told you ...Larry...
View Member Profile Send Private MessageSend Email Find Member's Threads Find Member's Posts mexicojan

Registered: Nov 12, 2008
Posts: 2
##Feb 11, 2009 at 03:41 PM #5

We are moving to San Carlos from Sayulita. Down here we have a MailBoxes Etc with an address in Texas. Has anyone considered doing this in San Carlos or Guaymas? We need to check out the options in San Carlos. Does everyone have a box in Tucson?

Thanks, Jan
jan ambrose

5Viva's Mail Smuggling Empty Re: Viva's Mail Smuggling Fri Feb 27, 2009 3:11 pm



Registered: Sept 24, 2008
Posts: 92
##Feb 11, 2009 at 05:29 PM #6

I posted a note in the post re town hall meeting with the US consulate suggesting that someone ask him about this question. I will be out of town on Fri otherwise I would do it myself.

Registered: June 23, 2008
Posts: 255
##Feb 11, 2009 at 07:15 PM #7

Gely and I left Guaymas Feb 4th at 7:40 AM Wed., We got to the USA border at 12:57 PM and at 1:10 PM were on our way

We had done 4 days of yard sales, Dollar Stores and Harbor Freight with 50% off and more ...

We crossed the border into Mexico at Noon on Saturday.

We came to a Federal road check about 25 miles North of the Kino Bay exit...South bound on RT 15...

The officer looked in the van and saw that we had a lot of merchandise, so he had us pull over.

The first thing he asked was: "Where we were going and where did we come from.?"

Gely answered him in Spanish that we live in Guaymas and were coming from Tucson.

He asked..."Tucson, AZ in U.S. ?" ...Gely said yes...

He asked me for I.D....then he asked for my papers to be in Mexico...

I gave him my FM...and he checked to see if I had a stamp for leaving Mexico and if I got stamped back in for the days we were out of the country All checked out O.K.

Then he proceeded to unload the van. After 20 minutes of taking things out of the van, he asked if we have 'importation papers' for these things ...Gely gave him a receipt that we had paid taxes on $500.00 USD...Gely $300.00 and Larry $75.00 and paid on $125.00...about $20 some ...

Then he asked if we had a permit to bring ALL this Federal U.S. Mail into Mexico ?

We made a mistake and told him that we do not need any permit for this mail..

At that point he told us to wait and he walked away. In a few minutes another Federal car pulled up... Aduana.

His problem was that we were transporting U.S. Mail into Mexico and taking a job away from the Mexican Postal Service ...

He told us that this amount of mail constitutes a business and some one is getting paid to perform this service.

So, we were given an escort to the Aduana office in Guaymas. There we met with an officer who spoke perfect English.

He got right to the business at hand. I told him that this certain mail here belonged to all my family... it was all addressed to a St.Onge and all the same address. No problem with that mail.

Then he asked if we had claimed this large amount of mail with different names and addresses at either an Aduana office, or Customs office? We told him, No, we had not.

We were then told that there was a fine for each count and other problems.

He wanted to know WHO runs this business of picking up and delivering this mail? ...I told him that we all meet at J.C.'s Cafe in San Carlos. The people come in and have breakfast, and ask us to pick up their mail when we go to the States.

HE TOLD ME that J.C's has been closed for a long time! Then I told this officer that we now meet at Evie's for breakfast and people come and pick up their mail there.

Then with 2 copy machines running, they proceeded to copy most all the names and addresses from the letters.

The officer asked me: "If we send all these names to the U.S., do you think there is anyone with a 'WANTED WARRANT' out for them?" (We do not want people hiding in Mexico) He verbally listed about 10 different things that a person could be wanted for. I raised my eye brows and shook my shoulders, as I have no idea.

He then told me that he could arrest me right now, on the spot, for distributing medication (Pharmaceuticals) from the U.S. into Mexico with no papers or permits; AND he showed me packages with medications in them. Also, that there may be medications in these package that are not legal to be used in Mexico..and after Mexico depórts you back to the U.S....that the U.S. would pick up on Federal Mail and Drug charges...The thing you would need is to be bonded with no criminal record to transport these medicines. I WAS afraid of losing our van and all that was in it!

He asked me if I was 100% sure that there were no guns or bullets in these packages....

He also asked to see my FM and checked to see if I was legal (stamped) going out of Mexico and coming back into the country. And he checked the tax receipts to see if taxes were paid on all the merchandise in the vehicle. He told me that he sees that I have legal working papers here, and why am I doing this for people while taking work away from the Mexican workers! Also: he told me that with this much mail, it needs to be mailed from Nogales, AZ and a private car to pick it up and deliver it to a P.O. Box in S.C...This way the mail would not be going to Mexico City and back to Hermosillo to Guaymas and then to San Carlos...with less chance of being lost...And the mail would be delivered in about 6 hours, NOT 30 days...Most of these package would be held and opened by Mexican Authorities in Mexico City.

Also: That ALL these large envelopes and packages need to go through Customs ...

He stated that a person picking up mail for 2 or 3 different people is not a problem, but not this many people!

He also stated ...Here in Mexico if some one pays for gas that is a business...

This detained Gely and me for 4 hours and 20 minutes...The mail was dropped off safe but I am out about 70% of the money I lost. I sat down to explain all this to the person that I dropped the mail off to....I WAS TOLD THAT THERE WAS NO TIME TO TALK AND THE MAIL NEEDS TO BE SORTED OUT ..PEOPLE ARE COMING...I feel that it is my responsibility to tell you what can happen to the next person without a Mexican wife, an old van and mostly used things from yard sales. It went well for us because I have lived in Mexico for 15 years, am married to a Mexican woman and have a little 7 year old daughter...

At one point I told this officer to open the packages...he smiled and said: ..."Ralph, what I don't see will not hurt you or me...".

There is a way of saying "mordida" ..with out saying ...would you take this...

OH WELL, this is life in Mexico...When you go off the trail...

Any one who wants to talk to me can call me ...044 622 134 5118 or 132 2009...I will also help you with the word mordida...very helpful ...

This is the thanks I got from your Post Master that is running an illegal business in Mexico...

...Larry I do not beleave you...and you will get in trouble if you post a letter...So you people can take the chance ...No Thank you ...

View Member Profile Send Private Message Find Member's Threads Find Member's Posts Rice

Registered: Jan 29, 2009
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##Feb 11, 2009 at 07:28 PM #8

???????? source of info. suspect.
View Member Profile Send Private MessageSend Email Find Member's Threads Find Member's Posts Cheesecake

Registered: March 27, 2008
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##Feb 12, 2009 at 08:19 AM #9

No. What IS suspect is:

Registered: Jan 29, 2009
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Old post Yesterday at 06:28 PM #8
???????? source of info. suspect."
View Member Profile Send Private MessageSend Email Find Member's Threads Find Member's Posts Chester

Registered: June 04, 2008
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##Feb 12, 2009 at 08:26 AM #10

For several years I have been concerned about people bringing boxes and packages along with the mail. My policy has been to only bring packages for people I know, if requested, and then only if I can open the packages before crossing the border. While it is very thoughtful to bring everyone's packages, it is not worth the risk. Also, after reading JA's post, I will be more careful to check in and out.
Chester B. Stone, jr.
View Member Profile Send Private MessageSend Email Find Member's Threads Find Member's Posts JaniceJackson

Registered: March 28, 2008
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##Feb 12, 2009 at 09:47 AM #11

I agree with Anne's suspicions about Rice. And I also agree with Chester---I think Larry's post was gutsy as well as informative and pretty scary as well.
View Member Profile Send Private MessageSend Email Find Member's Threads Find Member's Posts maryzee

Registered: Nov 11, 2008
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##Feb 12, 2009 at 11:24 AM #12

I was stopped once, but all I had was envelopes with mail. I will not bring in medications for anyone. I know that you can go to jail for that. I believe there is a form if you intend on bringing in medications for others.
When they saw all the mail, they stamped each envelope with the Aduana stamp.
If I bring in packages, I open them and put them inside a plastic bag with the contents intact and the original mailing label. It would be so nice if we could get a legitimate mail carrier like DHS or DSL or UPS.
I do get deliveries of mail to my local address.

Registered: Nov 11, 2008
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##Feb 12, 2009 at 11:27 AM #13

6Viva's Mail Smuggling Empty Re: Viva's Mail Smuggling Fri Feb 27, 2009 3:11 pm



Mesa, I do not think the Consulate will address the mail situation, as this is a different area for expats. They have their own courier service, so am sure that it will not be put on their agenda. I would say to check with the USPS website and put it on there?
View Member Profile Send Private MessageSend Email Find Member's Threads Find Member's Posts JoseJMartinez

Registered: March 26, 2008
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##Feb 12, 2009 at 11:55 AM #14

Larry, your post on the mail issue was fantastic. I applaud your courage. I learned long ago to NEVER take package mail to the US for anybody, as long they are letters that is ok. If the US authorities want to open the envelopes, they can...the only difficulty for me would be to replace the envelope and postage and that is all. However coming back makes me nervous, especially doing a favor for who knows who.

Many have asked me to take a gift close to Xmas and if they are good friends, I will, as long as the gift is unwrapped. Coming back is another story, because one is liable for the item as well as any illegalities that could arise. Once I had a UPS box. I allowed a friend (only one) of mine to use it, then this guy allowed his friends to use it and they inturn told others. I paid over $100 US for the box rental, and then I was enslaved to the guys that were freeloading. I decided to stop this when a person complained to me that a household Item that I HAD to brought to him was broken.

I cancelled the UPS box and never again will I do that.

My suggestion is that someone in the US can rent a box in one of the Courier offices. Then this person with some regularity picks up and opens the envelopes the side of the envelopes so that they can be declared as documents. From there, the person gets the courier to send them directly to SC as documents to the name of a specific person, who in turn will distribute. Going up, they can also go by courier in open envelopes with the correct postage affixed. When arriving with the person, the envelopes should get sealed to be put in the USPS.

View Member Profile Send Private MessageSend Email Find Member's Threads Find Member's Posts exresident

Registered: May 19, 2008
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##Feb 12, 2009 at 12:24 PM #15

There are several mail forwarding services in Laredo for other parts of Mexico. We use one of them - but may only have envelopes that bend sent there. The mail is forwarded by Estafeta to Jalisco 2 or 3 times a week. It passes through customs with little or no problems because there are no packages. Our cost for a large mailbox in our area of Jalisco and the forwarding service, which provides one with a US address, is $264US per year. It sounds as if there is a niche for a new business serving San Carlos. Mail Boxes Etc. also do this but at much greater cost. They accept packages but handling costs plus duty usually exceed the value of the package. But someone might approach MBE in Hermosillo to see if they would run a service for San Carlos. Paying someone for legal service removes risks to people casually carrying mail down - and as Larry has shown, there is a risk.


Registered: Jan 05, 2009
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##Feb 12, 2009 at 02:59 PM #16

We did have a mail service here in SC (from Rocky Point) and they lasted about 6 months. They were expensive, did not deliver as promised, etc. DHL does come to Guaymas and SC if you want to use them. The only other alternative is Letterbox. I let people use my mail box in Nogales, but I know who they are, the invoice for packages is on the outside of the box, and there is a medical health form that is used for medicines.
View Member Profile Send Private MessageSend Email Find Member's Threads Find Member's Posts Hookup

Registered: March 28, 2008
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##Feb 12, 2009 at 04:16 PM #17

Is DHL still alive in Mexico? I heard it went under in the states.

Never liked their service, compared to USPS, UPS and FedEx.

Registered: Jan 05, 2009
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##Feb 12, 2009 at 04:18 PM #18

I think they kept their overseas services. Just couldn't make a dent in the US.
View Member Profile Send Private MessageSend Email Find Member's Threads Find Member's Posts Mesa

Registered: Sept 24, 2008
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##Feb 12, 2009 at 05:30 PM #19

I still ask the same question and the consulate should know something about it. This is a legal issue involving both the US postal service on one level and international agreements on a different level. In the US for example, it is illegal by federal law for anyone to put anything in a mail box except for a PO employee. So, it is legal for anyone to have in his possession someone else's mail. Next if it is, is it legal for that person to leave the US with that mail.
View Member Profile Send Private MessageSend Email Find Member's Threads Find Member's Posts maryzee

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##Feb 12, 2009 at 05:46 PM #20

Mesa this is not something the Consulate will be handling. The only one who can give you the answer you are wanting is the
Check out their website or goole usps

Registered: Sept 24, 2008
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##Feb 12, 2009 at 05:51 PM #21

Maryzee, unless you are an employee of the US consulate service and are an expert on international law then maybe you should keep your thoughts to yourself. I would like to hear the law from the consul, not from someone that knows nothing but feels that they must protect the consul from those of us with a question. What we ask the consul is NONE OF YOUR CONCERN.

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##Feb 12, 2009 at 06:00 PM #22

I already asked them about Mexican Trusts and the post office and they said they would not be addressing that. Sorry

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##Feb 12, 2009 at 06:15 PM #23

emai for usps :
View Member Profile Send Private MessageSend Email Find Member's Threads Find Member's Posts Ja

Registered: June 23, 2008
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##Feb 12, 2009 at 06:49 PM #24

This is a fast answer for you ...

I will get you the Green Valleys Az. P.O. phone number ...

Need to look for it...Later...

Oh...Ask for Sue she is the Post Master...
View Member Profile Send Private MessageSend Email Find Member's Threads Find Member's Posts Pandemonium

Registered: March 27, 2008
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##Feb 12, 2009 at 08:30 PM #25

If you go back to the beginning I think that the issue is the amount of other people's mail being brought in at a time by an individual.
Has anyone tried to take other people's prescription drugs and a car full of Mexican mail into the US?
No question mail is a serious problem for people LIVING here. the Mex. mail is very slow and expensive. (and a bit problematic) We use UPS which is rather expensive for a package of business and personal mail and magazines that arrives via most of the major cities in Mexico but does get to the house by a very charming friendly (that's UPS) delivery man.
I read that DHL was leaving the US market.
I am not dumping on the services offered here by people. We use one. They are well meant but may run into problems. Especially in the changing political climate.
For a serious Mexican commercial mail service to work people must be willing to pay for it. It will not be cheap.
View Member Profile Send Private MessageSend Email Find Member's Threads Find Member's Posts traveler

Registered: May 04, 2008
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##Feb 12, 2009 at 08:36 PM #26

Mesa say's "In the US for example, it is illegal by federal law for anyone to put anything in a mail box except for a PO employee."

Postal service says this week increased cost of doing business requires 1st class stamps be increased to 44 cents in the US. This is outrageous! I think we all should put one PO employee in our mailbox's and then lock it. That would cut way down on overhead.
View Member Profile Send Private MessageSend Email Find Member's Threads Find Member's Posts JaniceJackson

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##Feb 12, 2009 at 09:11 PM #27

HHHMMMMM? Can you imagine how their costs soared during the $4. a gallon gas fiasco?

Registered: June 23, 2008
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##Feb 13, 2009 at 12:02 PM #28

Mexico mail is very different then the USA...

There is very little mail and few mail boxs at houses , just 2 on this block ...

The mail carrier just drops the mail off on the ground inside your gate...Many people do not get any mail, the kids think it is just paper to them...

Every one in Mexico has crdit with the big stores...If you pay up every month you get no bill at your house and it is not sent my mail,,, WHEN YOU DO GET MAIL ...Just a person walking around asking where is this number and who is Valdez or Fino...I also see the it is a different person some times and mail does not come ever day...maybe once or twice a week ...Any letters from a law office is hand delivered to you ...No one gets mail like Debbie... Crafts and all kinds of things off E Bay...boxs and $0.99 or just a few $$$,s on a bid...

Guaymas thought that this mail that I had Sat night was for ALL of GSC...Little do they know there are about 5 different mail delevery coming into SC every week...

The person I picked the mail up for says I lied to them and was just trying to get money from them...That,s O.K...because there storys are all mixed up too...Saying ALL there mail BELONGS to friends ...This person has no friends ...and they are always looking on the BB ...who is this person and that person...if there your friends call them up...or just take it to them when you visit...


Please do not feel like the only one who has used me ...A ...I thought ...A good friend here in SC ran up a large tap of over 4000 pesos at J.C.,s Cafe from late 2006 up until we closed in 2008...WHAT I DO NOT LIKE ...HE WINED AND DINED OTHERS AND SIGNED FOR IT LIkE A BIG MAN...also never paid Debbie for shopping in Tucson three different times... "FOOD" The person told me that JC "my youngest son" did a bad work on his boat and he will pay me when JC pays him...JC was 18 years old at the time...That was between 2 Americans and this is between an American and a Mexican business...I asked him 3 times by email to pay this bill and he tells me to get Fxxken lost...I MYSELF wanted my Mexican wife to put a Demanda on him..."Mexican law suit" Gely must still like she will not sign the papers...and says he is just an old man... Soon there will be another Mexican to sign the papers for me...

People that know this person... send me this EMAIL all the time...


PS...Debbie and I owe no money on the JC,s Cafe business and every one else has pay us...always one sour apple...

Once again no names...Larry

Registered: June 23, 2008
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##Feb 13, 2009 at 12:51 PM #29

At 12.15 pm today I got 3 different emails all asking me ...something like...why no names...

If you do not know who is who in GSC it means nothing to you even if I wrote there name...Larry...

7Viva's Mail Smuggling Empty Re: Viva's Mail Smuggling Fri Feb 27, 2009 3:12 pm



Creemos que usted debe saber que Grigos que viven ilegalmente en San Carlos Carrie correo de Nogales, San Carlos / Guaymus.

En el correo electrónico es a menudo los medicamentos que se trajo de América y revendidos en San Carlos. Si usted echa un vistazo a verá mensajes de correo.

También hay una gran cantidad de empresas que ejecutan Grigos ilegalmente y no pagan impuestos a Mexico o los EE.UU.

Bobby Sahlen corre Mexmo y le dice a la gente en Mexico que paga impuestos EE.UU. le dice a la gente en los EE.UU. paga Impuestos mexicano .. Paga nadie

George Gadsby también dirige una de Bienes Raices businessand un sitio web donde se pide o donaciones o cobra una tasa por la publicidad y que no pagan impuestos a nadie.

Ellos y muchos más gringo romper la ley y lagh en la Aduana y decir que son stupido Wetbacks.


Registered: Jan 05, 2009
Posts: 60
##Yesterday at 09:02 AM #1

There was no new mail this week. Patricia had an emergency and was not opened. The next delivery will be here on March 3rd. However, I still have mail from last week and before. If you sent mail to my mailbox in Nogales please contact me about picking it up.


Registered: April 26, 2008
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##Feb 18, 2009 at 01:19 AM #1

Is anyone picking up mail at the LetterBox in the next week or so? Thanks, Lila

Registered: April 26, 2008
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##Feb 19, 2009 at 08:37 AM #2

Does anyone know someone who is willing and trustworthy to pick up the mail that is coming into Mexico?


Registered: March 27, 2008
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##Feb 17, 2009 at 12:09 PM #1

We are in LaPaz, there is mail here for Fred Reed, if he is there I will bring his mail


Registered: April 16, 2008
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##Feb 15, 2009 at 03:12 PM #1

Mail for "Group A" will be delivered to ReMax office Monday morning...2/16.
View Member Profile Send Private MessageSend Email Find Member's Threads Find Member's Posts Pandemonium

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##Feb 15, 2009 at 07:05 PM #2

Did you have any problems bringing it down?
View Member Profile Send Private MessageSend Email Find Member's Threads Find Member's Posts PhyllisLevine

Registered: Jan 05, 2009
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##Feb 15, 2009 at 07:21 PM #3

My mail came in Friday evening with no problems.

Registered: April 16, 2008
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##Feb 16, 2009 at 04:11 PM #4


Can't say "any problems"...we drove thru "nothing to declare" lane, got the green light, and drove to SC without any stops. I have no idea if our having the mail would have caused any problem, but I think when we explained what we had there would not have been any hassle.


Registered: June 23, 2008
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##Feb 10, 2009 at 02:45 PM #1

About these check points coming into Mexico...

Is it legal to bring other people,SSS US mail,S in to Mexico...

I would like to hear what some of you people think of this...

Has any one ever been stopped with a load of US mail for other people ¿ ¿ ¿ ...Larry...

View Member Profile Send Private MessageSend Email Find Member's Threads Find Member's Posts maggy

Registered: March 28, 2008
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##Feb 10, 2009 at 06:47 PM #2

I was stopped bringing lots of boxes for other people, once...and they opened everyone of them...and I had to pay some moneys...and was everyone happy to get their items...but the custom people didn't seem to care about the mail...thaT WAS 3 OR 4 YRS AGO.
View Member Profile Send Email Find Member's Threads Find Member's Posts garth

Registered: April 12, 2008
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##Feb 10, 2009 at 07:56 PM #3

one cruising sailboat couple was stopped and the mexican officialo found were prescription drugs for others. they were bringing in large asmounts of mail for a b and c groups. this is a jailable offense in mexico. they were given the option of turning around or going to jail and having the vehicle impounded. they were lucky they were even given the turn around option. i will not bring in things for others without opening them and will certainly not bring in pills for others. most of the time the officials are very helpful and tolerant but people should be aware of bringing in restricted or illegal items.

Registered: June 23, 2008
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##Feb 11, 2009 at 03:24 PM #4

I guess it is NOT VERY IMPORTANT to the mail business here to let San Carlos people know what happened to their mail last week...I will get a letter together and post it soon. If MY name and address was among these pieces of mail in that particular load of mail last week, I would want to know what was done in Guaymas at the Aduana office Saturday night. It might just be dangerous to some people.I think that the mail business should have told you ...Larry...
View Member Profile Send Private MessageSend Email Find Member's Threads Find Member's Posts mexicojan

Registered: Nov 12, 2008
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##Feb 11, 2009 at 03:41 PM #5

We are moving to San Carlos from Sayulita. Down here we have a MailBoxes Etc with an address in Texas. Has anyone considered doing this in San Carlos or Guaymas? We need to check out the options in San Carlos. Does everyone have a box in Tucson?

Thanks, Jan
jan ambrose
View Member Profile Send Private MessageSend Email Find Member's Threads Find Member's Posts Mesa

8Viva's Mail Smuggling Empty Re: Viva's Mail Smuggling Sat Feb 28, 2009 2:57 am




Registered: March 31, 2008
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Today at 10:09 AM #34

In addition there were no names posted and 98% of the board has no idea who this refers to.

Are you kidding us????

If 98% of your members don't know who the person is then they are really in the dark. I know who it is and I don't even live in San Carlos nor do I use the mail service.
Some days it's not worth chewing through the restraints!!!
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Registered: March 27, 2008
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Today at 11:47 AM #35

I think Larry has gone beyond the bounds. He is responding to things he has heard were said about him. That's gossip in my book and not appropriate for this board. Deal w/it privately and leave the rest of us out of it.

Registered: June 23, 2008
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Today at 06:50 PM #36

The things that were said to me and then asked to forget the problem as I did...

Then hearing the "same" things again from different people and by emails IS NOT GOSSIP...

I am very sorry if the turth up set some of you people...

I will say no more ...Even when I am told more of the same on going crying of this person...Larry...

9Viva's Mail Smuggling Empty Re: Viva's Mail Smuggling Sat Feb 28, 2009 2:59 am




Registered: Jan 05, 2009
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Yesterday at 06:58 PM #1

I have decided not to post on this board anymore. If you want to contact me my e-mail and telephone numbers are in the Rescate telephone book. All future postings about the mail will be on Bart's board.
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Registered: March 27, 2008
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Today at 08:15 AM #2

Site Address?
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Today at 09:12 AM #3


or, the general forum in particular,

10Viva's Mail Smuggling Empty Re: Viva's Mail Smuggling Sun Mar 01, 2009 3:38 am




Registered: April 01, 2008
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Today at 11:43 AM #37

The daughter,of the Editor,of the Rocky Times Newspaper was arrested and jailed for crossing mail into Mexico. He had a big editoral on this in his paper. U.S Customs also advised me that in was illigal to cross the Border carring other peoples mail. If thay found anything that was illigal they would put me in jail and take my car, and that I would never get the car back even if I was found not guilty. For this reason I will not carry other peoples mail across the Border.
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Registered: March 28, 2008
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Today at 04:42 PM #38

It has always been illegal----and always there have been those who 'skirt' the legalities---and then, in addition, charge for it as well as denying that they are 'running a business'.

11Viva's Mail Smuggling Empty Re: Viva's Mail Smuggling Thu Mar 05, 2009 3:32 am



More Smuggling and no doubt a finger to the authorities. The Yankee Doodles in San carols should be rounded up and extradited forfeiting everything they own.

Its nothing less than blatant smuggling.



Registered: Sept 25, 2008
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Today at 08:20 PM #1

Short border wait going north to AZ.... Friday at noon... about a 35 min wait.... on Tuesday heading South... got the red light... very short inspection and got the wave to head on South... they missed about 3 cases of wine and many 1.75 bottles of gin, scotch, bourbon and

12Viva's Mail Smuggling Empty Re: Viva's Mail Smuggling Thu Mar 05, 2009 3:41 am




Registered: June 23, 2008
Posts: 270
Today at 02:53 PM #1

Deleted ...US Mail posts...

I just read a PM from Feb 26th ... a person was asking for it to be deleted...

The board did not delete this...Larry...Ja...

Oh Larry Larry Larry,
It was deleted by George because George has to protect his smuggling operation.

Bt not to worry none we haver it all here for all to see and it will all be enclosed in our report to the Feds.

13Viva's Mail Smuggling Empty Re: Viva's Mail Smuggling Sat Mar 14, 2009 10:12 pm



Lets hope someone goes to jail soon.

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Today at 10:22 AM


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