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Threats from George

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1Threats from George Empty Threats from George Fri Feb 06, 2009 8:28 pm



We got a few threats from Georgie Boy and his henchmen telling us they are going to hit Robert Priddy. Robert ain’t us and never has been. But that’s typical of Georgie and his mafia they prey on the innocent and the weak those who can’t protect themselves. Someone needs to tell Priddy so he can tell the Policia and get some protection. Lets hope the San Carlos Mafia do something so they get thrown in jail where they belong. And Georgie tell alecs to stop trying to sell us his porn we never had these problems before you came here. Why don’t you go back to California? Oh you can’t can you your wanted for a real estate scam

When we come down in June we must meet so we can see if you have what you threat. Are you a man or a mouse

Squeak Squeak

----- Original Message -----
Sent: 12/31/08 07:50 pm
To: "Banamex"
Subject: Hola Robert T II

We know who you are and we know where you are.#2 Almejas in Caracol
Touristica We know what you drive as well. We see you are building a new
and higher wall around your place .

I suggest you go to about 20' and put barbed wire around it and do not set
foot outside the wall. Or you’ll get what’s coming to you, what we sell and how we do it has nothing to do with you. And never mind I own the Viva board everyone knows that just like there going to know you own the Banamex Board. Your cards marked Robert trust me I’ll see you in hell if you create any more problems for me. What I’ve done is behind me I don’t need scum like you to dig up my past. If you keep it up you’ll be meeting my friends and they like to swing the lead.

We are watching you.


----- Original Message -----
----- Original Message -----
From: Denis Green
Sent: 02/05/09 10:01 am
To: Banamex
CC: "George Gadsby"
Subject: Re: Robert ; cc: to Art, Mel, Jose, Mike, Baca, Larr's, Murray, Hawaii, Geezer, Bud

Oh, Robert, you are so busted! And all you've got is more death
threats??? Come anywhere near me and you'll be eating your own shit,
because I won't kill you, just shove that empty head of yours up your


----- Original Message -----
From: "George Gadsby"
Sent: 02/03/09 01:31 pm
To: "Banamex"
Subject: Robert ; cc: to Art, Mel, Jose, Mike, Baca, Larr's, Murray, Hawaii, Geezer, Bud

It's so nice to hear from you.
I have eleven guys who would like to meet you and let you know up close and personal how they feel about you. Would it be ok if we stopped by this afternoon?
I sent them all this little map so they could just stop by individually to pay their respects.
I'll post your photo next time so the can pay their respects when they catch or see you on the street.
Viva San Carlos
bcc :Art
bcc: Mel
bcc: Jose
bcc: Mike
bcc: Baca
bcc: Larry x 2
bcc: Murray
bcc: Hawaii
bcc: Geezer
bcc: Bud

----- Original Message -----
Sent: 02/04/09 07:11 pm
To Banamex
Subjec: Back Off

If you as much open your mouth about Leslie and me not paying taxes again I’ll make you wish you’d never been born.

I dare you Priddy I dare you.

Last edited by Admin on Sun Feb 08, 2009 2:15 am; edited 1 time in total

2Threats from George Empty Re: Threats from George Sat Feb 07, 2009 3:16 am



I just got another one from George he's a funny guy,

----- Original Message -----
From: "George Gadsby"
Sent: 02/14/09 03:56 pm
To: "Banamex"
Subject: Bobbie, Bobbie, Bobbie... Babble, Babble, Babble Time to take your meds Robert bcc; All

I need to make sure you understyand what I mean by Lead? I don’t want you to think I mean the paint on your doors and windows The lead I will be giving you can kill in the wrong hands! Keep building that wall higher

And from your friends on the board

An example of Baby Bobbie talking to himself again and again and again. He must love the sound of his own typing. It's those voices he hears in his head that are making him do this.
I see EK and Hawaii are back well there goes the nieghbourhood as they say it was a nice 30 days of peace I guess now I'll have to get used to the name calling and swipes from the meltdown kid who hides behind his computer screen what a cowrd he is.

I see I am in the good company of Geezerville lol

Hawaii really doesn't like liars does he? Perhaps George will ban him again so we can post without critisism.

I read Geezervilles story about the nam vet its a lie no one ever does more then two tours of duty. To say someone did 5 back to back tours wouldn't be allowed and is a lie. And a squad leader is a nom com so he'd need permission to tie a boot lace. The parasite is from eating infected pig meat from Mexico not jungle warfare so your geezer Ville is a liar
Geezers a liar

Sgt Ron
Combat Medic
Fort Huachuca

3Threats from George Empty Re: Threats from George Tue Feb 10, 2009 1:18 am



Good old Georgie Boy is still making his threats.

This one today

----- Original Message -----
From: "George Gadsby"
Sent: 02/09/09 03:45 pm
To: "Banamex"
Subject: How's it hanging buddy?

Hey Jack,
How's it hanging buddy?
We're watching you! well get together real soon so just
keep building that wall high high high theres 11 of us coming for diner!

4Threats from George Empty Re: Threats from George Tue Feb 10, 2009 4:26 am



This is a figment of Priddy's imagination

George of San Carlos

5Threats from George Empty Re: Threats from George Wed Feb 11, 2009 8:42 pm



----- Original Message -----
From: "George Gadsby"
Sent: 02/11/09 03:45 pm
Subject: IF

If you don't stop posting my mail to you too things will happen.

1 you'll be blocked and any possible compromise will fall to the wayside and you'll never have another chance of making amends to everybody in San Carlos.

2. You'll be meeting the boys sooner than you think, have you ever thought what you'll sound like when your balls kicked into place?

This is a line in the sand Robert, now let it go there’s no more warnings and I have no control over what will happen if you persist.

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