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Truth Ubique

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liar liar pants on fire

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1liar liar pants on fire Empty liar liar pants on fire Sun Sep 14, 2008 3:56 am



1. Wall Street Journal
When Charlie Gibson asked Palin if she had ever met a foreign head of state, she at first demurred, saying that trade activities in Alaska often bring delegations. Gibson pressed the point: “I’m talking about somebody who’s a head of state, who can negotiate for that country. Ever met one?”

Palin responded: “I have not and I think if you go back in history and if you ask that question of many vice presidents, they may have the same answer that I just gave you.”

2. Just because the "GOP who keeps winning the White House the Dems always refer to them as "stupid" does mean the person they put in office isn't. The GOP knows how to play dirty and win elections, I'll give them that. They just can't govern worth a damn.

And just like with Bush and every President, Governor or Mayor the "buck" stops there. If one leaves office with a surplus or if they leave with a deficit they take the responsibility for it.

Palin enter office with a surplus and left with a 22 million dollar deficit, just like Bush! No wonder they picked her. McCain will have the same policies as Bush and Palin will help increase the deficit.

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