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Goerge is a Liar and a Cheat

Phyllis L
8 posters

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1Goerge is a Liar and a Cheat Empty Goerge is a Liar and a Cheat Mon Jul 21, 2008 3:29 pm



It must be made clear that unlike the viva board we do not make up or steal registrations or members. All registrations on Banamex were registered by the users name listed. Those user names received a confirmation e mail in order to complete there registration and to be counted as a new member.

We also did a little digging and want to let it be known that the posts using the name Chuck have an IP of,

Our records show,

Joined: Tue 24 Jun 2008 - 19:29
Last visit: Today at 3:08
Total posts: 4
[1.13% of total / 0.15 posts per day]

Items marked with a * are required.
Username *: Chuck
E-mail address * :

We also noted that Maggy, webjefe, AcuDoc, AcuDocTCM, BobbySahlen, Leslie S, T bird 62, Jose Jesus Martinez and Pandamonium all used the same IP address on registration. We will not remove the names but suggest George trys to be a little more creative in his future endeavour to deceive.

The confirmation e mail was sent to George Gadsby and the IP address used belongs to George Gadsby.

As George is using the name VSCM and also posted on the viva board about this subject. We can only aspire to the fact that because the viva board is dying, George is trying to generate activity and start an internet war between his members and ours.

So the Gauntlet is picked up and the challenge accepted.... Let Battle commence.

2Goerge is a Liar and a Cheat Empty Re: Goerge is a Liar and a Cheat Mon Jul 21, 2008 4:08 pm

Phyllis L

Phyllis L

I've met George and Margaret and I don't like either of them. They show the typical California attitude of they know everything and everyone else is a Hick.
I think George should go back to Ca and cut his losses hes as much trouble as Richard Baca and Jose Martinez who are part of George’s viva San Carlos committee.

George has posted he doesn't take anything for helping alecs?

That’s a lie he goes to all the restaurants and never pays for drinks or meals or he gets a big discount in return for free advertising. Take a look at all the free ads and compare them to the paid ads. The freebies are the big businesses George has romanced. The paid ones are you and me or where George can't get or needs their services.

3Goerge is a Liar and a Cheat Empty Re: Goerge is a Liar and a Cheat Mon Jul 21, 2008 6:30 pm



It needs to be emphasised that we do not have a list of email addresses or names of people belonging to the VSC board.

And as that information is privileged to the Committee/George only someone with that information could sign people up using someone else’s e mail address.

George is yet gain proved to be a liar and conman.

4Goerge is a Liar and a Cheat Empty Re: Goerge is a Liar and a Cheat Mon Jul 21, 2008 6:39 pm



So, what else is new? He is even sending himself to jail?

5Goerge is a Liar and a Cheat Empty Re: Goerge is a Liar and a Cheat Mon Jul 21, 2008 8:31 pm



looking at the amount of members george claims to have he should be doing better than he is?

i think 90% of his members are bogus and were invented by george to make his site look better, hes playing a shell game which is typical of his california real estate business.

6Goerge is a Liar and a Cheat Empty Re: Goerge is a Liar and a Cheat Wed Jul 23, 2008 12:43 am



Before going fishing today, we opened our e-mail to find yet another porn mail apparently sent by ourselves to ourselves. We have since traced the sender to a G Mail account with an IP address of

You can do your own trace; it obviously is a continuance of the filth being produced by the viva photographer and his pricker of posteriors who were also responsible for all the other pornography everyone has received.

We also got a few posts from "TRUE BLUE" who posted threats and what he's like to do to a few women on Viva and Banamex. We normally do not delete posts but were asked by the FBI to send them all relevant information and remove it from the forum, so the Ladies wouldn't feel threatened and live in constant fear.

It’s a pity we had to delete TB because anything that carries the "TRUTH" is normally welcome.
But we must also remember the initials "TB" which is an illness and leaves someone very sick in this case, they are mentally sic.

Try again George.

lol! lol!

7Goerge is a Liar and a Cheat Empty Re: Goerge is a Liar and a Cheat Wed Jul 23, 2008 3:24 am



It looks to me as if when George does something that goes wrong he blames Banamex.

8Goerge is a Liar and a Cheat Empty Re: Goerge is a Liar and a Cheat Wed Jul 23, 2008 4:29 am



Found on the net,

George and Margaret Gadsby
Hometown: Alameda CA
School: The Streets
Employer: Formerly an inmate of the big house! (San Quentin)
Promoted laundry assistant and license plate presser.

Cell Mate BIG Richard = Dicky

9Goerge is a Liar and a Cheat Empty Re: Goerge is a Liar and a Cheat Wed Jul 23, 2008 5:32 am

Al + Val

Al + Val

We got tired of reading all the he said she said and did some research. We thought it would help George prove he was an honest and upright resident but found the following which now casts a shadow over him and all he claims and says.

U.S. 52010 Pet. 52119 L.Ed. 5018





ON appeal from the 9th circuit court of the United States, in the county of Orange California..
This was a bill filed in the circuit court, by the appellant, against the executors of James Walker, praying for an injunction on a trustee, to prevent his proceeding to sell certain real estate, conveyed to him to secure the payment of a sum of money loaned to the complainant; and for relief against an alleged usurious contract.
The circuit court dismissed the bill.
The case is fully stated in the opinion of the court.
The case was submitted to the court without argument, by Mr Swann, for the appellants; and by Coxe, for the appellees.
Judge Susan Denning delivered the opinion of the Court.

1 This is an appeal from the circuit court of the United States

2 The complainant alleges, that James Walker borrowed a sum of money from George and Margaret Gadsby, at usurious interest; and that to secure the payment of it he executed a deed of trust upon his house and lot, in Los Angeles.
In which he covenanted, if default should be made in the repayment of the loan at the stipulated time, that the trustee, Rhodes, shall, upon the request of said George and Margaret Gadsby, or his executors, administrators or assigns, transfer the premises to the Gadsby’s without fee and free and clear of all leans present of this transaction.
Gadsby’s claim further complains, that the executors of Walker have directed Rhodes to proceed to a sale of the house and lot; that he had advertised them for sale: and he admits, that he had not repaid the money borrowed. The complainant seeks no discovery of the usury from the defendant; but avers that he will be able to prove it by competent testimony, and waives all penalties, to which he may be entitled, to arise out of a transaction written by George and Margaret Gadsby to financially acquire said property in a fraudulent manner. . On behalf of Walkers estate Rhodes prays for an injunction to prevent the sale or transfer of the property by the trustee, until the question of usury shall be decided at law: but does not ask the court to aid in any way as auxiliary to any case pending at law.

3 This then is substantially an application for relief from usury; and the consequence of granting the injunction would be relief upon terms at variance with the rule of equity, so fully recognized at this term of the court, in the case of Brown v. Swann et al.: that he who seeks the aid of equity, to be relieved from usury, must do equity by paying the principal and legal interest upon the money borrowed. The complainant does not offer to do so in his bill. This is essential to every such application in a court of equity: first, to give the court jurisdiction, and to enable the chancellor, if he thinks proper to do so, to require the payment of principal and interest before the hearing of the cause. The relief sought in such cases is an exemption from the illegal usury. The whole inquiry on the hearing is to establish that fact, and to give relief to that extent. Whenever then a complainant does not comply with the rule, by averring in his bill his readiness or willingness to pay principal and interest; he can have no standing in a court of equity.

4 The decree of the circuit court is affirmed and all claims by George C Gadsby or Margaret Gadsby shall be deemed null and void and said property will remain to benefit theWalker Estate.

5 The Court also decrees the Gadsby’s financial and business practices be investigated for racketeering and mail fraud.

6 The court will accept a guilty plea for a reduced sentence and a fine not to exceed $75,000 and 9 months imprisonment followed by 5 years probation and a lifetime revocation of all real estate licenses.

So entered the plea and sentenced this day 22 October 2006

Judge Susan Denning
US 9th Circuit Court
LA County

10Goerge is a Liar and a Cheat Empty Re: Goerge is a Liar and a Cheat Wed Jul 23, 2008 3:49 pm

Phyllis L

Phyllis L

George is on the run he thinks no one can see his board lol.

All hes done is make it harder for members and future members. Although 95% of the registered names are him anyway. the viva board is dying and the sooner the better.

"You must be an approved member to view this message board".

11Goerge is a Liar and a Cheat Empty Re: Goerge is a Liar and a Cheat Wed Jul 23, 2008 4:39 pm



You know what they say you can run but you can't hide! And George is on the run.
Besides we can infiltrate his excuse for a forum at anytime and there are more than enough of his members who are members on Banamex.

Yep old Georgie boy is running scared and so he should be, what goes around comes around and with the small circle he associates with Christmas is early!

12Goerge is a Liar and a Cheat Empty Re: Goerge is a Liar and a Cheat Thu Jul 24, 2008 3:05 am



king Georgie boy is so stupid

622-226-1391 = Georgies US phone number! its the same one listed as a contact number for the owner of the viva board.


13Goerge is a Liar and a Cheat Empty Re: Goerge is a Liar and a Cheat Thu Jul 24, 2008 3:14 am



These are the so called rules king Georgie boy wants everyone to abide by but if you read them you'll see George breaks his own rules.

Board and Forum Guidelines


1.) Using ALIASES
Each member is limited to one account/alias. Do not impersonate other individuals or falsely represent yourself.

2.) SEARCH before ASKING
Looking for a specific topic? Be sure to try the Search function before asking a REPEAT question.

3.) Descriptive TOPIC
Don't play guessing games. Enter a "Subject:" line that best describes your topic.
If you have more than ONE question, please enter them as separate topics/questions.

4.) Keep to the SUBJECT
Post to the section that is most appropriate for the topic being presented.

5.) No "Get Rich Quick" Schemes
Do NOT post CHAIN, MLM, REFERRAL, etc. schemes. These types of messages will be deleted.

6) No double posting. Post your discussion in the category that best fits your topic. Do not post the same question and/or article in more than one category.

7.) ENGLISH is the preferred language
The preferred language of these forums is ENGLISH. This site is world wide in scope, as its name Viva San Carlos implies. E-mail the Admin at:

8.) Watch your Language/Humor
This is a family type joint. Don't post anything you wouldn't want your Mother to read. Language and/or images,(photos) that would be inappropriate in the polite company of strangers are unwelcome here.

9.) Flames Prohibited
If you disagree with someone, feel free to DISCUSS the facts. No personal attacks will be tolerated.

The standard practice on most message boards, forums, emails, web pages, etc. is that the use of all CAPS or all bolds is regarded as SHOUTING!! An occasional all CAPS or all bolds word for added emphasis will be allowed, but if any posting is made in completely all caps or all bolds . . . it may be edited or possibly DELETED.

11.) Observe Copyright Laws
Observe all copyright laws when posting copyrighted material. If the material belongs to someone else, credit the original author. Do not post material where you do not have permission to distribute it electronically or otherwise.

12.) Cut the FAT!
Don't jump in every chance and post the "me too", "same here", "I-got-my-post-count-high" etc. reply. It gets very annoying having to cut through the "fat". These messages will be deleted/edited as the moderators see fit.

13.) Moderation Questions?
Moderation decisions are sometimes a difficult task, judging which questionable material is allowable. We are human and will occasionally make mistakes. If you feel we are making too many moderating mistakes, please Contact us with specific details. Do not post moderation questions, complaints or criticisms on the forums. These posts will be deleted and no explanation will be given.


A.) The forum owners reserve the right to edit, reprint, distribute, or delete any posting for any reason and without prior notification or explanation to the author.

B.) Moderators and administrators frequently review forum messages for those that are in violation of forum guidelines. Any messages found to be in violation may be deleted without warning or explanation.

C.) All messages posted become the property of Viva San Carlos.

D.) The forum owners reserve the right to ban any user, at any time, and for any reason.

E.) The forum owners and its representatives will not be held liable for the result of the usage of any information provided in the forums, and disclaim all liability resulting in the use of the posted information.

F.) You will not discuss, suggest, engage, or encourage any illegal activity. Links provided to locations that deal with any such activity are expressly forbidden.

G.) Do not post messages that violate Federal, State, or Local laws which include, but are not limited to, anything that violates a copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, or is bound by NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement).

H.) The forum owners take no responsibility for the content of any of the messages posted in the Viva San Carlos Forums or of the authenticity of its authors. All opinions and views expressed in the forums are solely those of their respective authors and are not necessarily those of Viva San Carlos or its representatives.

I.)Viva San Carlos reserves the right to delete your comments or revoke your registration for any reason. Rarely, if ever, will we do so simply because we disagree with you. We will, however, usually do so if you post something that is, in our good-faith opinion, (a) off-topic; (b) libelous, defamatory, abusive, harassing, threatening, profane, ############, offensive, false, misleading, or which otherwise violates or encourages others to violate these terms of use or any law, including intellectual property laws; or an attempt to advertise, solicit, or otherwise promote goods and services without payment approval within twenty four (24) hours of posting.

J.) The forum owners reserve the right to change the aforementioned guidelines at any time without warning or notice. It is the responsibility of the forum member to check this page on a regular basis for any revisions in these guidelines before making any posts to the forum.

K.) By posting to the Viva San Carlos Forums, you agree to abide by the above guidelines and terms.

lol! lol! flower

14Goerge is a Liar and a Cheat Empty Re: Goerge is a Liar and a Cheat Thu Jul 24, 2008 5:17 am




Oh Dear Dear Dear we laughed ourselves silly reading Georgies Rules.

Not one would stand up in a court of law, especially as George is breaking most of them on a daily basis.

What is more intreguing though is the law suit is against George and Margaret Gadsby.

So did George and his Sister run away to San Carlos to avoid prison and a heavy fine?

15Goerge is a Liar and a Cheat Empty Re: Goerge is a Liar and a Cheat Fri Jul 25, 2008 4:51 am



I thought Margaret was his wife?

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