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Burglaries Manglares area El Vigia today

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1Burglaries  Manglares area El Vigia today Empty Burglaries Manglares area El Vigia today Thu Jul 31, 2008 3:22 am



They call greater vigilance
Escrito por Miguel G. Written by Michael G. García Pérez Garcia Perez
Wednesday, 30 de July de 2008 Wednesday, 30 July 2008
Several Americans living in the mangroves of San Carlos, New Guaymas, expressed their dissatisfaction at the lack of police surveillance, because so far this month, have been at least ten robberies.
These people, who have their houses by the sea, indicated that they do not know what to do before this wave of thefts that has been presented, as most have been objects of appliances, clothing and tools.
To this day, some of those affected are Betsy Jeff Bays, Jeanne Davis, Lonox Hill, Marian Cantrey Reyal, and who has been the most harmed, Kay Cantrell, because this is the second time that get to his home to steal.
At the theft on Tuesday came elements of the Municipal Police commissioners in San Carlos, who took note of theft and evidence to residents to bring the complaint to the Agency of Public Prosecutions.
. "We do not know what to do, in fact we want to make a visit to the municipal president, Antonio Gutierrez Astiazarán, to put the situation, because as the highest authority must be aware of this problem, that we hear only that nothing happens and we steal every time they want thieves, "he said.
They added that should receive attention from the authorities, and asked to provide more police surveillance, but above all that they no longer steal, because Americans are good (wealthy) .

Modificado el ( Wednesday, 30 de July de 2008 ) Modified (Wednesday, July 30, 2008)

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