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burglaries San Carlos

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1burglaries San Carlos Empty burglaries San Carlos Thu Jul 10, 2008 7:00 pm



[size=18]This was reported on Barts board - sounds like a lot of things happening.[/size]

"There have been three burglaries on the Peninsula Caracol within the last week. Just heard yesterday that there was one on Manglares. When I went to check further on this, was advised that there had been eight reported burglaries, one house that has been burglarized each year. There have also been burglaries in the Ranchitos, copper pipes taken out of homes being built, also electric wiring.

Had put an add on this morning that was in the paper stating that San Carlos Guaymas was going to be a safer place to be in, but upon hearing these burglaries, I do not feel that it is working? Has anyone else out there heard about any other burglaries? Have not seen anything mentioned on the vivsancarlos board, but also heard that there is a new boss running that site?

I think we have to work as a community and let people know that there are burglaries happening, otherwise if it is not mentioned or hidden it can only get worse, just helping the burglars. "

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