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Truth Ubique

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To the VSC Members

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1To the VSC Members Empty To the VSC Members Fri Jul 25, 2008 2:35 pm



Be warned if you post derogative comments about any of the good people of VSC on this shite I will ban you from the viva board.


2To the VSC Members Empty Re: To the VSC Members Fri Jul 25, 2008 3:09 pm



Anyway i dont like this Shite VSCM) anymore. Since George is managing the vscm Board , the Information they give is only in their personal Interests.
I by myself have written many Times on the vscm Board and have helped Alex , i tried to help the People that not so familiar with Mexico, specially in Sonora.
The Business that are Advertising on the Viva Shite are related to Georg and Clan (Sisters) and the ones are not, are not on that Shite.
Ask for the Prices on the Banners, They are way tooo high for a normal Business , or they are making a lot of Money in San Carlos.
It Looks like that Alex and George are getting rich , giving out Information that is only giving the nice part of Sancarlos and Mexico.

You have to be Carefull with the Information on that Viva Shite,
You could get a nice Surprise.

Thank's to this Board i could give my personal Opinion of the Viva Shite
Take care
Sincearly Sonora

3To the VSC Members Empty Re: To the VSC Members Fri Jul 25, 2008 5:39 pm



Isn't it nice that you too can post here? You are a member of Banamex Truth Ubique? Do you want to ban me again?
George you already banned me because my husband called you a "Jerk". Must have hit home as it caused such a drastic reaction?
You have Alecs so scared, poor man, vivasancarlos was his dream and now you are wrecking it.
So, now it looks like only you can ban people? So vivasancarlos is YOUR board, no doubt about that.
Also now everyone has to register even to view, boy are you cutting off your nose to spite your face. Do your advertizers know this new "George" law?
Please send no more emails to me, as you promised or you will read them here with everyone else.
I do not know you, nor have I met you, but you truly sicken me.

4To the VSC Members Empty Re: To the VSC Members Fri Jul 25, 2008 5:43 pm



George P.S. You sure use big letters - does this go along with the EGO? Or are you just shouting?

5To the VSC Members Empty Re: To the VSC Members Sat Jul 26, 2008 4:27 am



We are getting really tired of George accusing us of wrong doings and manipulation of Facts.

1).We do not have access to any IP addresses or e mail addresses of the viva board members, So if we are supposed to be using other peoples names just how did we get their e mails to register on the Banamex forum?

2). Although we would not normally post personal information about a member, in this case to show the “Truth” you will see a two way e mail between George and ourselves. As are all our posts, this is true copy we have on file.
So please note George you have yet again lied to the Viva board members and posted lies to back up your Guilt. Your IP address was recorded when you registered and the same IP shows you posted the message re banning members on Banamex.

The following information is George’s account with Banamex.

Items marked with a * are required.
Username : * George
E-mail address : *

IP Address :

Forum presence All about George

Rank: Admin

Status: Offline
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Profile - Ban this member

Joined: Sat May 31, 2008 9:20 pm
Last visit: Today at 6:35 am
Total posts: 1
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Private messages: 0
Location: vivasancarlos
Gender: Male

From the old Banamex Board,

Joined : 14 Nov 2007
Posts : 41
Subject: Truth strikes back Thu May 29, 2008 7:21 am

Isn't it great when a plan comes together?
The original concept of Banamex was to take the heat and problems away from
Viva San Carlos, and we believe to the most part we succeeded in our task of
doing so.
We first established the Banamex board where by registration was required
and were promptly told it was too difficult to understand??

So we changed it to a free for all, and as time has gone on our success rate
increased. As George is now the new owner of Viva San Carlos and the format
of that forum has changed for the better, requiring registration and the
acceptance of his rules? We feel there is no need for our continuance in our
present mode. Therefore, we will be closing this edition of Banamex down in
the near future.
We have during our time of existance accepted many criticisms and derogative
comments on here and elsewhere including from and on the Viva San Carlos
board. But to the most part we have ignored them and put it down to one of
the reasons we started this forum in the first place, although why Viva San
Carlos members and owners would attempt to slander and defame us for drawing
fire from them is a little bewildering? Unless it is of course, they
prefered all the abuse!

We would also like to emphasize that our own posts have as the title says
been truthful throughout.

Our new site is a registration membership only and will be controlled to the
highest standards. We will track all IP addresses of members and Guests
disallowing all Proxy’s.
Our new free forum is located at: - feel free to take a see what we have to
offer. Although it is in its infancy and many more things are planned for
the future.
The following IP information is posted as a community service,
The IP address’s are the main posters of all anti real estate posts and
obscene comments about Christina and her business plus other innuendoes and accusations.

This person lives amongst you in San Carlos and needs a good kicking, but you detectives can put the name to the info below... Have fun!!

IP address for this post :
[ ]

IP address for this post :
[ ]

IP address for this post :
[dsl ]

Below is a true copy of the two way e mail between George Gadsby the owner of VSC and ourselves.

----- Original Message -----
From: Captain Jack
To: George Gadsby
Sent: Sunday, June 01, 2008 9:17 AM
Subject: Re: Captain Jack

Hello George,
It’s nice of you to register as a member of the new Banamex although we think we are being used by you to promote your inflated ego. Your claims on the viva board that someone registered in your name and it wasn't you is pure fiction, Your IP address is all over the entry. Which as you know can only be because it came from your machine. Your protests and begging for a removal have fallen on deaf ears so make as much noise as you want, it stays as does everyone elses. But just to satisfy your other self we suggest you change the password in case your claim of someone signing you up has a grain of truth!
We respectfully decline your request for personal information at this time,
as we feel it would serve no purpose because we are innocent of all the many accusations we have been accussed of by you, Bobby, Zorro etc. It will take time for us to clense ourselves of the unfounded finger pointing. So for now it is best left in the shaddows of time however we can understand your rational thinking and your attempt at trying to protect the Viva San Carlos website and forum, although we really don’t see it being necessary as there appears to be no threats towards you.
It took long enough for someone to step up to the plate and sort the forum out, making the shambles it was! Not only secure but moderated. When Alec’s used Viva San Carlos with Bravenet it was constantly abused and we amongst others repeatedly pleaded with Alec’s to do something. Unfortunately our cries for resolving the problems fell on deaf ears.
So we announced to the community that due to the abuse and constant use of other peoples names we would try to help by introducing the Banamex forum.
At first we were told the way it was set up was too hard and no more than 16 people initially registered and became members. So we then change the format to make it a free for all as the Bravenet forum was at the time. We also believe that Alec’s created a lot of negativity by deleting posts instead of letting them run there course. We decided to allow anything and everything to be posted on Banamex in order to accomplish our goal of helping Viva San Carlos, that is why the free for all on Banamex was allowed to continue. The open forum was we believe a success as it took the undesirables away form
Viva San Carlos and placed then in a latrine they tend to wallow in.
So now that you have reorganized the Viva San Carlos forum and accomplished what we suggested long ago, we decided it was time to close the OLD Banamex forum down, which may we add will be occurring very soon. We just want to advertise our new secure address before the plug is pulled. The new Banamex forum is located at
Should you care to take a trip there, you will see it is not in completion
with you or Alec’s and our outline is more informational than the forum
approach of Viva San Carlos.
There are people on the Viva San Carlos Board who can verify our “Truth” about why Banamex was set up. It was as we said an attempt to protect the Viva San Carlos Members and their forum.
There is no reason we can’t coexist and provide a service for a community we both enjoy, we will continue to advance in our new form should you reject or accept is entirely up to you.
We would ask that you post this on your forum for all to read, because
overall it does affect everyone in the Viva San Carlos community.
Please also read the following post we made recently, and as you, like
ourselves track and check IP addresses! You may want to run the four listed at the bottom of this passage as they were the most frequent offenders.


PS, Being the gentleman you are! We would appreciate a reply?


----- Original Message -----
From: George Gadsby
Sent: 10:30 am
To: Captain Jack
Subject: Re: Captain Jack and Banamex
To CaptainJack:

1st a small correction is in order.
Alecs was the sole owner of vivasancarlos,com.
It shouldn't matter to you or anyone else who own the site so long as its clean and productive. I have taken over and am a volunteer only and will use the extra time my hands. Do I own VSC? You can guess all you like I took the task on, along with a few others with an intewrest in making the forum a cleaner board that sustains itself by paid advertising rather than hand outs. We think we are making progress in that direction and the VSC site is again one that San Carlosians can be proud to tell their friends about.
There is room on the internet for everyone and each forum will find it's own niche or it will wither away. So for the time being we will just leave
things as they are. Feel free to post on VSC anytime because we will be posting on Banamex when we want to stick it to you. I do ask that you not use VSC to promote your site, board or forum and that you refrain from posting links to your site. If you do we will remove them for business reasons.

Thanks for you response.


cc: Alecs, Art, Jose, Mel, Richard,

----- Original Message -----
From: Captain Jack
To: George Gadsby
Sent: Sunday, June 01, 2008 5:39 PM
Subject: Re: Re: Captain Jack and Banamex

We have no intention of using Viva San Carlos as a launch pad, in fact if
you read our e mail again you will see that if it was not been for Banamex, Viva San Carlos would have been dead an buried a long time ago. To reiterate Banamex was started to take the abuse away from Alec's and Viva San Carlos of which we accomplished our goal. And no we are not looking for praises or a grand prize. The very fact that the forum now requires membership and there is control is reward enough and shows our efforts were not a waste of time.
Our assumption that you have taken over the board is because as someone pointed out no one has heard from Alec's since you became "The Moderator" that can only lead to speculation especially since you have taken the reigns and turned it in to your business? with your commitee of crooked members (Mexico Mel, Richard Baca, Jose Martinez and Zorro). What a five fingered bunch of crooks you associate with you should really take a deep look in to their previous business practices. But we suspect you have and thats why you selected them?
We are truly please mother got out of town before you decided to officiate over the remnants of a lost cause. But we have to say its mighty generous of you to allow us to post on Viva San Carlos, We are sure your game of I'm better than you will fail before you can only muster enough strength to use the send or delete button. But do try again, as they say pride comes before a fall. So to rest your ego and bring you down to earth, We are registered with many names and have been members of Viva San Carlos for a couple of years and from the resurrection since bravenet. So will we post as Captain Jack very doubtful, but we will use the many names we already control. What’s funny is you can point and accuse but everyone comes to our defense. You banned the wrong people that’s quite good moderation George, keep going you can only improve, But don't worry as your at your lowest ebb the tide is due to go out soon and it can take all your self generated trash with it. Just think in a short time you'll be able to show the world what a meglamaniac can achieve when you try to gets own way.

Now don't be a stranger George come post often.
Regards from Banamex

----- Original Message -----
From: George Gadsby
Sent: Sunday, June 01 2008 8:12 PM
To: Captain Jack
Subject: Re: Captain Jack and Banamex

Recent posts by the missing Alecs (aka webjefe)

Bang away.Captain Jack or whatever name you choose to use.

We know you by "what you post" and it makes no difference what name you use.

You and those who post the kind of garbage you purvey will be deleted as you
are discovered.

Paint a rattle snake to look like a butterfly and it will still be a
rattlesnake. You will always be able to hear them coming in time to chop
their little heads off.

George for Alecs


6To the VSC Members Empty Re: To the VSC Members Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:45 pm



Is it just me or has George of VSC taken on an air of the high and mighty?

Meaning, since his time as a member of that forum and his adopting Alex as his pet Mexican and then actually taking over the administration of the forum George has become very very sure of himself.

He has managed to silence the loose tongue of mexicomel, banned several daily contributors of what was once Alex's forum, and managed to surpress free thought and expression by those that are left as members.

Not only have some members been supressed in their posting some have actually taken such harassement that they make the statement that they will no longer post on the forum.

He has managed to form his support group of followers such as acudoc??? and a few others that are allowed to breach his rules time and time again. Those minions have free reign when it comes to telling others what is and what isn't their business, they have free reign to tell others to mind their own business and, in acudoc???'s case, ask someone why they have a need for a dick measuring contest with him. That alone would have gotten anyone else banned from the forum by virtue of the rule that says something about what you'd say to your mother or other females.

Now, as of the other day when someone questioned the legality of the gambling that George was promoting on the forum, George more or less stated his interpretation of the law that was mentioned and pretty much said that that's the way it's going to be. My (George's), interpretation is good enough and if no one likes it, then too bad.

Has he become one whose hubris has overcome common sense? Does he not think he's made enemies sufficient to cause himself and his minions problems in his dream town? Is his thinking that he believes he is above the law? Or does he simply think he can't be harmed in any fashion as long as he is the 'moderator'?

Has the Napoleonic mindset finally taken over the VSC forum and opened the doors to the downfall of the same?

You may have noticed that lately the cheerleading about the 'awesomeness power of the forum' has deminished. Perhaps because nothing awesome has happened lately or perhaps the new has worn off. Additionally the 'numbers' haven't be posted lately. The numbers I'm referring to are the numbers of hits or posts made, the number of log ons, the number of views made to the threads. Maybe there has been a drastic reduction in all those numbers since so many members have been banned and so many members have become disenchanted with the VSC forum and its administration.

Has the forum not only become a subscriber forum but now it has become members only private forum? If an outsider can't visit the forum then is has become a private membership only forum. That sort of forum usually has something to hide from the outside world. That fact that one now has to sign in to view the posts and threads says that George and his minions are monitoring everyone's viewing habits. What's next, the ability to read private messages? He will say the sign in is for the protection of the membership so he knows when the trouble makers are around.

Has the takeover of the forum done more harm than good? Time will tell and that time, in my opinion, is not far off.

7To the VSC Members Empty Re: To the VSC Members Sun Jul 27, 2008 8:18 pm



I sense that the series of defensive moves by George, is strategically faulty and will defeat his group's intentions. Those intentions are in self-service, not public service. DUH!

The current, customized client base is already well informed of George's and Ordazs', dishonest reputation in San Carlos.

Any potential newbees must overcome the registration resistence, threshold. At that point, word of mouth and search engine offerings, become the dominant decision factors in the minds of newcomers.

VSC will always loose on word of mouth. Pandora's box has been explored by all, by now.

So that will leave only it's random share of the San Carlos hits that overcome the registration threshold, and that will diminish as public interest in San Carlos continues to grow and more offerings become available.

It is like hitting yourself over the head with a baseball bat - boys and girls!

8To the VSC Members Empty Re: To the VSC Members Mon Jul 28, 2008 12:41 am



Paint a rattle snake to look like a butterfly and it will still be a
rattlesnake. You will always be able to hear them coming in time to chop
their little heads off.

George for Alecs

Very poetic George! I am inspired!

9To the VSC Members Empty Re: To the VSC Members Mon Jul 28, 2008 12:56 am



Paint a rattlesnake to look like a butterfly
It will still be a rattlesnake
You will always be able to hear it coming
In time to chop ... it's little head off !

bbg for George

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