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members of viva san carlos

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1members of viva san carlos Empty members of viva san carlos Tue Jun 24, 2008 6:03 am



For the members, advertisers and those that support the Web site of Viva San Carlos and his bulletin board:

For some time we had them all a public apology and give it below. Some people in the past have abused the board improperly and forums. Viva San Carlos began as a hobby but now has become a full-time job and is a very valuable and important part of the community of San Carlos, though still not perfect. Many people read our board daily. It has become the primary source of news for our community and although we have some thirty to fifty regular contributors, there are actually some 350 people who regularly read the blackboard, entering from two to three times a day and some coming up tenfold daily to see "what is new, the lost and found items, ask questions and VEN ads." We now have 518 registered members. The largest number of members that we know has been in line at one time was 157 on April 18. The board, individual messages and hilamientos now receive almost a half million hits per month. Having said that, then why is that we would like to apologize.

In the past this board has been used to make written that some members of hatred and lies about people of San Carlos. There have been some people who have been targeted especially for those letters are addressed but that's not covered here. We know that there are legal actions in process, against those who have put their messages of hatred and those who have affected this board. The legal action but will not discuss in this board. One of the biggest reasons that bad things have happened in the past is because English is not my native language. Some things I could not understand and sift and heavily damaged the reputation of some individuals and businesses here. I accept culpability for this, because it was my responsibility to capture messages and ill remove the board. By allowing these messages left on the board, allowing some people, including some friends, and were damaged by this, I apologise.

To avoid this sort of thing in the future, I asked some of my friends who speak English so in a timely manner to review everything that is placed on the board, GeorgeInSanCarlos will be the new owner collaborator who will be watching. We know that some people hate writings will continue on the board, that is something that people will continue. However, we will be more vigilant to detect ill eliminating them under the letters we see and the authors will be removed from the list of members not to repeat their offenses.

I sell George my full authority in this and we have already removed several people who have failed to meet the regulations this month. Removing any member to continue to make our letters of hatred or lowering to call the other form of insult. or decision is final. Use our best judgement to do this, but we know that from time to time there may be errors because we are not always online. If you see names abusive, insulting or letters of hatred, please contact us immediately through a personal message or via email to address the board.

We will use our best judgement to decide what and whom to remove. We would like to hear from you to know that they find offensive.


The Webjefe Alejandro Martinez

2members of viva san carlos Empty Re: members of viva san carlos Sat Jul 12, 2008 12:48 pm



Well, after reading this, know who the Webjefe is and it is not Alejandro Martinez it is definately George Gadsby of Alameda and now Jefe George of San Carlos without a doubt.

3members of viva san carlos Empty Re: members of viva san carlos Sat Jul 12, 2008 3:19 pm



Seven posts were made on June 23rd of this year on VSC. One of those posts was posted by George and was entirely in Spanish.

If, at one time there was the version as presented above, it's no longer available.

However, as I read the Spanish version, the version that is still on the board, the story lines closely follow each other. The apology and the basis for the need to have George run the board are pretty much the same.

The story line seperates where it is stated that George has been given administrative rights and ect.. The Spanish version fails to reveal any type of business transaction between the two of them.

I don't see where it says Alex sold George the rights to the board.

I think the above version has been altered to include the sale of the board to perhaps verify what some former members of VSC have been stating.

4members of viva san carlos Empty Re: members of viva san carlos Sat Jul 12, 2008 5:51 pm



It says: I sell in the third or fourth paragraph

5members of viva san carlos Empty Re: members of viva san carlos Sat Jul 12, 2008 5:52 pm



I sell George my full authority in this and we have already removed several people who have failed to meet the regulations this month. Removing any member to continue to make our letters of hatred or lowering to call the other form of insult. or decision is final. Use our best judgement to do this, but we know that from time to time there may be errors because we are not always online. If you see names abusive, insulting or letters of hatred, please contact us immediately through a personal message or via email to address the board.

6members of viva san carlos Empty Re: members of viva san carlos Sat Jul 12, 2008 11:06 pm



In order to avoid this type of things in the future, I have asked to him to some of my friendly that speak English so that of opportune way, they review everything what it is put in the board, GeorgeInSanCar them will be my main collaborator who will be watching. We know that some people will continue putting written of hatred in the board, that is something that people will continue doing. Nevertheless, we will be more watchmen to detect bad writings eliminating them we are conforms them seeing and the authors will be eliminated of the list of members so that their offenses do not repeat.

This is the final part of the 4th paragraph. The 'I sell George my full authority is translated to, 'George is provided full authority'. Still, no mention of a sale or financial transaction.

I could be wrong but a few years here full time and a handful of translation books tells me different.

I will offer an apology if found to be incorrect on this wording.

7members of viva san carlos Empty Re: members of viva san carlos Sat Jul 12, 2008 11:27 pm



Third and fouth Paragraphs contain,

GeorgeInSanCarlos will be the new owner

I sell George my full authority

Ever since Georgie boy has been associated with the viva board he has been throwing his weight around. George owns the board and the reason hes lying is because hes scared everyone will call him a scumbag for taking advantage of alecs. So he pays alecs for the photos and to keep his mouth shut. All you hear from alecs is pic of the day nothing else its all George. alecs managed to get by with his 60 % english before George came along, now George says 60% isn't good enough...

George is a conman and a liar thats why he surounds him self with Baca and Martinez. the two henchmen for the San Carlos Mafia the Real estate queen of fraud Catalina....

8members of viva san carlos Empty Re: members of viva san carlos Sun Jul 13, 2008 4:26 am



Well, it looks like the domain name is in Margaret and George Gadsby, so I guess they would both be considered working?
You will notice that their names are before Alecs'?

To avoid this sort of thing in the future, I asked some of my friends who speak English so in a timely manner to review everything that is placed on the board, GeorgeInSanCarlos will be the new owner collaborator who will be watching. We know that some people hate writings will continue on the board, that is something that people will continue. However, we will be more vigilant to detect ill eliminating them under the letters we see and the authors will be removed from the list of members not to repeat their offenses.

I sell George my full authority in this and we have already removed several people who have failed to meet the regulations

How does one do a private message on this site? Thanks

9members of viva san carlos Empty Re: members of viva san carlos Sun Jul 13, 2008 5:57 am



See that George is also getting free margaritas with his dinners at LaGenerala!



No George you are the problem. Nobody pulled me in, you banned me, remember. You were up early4:49AM? I know domains, as I happen to have two.
Nobody invited me here, I have been monitoring it since its inception.
Sometimes I do not understand the posts, but am sure others do.
I have not trashed Alecs, you just do not allow him to speak. You cannot tell grown up people what they can or cannot do, you can try, but I don't think they will do it. Please do not send me any more emails unless you want them posted here. Prior to your banning, you sent me an email saying you had deleted my email to you, so why are you communicating via email again?
from George in San Carlos
They have got to be laughing their butts off at you on the Banamex board. They have been pulling you into their mess‏
From: George Gadsby (
Sent: Sun 7/13/08 4:49 AM
Reply-to: George Gadsby (
To: Veronica (

Real time live actual ownership of

They cut and paste and you get sucked right into it.

If you would spend 10 minutes with Alecs you would be ashamed of the way you have been trashing him.

11members of viva san carlos Empty Re: members of viva san carlos Sun Jul 13, 2008 5:28 pm

Phyllis L

Phyllis L

As someone has posted his claims are 53 days old.

George as one RE Professional to a possible one of the future sort yourself out and start being what you claim to be, or go back to california.

We are not children thinges sort themselves out stop banning people because they disagree with you or put you on the spot.

12members of viva san carlos Empty Re: members of viva san carlos Sun Jul 13, 2008 8:01 pm



Oh my God,
Gringo reel estat seller need to go home you no have work purmit you no work here you ileegal.

boby sahlin no have purmit
leslie sahlin no have purmit
richard baca no have purmit
phyllis no have purmit
jose martinez no have purmit
wende no have purmit
georgie gadsby no have purmit
margarita no have purmit

you no all pay tax you need go home
you all steel work for mejico job

I pray for you all gringo go home you have safe ride to Amerika and you no come back

13members of viva san carlos Empty Re: members of viva san carlos Mon Jul 14, 2008 3:22 pm



If they have an FM3 there legal to work and play for one year at a time.
thay have to pay Mexican taxes, so if you think they're working and not paying tax report it.

Then post there names and businesses here so we can also notify the IRS in the States.

14members of viva san carlos Empty FM3 Tue Jul 15, 2008 1:33 am



Believe that you have to have a Lucrative FM3, not just an FM3 to work in Mexico and you can only work in the fields that you have reported, or possibly a Mexican Corporation to do only the items described in the Corporation, plus the paying of taxes.
Think George might have left as he has not commented on viva nor have I received any emails. On the road again.

15members of viva san carlos Empty Re: members of viva san carlos Wed Oct 22, 2008 8:53 pm




16members of viva san carlos Empty Re: members of viva san carlos Mon Oct 27, 2008 2:47 pm



George has a new another new name,




H.) The forum owners take no responsibility for the content of any of the messages posted in the Viva San Carlos Forums or of the authenticity of its authors. All opinions and views expressed in the forums are solely those of their respective authors and are not necessarily those of Viva San Carlos or its representatives.

I.)Viva San Carlos reserves the right to delete your comments or revoke your registration for any reason. Rarely, if ever, will we do so simply because we disagree with you. We will, however, usually do so if you post something that is, in our good-faith opinion, (a) off-topic; (b) libelous, defamatory, abusive, harassing, threatening, profane, ############, offensive, false, misleading, or which otherwise violates or encourages others to violate these terms of use or any law, including intellectual property laws; or an attempt to advertise, solicit, or otherwise promote goods and services without payment approval within twenty four (24) hours of posting.

18members of viva san carlos Empty Re: members of viva san carlos Wed Nov 12, 2008 2:39 am



Well George how come everyone of your scmbc can advertize their favorite restaurants, but I could not advertize Maria's Pizza? Strange, don't you think? I think the name for your followers should be the good ole boys breakfast club, don't you?
After all your advertizing and free margaritas, it looks like the Generala is not doing too good?

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