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Continuing Saga of George Gadsby and control of

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> It's unfortunate that you will no longer be able to post. I am aware that the Viva San Carlos boards and forum play a large role in your live. You have made that very obvious from your postings in the past and you discomfort about not being able to post now.
> When you get permission from Alecs you will be let back on. No further email from you please.
> I have no more time to waste on you.
> George

> De : "George Gadsby"
Para : "hector cor arbayo","mexicomel"
Copia : "vivasancarlos",".
Fecha : Tue, 08 Jul 2008 17:02:05 -0700
Asunto : Re: Ref:F.Y.I.

> George: You called my house twice, you spoke to my husband twice. I try not to speak on the phone because I am deaf and it is difficult for me. My husband had seen some of your emails that you sent me prior to your making the decision to ban me from posting. You banned me because I was not going to be told by you what to do. I had posted twice about Maria's Pizza special on 4th of July ham, beans and cornbread.Your erased both posts.
> This is the email you sent me after you talked to my husband:

Subject:CaracolCS no longer has posting privelages.
Date: Fri, 4 Jul 2008 16:53:14 -0700

Alecs, I banned CaracolCS. I will see you and tell you why. If she calls you tell her to call me. She can ask her husband why she is removed. He know the answer and is the reason she can no longer post. George"
> When I spoke with Maria this morning she told me that you had also banned her from posting her specials.(I do not see her on the list of your banned people) . Anyone can go by Maria's Pizza and ask her. This morning I had breakfast there and told her what had happened
> and at this time she told me that she had been banned too, as she posted a special of the day.
> When you called the second time, I don't know what you said to my husband, all I heard was him saying to you that you were a "jerk" which I thought was very nice of him as no profanity was used. The next thing I know is that I can no longer post or send private messages to people I don't know regarding a burglary that they were involved in on the Caracol, which I could not do.
> I try to post only things that are happening in San Carlos or that are important.
> Vivasancarlos was in its infancy when I first met Alecs. I understand his need to make money, but at first that was not his concern, it was to have a place for people to communicate about San Carlos. Believe that peope should pay to advertize on the main page of the website and if they do not pay for that advertizement then they should be removed. If people go to a restaurant and enjoy it, see no reason for them not to post about, you did for the Generala, so what was the difference with my posting? Your posting did not say paid advertizement. I was never given a warning of any kind, you just sent an email to Alecs saying that I was banned and for Alecs to tell me to call you to see why, copying me on the email.
> I do not see any reason for my husband to apologise to you, you called, you were rude in emails to me and you must have been rude to him or he would never have responded in that way. My husband has never posted on the board, nor do I believe he ever will. So, why was I banned because of something my husband said to you?
> After you banned me, you did not try to communicate with me by email. I contacted Alecs and Mexico Mel. Mel said that he would be seeing you this morning (Monday) and try to see what had happened and that he would get back to me.
> Alecs is the owner of the board and he has sent me an email. If you are the owner, please let me know. I do not feel that there is any reason for me to communicate with you George. Veronica
> > In response to the posting below by Caracolsc.
> >
> > CAPTAINJACK, LOMAC, ORSONBLACK, PATGETTIS, HAWAII, INSTRUCTOR, FREEDOM, JOHNSON, and CARACOLSC are the only people who have had their posting privileges removed since I began helping Alecs weed out the troublemakers and malcontents. This a total of nine out of five hundred twenty.
> >
> > All of them, with the exception of CaracoSc were posting on the political boards and each of them received several warnings prior to their privileges being removed.
> >
> > CaracolSc is the exception. I tried several times to reach her. I didn't know she had a husband until he picked up the telephone. tried to communicate with her via email and telephone. She declined my invitation to communicate. Her husband refused to talk other than to call me names three times and hang up on me. Frankly he is the reason her posting privileges were removed.
> >
> > The board is for everyone who agrees to the guidelines and Caracolsc chose not to.
> >
> > I am still open for discussion but will not tolerate name calling and I expect an apology from her husband. It's up to them. There are no hard feelings just guidelines we all follow to keep the board civil.
> >
> > George
> >
> > 226-0785 Anytime
> > I have never seen an email or a post from Maria at Maria's Pizza. I have no idea what Caracolsc is referring to in that portion of the below post.

> > This is what I sent to Caracolsc:
> >
> > " Date: Fri, 4 Jul 2008 14:41:15 -0400
Subject: Please start a new thread for Maria's Pizza
The thread you posted on is to help promote La Generale. We said we would do so after dinner last night.
Please start a different thread if you want to post about Maria's Pizza. Had breakfast there yesterday. Good food. Good service and good prices.
For my money one of the best breakfasts in SC.
You can just cut and paste your previous post.
George "
> > "I fail to see why she had a problem with this simple request". There was no request, no warnings, you just banned me after talking to my husband.V
Copia :
Fecha : Tue, 08 Jul 2008 15:51:54 -0700 (PDT)
Asunto : F.Y.I. I thought you had been banned too Mel.

> > I thought you had been banned too? George leave us no way of communicating with San Carlos about burglaries and things happening unless he censors them, crazy.
> > I guess George has banned so many people, including me and when I checked with Maria of Maria's Pizza this morning when I was there for breakfast, George Gadsby had also banned her from posting on vivasancarlos as she put a special of the day on there. He banned me because I posted a special of Maria's Pizza on 4th of July our day of Independence, beans ham and cornbread. Maria had no idea that I did this, but it upset George who called my house twice to tell my husband that I could not do that. My husband called him a jerk as he had seen previous rude emails from George.
Anyone reading a post on the Banamex Board that is attributed to me please be informed that the posts are not by me and that I don't even know how to get on that board.



Gee George, you must have been a problem child.

Did you get enough to eat

Do not worry ... second coarse is coming down your tube big boy

And to think, I was about to retire



You George, are bad news, son!



Para : "hector cor arbayo","mexicomel"



George has banned more than those listed on this here thread and them 500 names hes bragging about are lies. He invents names and people to make the board look bigger look who posts that tells the "Truth" of how many are interested in VSC and vieving is a click by anyone so alecs and his team sit there clicking away to make it look good. Theyre just ripping off the advertizers, and feeding em lies and false numbers.

Alecs needs to fire them there commitee and do it on his own the way it was and the way it should be.



I'll second that.




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