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The San Carlos Problem

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1The San Carlos Problem Empty The San Carlos Problem Thu Jul 03, 2008 4:43 pm



The overall problem with San Carlos and the Amerimexies is evident in the viva san carlos board.
It is full of dead beats who never achieved anything in the US and arriving in San Carlos with a few dollars in there pocket find themselves a little more financially secure than the locals.
They see themselves in a position of superiority generated by an egotistical outlook and the imagination of a court jester?
Albeit, they are being themselves and living in a constant dream world while playing the fool. However in "truth" they constantly try to look down on the community with the arrogance of a sewer rat.

Take for instance the recent attempt by George, He thinks he is the great wizard? Who will bring multitudes of advertisers and donors to alecs aid. Which is such a noble cause lost in the conceitedness of his own actions. In the short time George has been the “Mouth” of the San Carlos Mafia, all he has done is introduce catalina's rules and raised perhaps a few pesos in the process. A few pesos? Yes because if you take a look at his performance he has given free advertising to more people than he has charged. And most of those freebies are to the San Carlos Real Estate Agents and associates of Catalina the Mafia Queen or his own so called "freinds?".
Has anyone noticed any financial reports being published? It is after all a business that relies on donations. And that technically is a charity? Being a charity legally they should publish there financials on a quarterly basis. Now we fully appreciate they have been demanding donations for only a short period of time, but they are hardly overwhelmed with checks and dollar bills. We are also aware that although they are not traded on the stock exchange, the viva san carlos forum is supported by the public and a few paying advertizers. That means there books should be available for scrutiny (and not the false set of books often produced by the mafia).
Another of georges traits is refusing to answer valid questions preferring to use e mail or some other method with less public viewing or scrutiny. So George under the orders of alecs from Baca or Martinexz who are following Catalina's orders can lie, allowing him to tell you anything he wants, and no one will be any wiser. And if that doesn’t work he can always remove you as he has done with so many others who have asked justifiably questions on open forum.
George is controlled by the Family, Catalina pulls the strings and her henchmen Jose Martinez and Richard Baca implement her demands.
George is just a pawn and as in all games of chess, he will loose and be sacrificed to save the mafia and its criminal practices that are being conducted in Guaymus and San Carlos.

Another is this comment by Sun Maiden,

“This is not America and you have to realize it. Crime is everywhere (as said earlier) and you should prepare accordingly, but you can't fret about it.
We have so much, they have nothing. Their idea is Rich Gringos.
We all have to remind ourselves where we are and why we came here”

You know if this is a sample of the interlligence being propergated from the residents of San Carlos, its understandable why the highlights of there life are measured by lost dogs and booze. Our conclusion is if they were a farmers field, at best they could only be classed as barren land!

Sunmaiden fits perfectly with the Aura portrayed by Chrisy Holmes and AcuLiar, Talking of which how about his latest viva post where AcuLiar calls everyone thick for questioning George? Darn right they should question George, its time the facts were laid on the table for all to see and critisize or agree to. AcuLiar is obviously trying to win brownie points from George so he will not be banned for his outragious comments and accusations.
In AcuLiars own words, A coward is someone who is a cowards hiding behind a computer screen. That sums up George who hides the truth by refusing to answer question on open forum, it is not and never has been the right for an admin to use the Terms of Service to protect there own fraudulent and crookery, in the way it is being posted on viva. If the Viva Board were honest and open there would be no problem it is the self-created mystery the cloak and dagger secrecy spy novels are famous for that creates the problems and the mistrust by the very people the forum claims to be there for.

We were asked a while back why we choose to criticize the viva forum and never attack Barts Board. The simple answer is Bart is above board and to our knowledge 100% Honest. Whereby alecs has a multitude of questions awaiting to be answered and is backed, controlled and paid for by Catalina the San Carlos Mafia Queen.

When San Carlos evicts its criminal elements and starts to be an honest upright Amerimex community, things will change for the better. But until then it will be just another place where crime pays and pretence of intelligence manifests its self within a self deserving community, of wannabees and do-gooders of no importance holding a hand to be bitten and taken for a ride and everything they own.

So welcome to San Carlos the Mexican mafia’s strong hold of idiots and fools, a strong hold where Amerimexies suffer with a self-indulgence of make believe and nonsense, paralleled only to the depth of a mental institutes dungeon of misfits who cant survive in the real world.

Last edited by Banamex on Fri Jul 04, 2008 4:29 pm; edited 2 times in total

2The San Carlos Problem Empty Re: The San Carlos Problem Sat Jul 05, 2008 4:01 am



What a "TRUTHFUL" post

3The San Carlos Problem Empty Re: The San Carlos Problem Tue Jul 08, 2008 2:14 pm



Boy does that his the nail on the head.

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