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Truth Ubique

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For JKJ in response to her Please Advise on Viva

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This is in response to you question on Viva.

1. We posted the e-mail on the forum from who we understood to be Hawaii. However, as has been rightly stated many times e-mail addresses can be manufactured to fit the scenario. As George was the one to discover this and post hisfindings, he puts himself at the top of the list for having multiple user anmes and e-mail addresses.

2. We posted the link to Hawaii's forum! and wished Hawaii luck in his new venture in good faith. It appeared shortly after the publication of that forum link it was a hoax and nothing to do with Hawaii. We would however welcome Hawaii to our fold along with others who George banished.

3. George copied the link from Banamex and posted it on Viva San Carlos.

4. George has a thing about Robert Priddy and tries to blame him for everything that goes wrong.

5. Robert Priddy is not a member of our organization and never has been. He is innocent of all George’s allegations. In addition, if George does as he threatens and calls the Feds. George will loose and go to Jail. Our investigation of Priddy has shown he took Mexican Citizenship in 1995. Under Mexican law George is the one who must prove his case, which he will fail to do.

6. The Response George gave to you is as he said factual and full of lies. George wrote the whole thing editing and changing what he wanted you to beleive, he then sent it to the fictitious Hawaii and George himself forwarded to us containing his alterations.

7. You are correct, anyone who disagrees with George has there account deleted although in certain circumstances he changes his mind and reinstates them. Generally, when his forum goes quiet and there is a lull in posts as of present since he evicted Stevie.

8. George was the one who lied and banned Hawaii, Hawaii told a story in the same way Geezerville did. However, because Geezer (Dennis Green) was proved to be a liar about a bug in the ear and Vietnam veterans. Green got his friend George to ban Hawaii. Which George promptly did by making everyone think Hawaii called Greens widow a Whore, when Hawaii did not, Hawaii was set up and was also innocently banned by George.? Hawaii also proved that some of Geezervilles acclaimed passages were copied from other sources and were not of his own hand as Green professed.

9. Further you must also have read the e-mails between George, AcuDoc and Stevie in Stevies post. You will note there is one e-mail from Geezerville (Dennis Green) who also attacks Priddy without proof and for no just cause.
Please also remember Geezer is a self-admitted drug user and often posted his advocacy of legalizing drugs. While claiming if you have not tried them, you have no right to voice an opinion about them.

10. It is our conjecture that George manufactured the Hawaii forum in order to continue the Priddy victimization he seems to revel in.

11. It is also important to note that George has banned numerous people who have asked questions about the viva board and where is alecs and what is his role if any? Although most people are under the impression George owned the forum from the begining of Website toolbox being Viva's host. Alas however he no longer does own the name Viva San Carlos. Banamex own the name, and have done since the beginning of Feb 2009. As shown in the post by AL and Val and there "Who is" Post. However, George knowingly is operating his forum under our registered name and is being paid by advertisers to place ads on that site. Again, under Mexican law, George is operating a Business illegally and without a work permit (As is Bobby Sahlen with MexMo) and after Robert Priddy has devoured George and his mafia in court, We will then be honor bound to take our turn and sue George under copywriter law.

12. Although George has denied it and we have shown proof George is a convicted criminal and was last prosecuted for selling someones property without permission or a valid contract and keeping the funds for himself which can be verified in San Francisco court records. There is also another charge as yet not confirmed,

No.: REW-11253
Received: 10/26/2005
Commenter: Gadsby, George
State: CA
October 18, 2005
Antitrust Division
U.S. Department of Justice
Liberty Place, Suite 300
Attention: Lee Quinn
325 7th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20530

13. You will find George will attack and name call and then when he is caught out or challenged he retracts and claims the person misunderstood what he meant. In reality it is better looked at as a weapon used to provoke his next victim!

14. George has an echelon of followers ready to jump in and claim how good George is try to prove he can walk on water! Where in fact the followers AcuDoc (note all threads re AcuDoc), Cheesecake, Chrisy Holmes, Zorro, Bud, Bombero, Fred, and a few others who are scared of Georges Jackboot mentality and will bow to his every whim. This is clearly seen when AcuDoc speaks for George as though authority automatically passes to AcuDoc when George is in timeout. It is again amazing that George's followers are also instigators of trouble but have never been banned along with those they attack! Could it be because they support George financially?

15. Finally for now please note that we sent a number of e-mails to prospective members when we opened our new forum Viva San Carlos. Those e-mail addresses were supplied to us from someone of George’s higher echelon. George’s excuse of people who sent e-mails though Viva is a lie. Stevie's statement and others clearly say they have never used the Viva board to send e-mails! That means that e-mails that were sent privately between the e-mailers providers. There was no in-between, no middle routing system through Viva. Which proves and shows George has lied again to the whole San Carlos Community. It also proves and shows the only way anyone’s e-mail could be given to us or anyone else is by a breach in Georges Security of personal information.

16. Overall George is a compulsive liar and a charlatan, he will tell you what he thinks you want to know and no more. And in his typical conman stance he will change with the wind.

Please feel free to visit here or our Viva San Carlos forum, Where TRUTH is not only a motto it is the only way we operate.

Piece be with you.



Registered: July 23, 2008
Posts: 450
Today at 08:56 AM #1

Did you write this George? If so I feel slighted that you really would have those that disagree with the left to go to another board. I also read where you wrote that about Stevie and Magic fingers. AND why is Rubberduck gone?? You mentioned "Priddy" again below--if Priddy is the culprit why are all these men gone? Are you really trying to moderate or just kick people off for your own reasons. Please advise.

RE:Are you k96731
(Date Posted:12/24/2008 10:46 AM)
Congratulations on your new forum
I, wish you the very best of luck. I have posted the link to your forum on the Viva Board so that those who wish to find you will have an easier time of it.
There is always room for more discussion and for divergent points of view.
As to the K96731. If that was not you then we apologize. You were probably impersonated by Priddy. He has done that with many of the posters on Viva so it's not really a surprse.
It really doesn't matter at this point since it happened after you were removed from Viva.
Again, we wish you well and a Happy Holiday Season.
I don't expect that I will be posting on your Board but I will check in from time to time to see how you're doing just as I do with the banamex board.
Perhaps your fourum will be a place where the "right" is more comfortable and Viva will stay being a "left wing board.
Who knows.
George the Geezer
Vivs San Carlos Moderator

(edited by Hawaii for profanities)

little j
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Registered: July 18, 2008
Posts: 1,239
Today at 09:34 AM #2

Moderator's Note:

Oh where to begin littlej?

Yes I wrote some if it.

There was a link posted on viva that Hawaii had started his own board after being removed from this one for either the third or fourth time..

I took a look at it and offered him best wishes, a happy Holiday season and and posted the link to what I thought was his new board. I sort of like Hawaii but his posts went over and beyond the rules that were agreed to on the political board. I posted that perhaps those on the right would feel more comfortable there as this board seems to be tilted far to the left. It was not meant to chase anyone away but to offer them an alternative where they might not feel they were being ganged up on. It turns out that it was not actually Hawaii's new forum though. Priddy started the forum and made it look like Hawaii had. My communications with Hawaii did not stop right after he was banned and he denied he had started the new forum and in fact I think he made some comment to Priddy on Priddy's forum to that effect. Priddy was making Hawaii look like a kook and Hawaii, while far to the right of most of the people on the Viva forum, had never lied about anything. His views were his own and he was very straightforward about it. We even let him back on the board two or three times after being removed for violating the rules prior to rule #3 being put in place.

As to the signature. I signed it George and not George the Geezer. Geezer (Dennis Green) is a good friend of mine and I would never cop his moniker. As to the (edited by Hawaii for profanities). Those of you who know me know that profanity is not my thing.

So to finish. Yes you are looking at something I wrote. It has been edited by Priddy and I suspect that the banamex board is where you found it. So what's new?

Lastly I know how to spell forum and Viva so the editor who copied and pasted didn't even get that part right.

We expect Priddy to continue to do this until we have him put away.

George / VSCM



This is George’s latest reply:

Note, George decides what is obscene and what is not!
George banned Stevie for defending his Corp when it was insulted. Anyone in there right mind would see Stevie was angry about the insult. And in reality nothing would happen if he actually went to San Carlos, because he would have calmed down before anything happened. However, George decided Stevie was so threatening he banned him and left the insulters to carry on posting. What is troubling is if anyone bothers to read the garbage George wants you to believe, it was Priddy who instigated the whole thing with Stevie? Well we have to ask according to George Priddy is Banned as soon as Priddy is identified. So how come those who instigated the flare up with Stevie are still posting on the Viva board?????? Especially Bud 32 who was the instigator of upsetting Stevie! Is Bud 32 Priddy? And if so why didn't George keep his word and ban Bud 32.
As insults go, we find Cheesecakes pictures of heads up the person’s rear end much more insulting than what stevie said. As are all the other pictures, she posted as insults. Therefore, George must have a warped mind, because what normal people see, as insulting obscenities are OK to George. Which brings us yet again to why Hawaii was banned, George and only George called Geezervilles wife a whore. In addition, he would surely know what his friends wife was party to? Hawaii told a story in the same caliber as Dennis Green, Greens stories were always acceptable to George however; Hawaii's story as interpreted by George was obscene.

So perhaps someone will show or explain this to George and then he can ban Cheesecake/Anne Mann for posting obscenely.

Obscene = obscene [ob sn]
1. indecent: offensive to conventional standards of decency, especially by being sexually explicit

2. disgusting: disgusting and morally offensive, especially because of showing total disregard for other people

3. something obscene: something that is disgusting and morally offensive.

George also makes mention that those on the right are less docile than the Left, Well Communists and Liberal or Socialists tend to be followers and in a robotic mode. Where as the Right are free thinkers and stand up for what they believe in. Hence when a Lefty says jump they all jump but a Righty asks why and how high. You also have to remember George is a Lefty very far left!.
So JKJ you have again experienced George telling you what he wants you to believe instead of the TRUTH.


Registered: July 23, 2008
Posts: 457
Today at 04:06 PM #3

Thank you for responding. Actually I found it on Hawaii's supposed nu site. I appreciate your dilemma with Priddy and he being an imposter--however, my question is why are these men not given another chance since you believe Priddy is behind most of it? Also, you didn't answer me about Rubberduck. Why was he banned? Your history of shutting people off the board are those on the right, makes it look a wee bit fishy--I am sure you can understand that.
little j

Registered: July 18, 2008
Posts: 1,240
Today at 07:56 PM #4


Rubberduck was banned for obscenity. He knew the rule and he violated it. It was a dumb remark he made about Jews and gas. It met my criteria for obscenity.

The folks on the right seem to have a much lower boiling point than those on the left.

The same rules apply to all and the ones on the Left seem to be able to maintain self control while those on the left lose it.

The taunting goes both ways but the left seems to just shrug it off while the right goes ballistic.

Priddy probably throws gas on the fire on both sides. He certainly did with Stevie. That said Stevie had a meltdown and posted threats. That got Stevie banned. It's not important what Priddy did. It is important how Stevie responded.

There have only been about six or seven posters that have been banned in total. Priddy on the other hand has registered at least 70 times under different names and IP addresses. We ban him when we discover him and he is probably still registered under a half dozen or more names that he uses to get to this board. That's OK as long as he doesn't post his garbage. When he does it's pretty obvious since he has no control over what he posts.

We will continue to ban him when we discover him.

We will continue to keep the board as civil as possible given the nature of politics.

No obscenities and I get to decide what's obscene. If you think you see an obscenity on the board please alert me and I will check it out ASAP.

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