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Carl Rove is back

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1Carl Rove is back Empty Carl Rove is back Sun Sep 14, 2008 4:06 am



At least three times McCain has used the exact same words and the exact same phrase "putting lipstick on a pig" and there was no sexism outrage.

John McCains press secretary Torie Clark has written a book entitled..."Putting Lipstick On A Pig" and states it is a standard phrase used to cut through spin.

The GOP leader of the House used the term in April '08, Senator John Kyle of Arizona, Sen. Rod Graham of Minn., Sen. Rick Santorum Pa., John Ensen (sp) have all used this same phrase and with no outrage. Even Dick Cheney has used the same phrase.

But under Carl Rove politics when Obama used that same phrase it's sexism. And if the GOP says you put lipstick on a pitbull that is not.

Obama Quote:
"That's not change, thats just calling the same thing something different. You know you can put lipstick on a's still a can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called change, it's still going to stink"

And now they are also saying the "old fish" in the newspaper is John McCain

So don't let the hype fool you. Don't be distracted from the issues like the GOP wants you to is just more spin from the master of spin - carl rove

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