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posted by Fred on vivasancarlos

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1posted by Fred on vivasancarlos Empty posted by Fred on vivasancarlos Fri Jul 11, 2008 6:15 pm



I wonder why Fred was banned and then inivited back? I guess because he had 209 posts, much more than Emperor George Gadsby.

posted by Fred on vivasancarlos this morning.

Registered: March 27, 2008
Posts: 209
Today at 10:48 AM #1

George invited me to come back to the board. I told him that I can’t write while wearing a Gadsby filter. Personally, I’m only interested in posting on this board when it’s open enough and run by an administrator grown up enough to allow the kind of criticism that says that he has ripped off the board from San Carlos and is running it to suit his own narrow objectives. An adult could reply with his own ideas rather than just delete things he doesn't like. Let's see what happens to this post.
The other board address is: I don’t post there either, but I don’t see any reason to ban the address.

Balls in your court, George.

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Registered: March 27, 2008
Posts: 288
Today at 10:58 AM #2

Your choice Fred.

Your thoughtful posts will be missed.

Alecs and I would be happy to sit down with you for a private conversation any time. You would be free to post the results of that conversation where ever you wish.

As to the banamex forum I now check it from time to time. So sad!

You can also got to bart's board now and get the latest garbage on the Fiesta Real. We are glad it's over there and not on this board.

To each his own I guess.

Back to you Fred.

George in San Carlos

2posted by Fred on vivasancarlos Empty Re: posted by Fred on vivasancarlos Fri Jul 11, 2008 7:09 pm



If you'll notice, in the past week the post count has dropped off dramaticly on VSC. The interest seems to have waned big time.

I think George has seen the need to have the controversial members back on board. They, the ones with the cajones to step up to the mike, draw attention to the board. Not the attention George actually wants but attention none the less. With this attention comes posts and spurs interest for members to look in each day.

You'll also notice George's cheerleading about the post count hasn't been mentioned lately. That might be because the count is down, George may be in jepordy of losing his investment and doesn't want to outright mention that he might have shat in his nest by banning many contributing members.

The VSC forum will never be able to paint San Carlos as a trouble free tourist attraction. Problems exist there and they should be made known, if for nothing else information for newcomers to the community.

A wise man once said, 'don't muzzle the ox that treads out the corn'.

3posted by Fred on vivasancarlos Empty Re: posted by Fred on vivasancarlos Sat Jul 12, 2008 12:06 am



There are many community issues that are never addressed. There was a murder of a man on the beach in La Manga. The police were asking for San Carlos residents to look for his car that is missing.
This information was in the Guaymas newspaper.
Wow, posts like that get deleted within seconds.
Murder in a tourist town????? Can't sell houses with that info out there.

4posted by Fred on vivasancarlos Empty Re: posted by Fred on vivasancarlos Sat Jul 12, 2008 12:37 am



Guess that is why he invited Fred back, but glad to see that Fred is sticking to his guns. Yeah Fred.
Yes, I think you are right, what is a bulletin board for if not to let us know what is happening around town, good or bad.
We are all very lucky to be able to live in this beautiful town, but we should be a town of residents who want the best for each other and for the town, but not to be told what we can or cannot do.
If George has bought the board from Alecs which someone assumed that he had, wonder if he has a Mexican Corporation?
Alecs I guess is now only the picture taker? I heard from one person that they solicited for advertizing that Alecs looked very unhappy and very subdued and this advertizer was advised that the adds were by the week paid upfront.
A lot of people do not read the local papers so are completely in the dark about what is happening in their neighborhood let along all of San Carlos and Guaymas.
Was the murder posted on viva and deleted?
I thought that the body was found on the road in the vicinity of LaManga? and his red car was missing, or did I read wrong?
At first I did not want to post on this board as there were some crazy postings, but we can read what we want and delete or not read what we do not wish to read.

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