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Truth Ubique

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Paying the Ferryman

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1Paying the Ferryman Empty Paying the Ferryman Tue Jul 01, 2008 10:56 pm



So who is being taken advantage of?

Not I say the real estates agents, with there free advertising provided by the "POOR" man himself alecs.

While everybody else is paying for there ad's real estate open houses are free to agents, everyone else has to pay!

So come on George where is the equality of making the forum a fare paying profiteering business to make alecs a rich Gringo hunter.....

Once again the Viva Admin is taking advantage of the generosity of the Amerimex residents. Especially as Jose Martinez and Richard Baca are on the forum committee, Do we smell a revolt in the near future or just a revolting dictatorship of Greed?

From the viva Board,

"This section is free for Viva San Carlos Real Estate Advertisers.

For those who are not sustaining advertisers the cost to post an Open House Ad for the upcoming weekend is 100 pesos.

The ad may be paid for by either using PayPal or dropping of the payment at Alecs.

Avenue H"
Street 7th
(In front of the SC Bomberos Station"

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