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** Iraq **

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1** Iraq ** Empty ** Iraq ** Sat Jun 28, 2008 7:35 pm



Your thoughts on Iraq

2** Iraq ** Empty Re: ** Iraq ** Sat Jun 28, 2008 7:47 pm



Iraq was all over oil. And nothing but oil. If we’d have done the smart thing rather than invade a country which had nothing to do with those crimes we would have captured Bin Laden long ago. Grandpa Munster is a liar and should be impeached then charge with the 4000 plus murders he instigated by sending our young Soldiers and Marines to a place for the rich to get richer.

3** Iraq ** Empty Re: ** Iraq ** Sun Jun 29, 2008 3:40 am



All the complaints that George Bush lied to us and we went in to Iraq for WMD that weren’t there, and its all about oil are a total fabrication of the truth.


Take note the actual wording the President gave. Not once in this speech did he lie nor did he say Saddam had Nuclear Weapons.

Quotes from and about the Presidents State of the Union address in January 28th 2003

"The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa".

*** Perhaps the most decisive piece of evidence offered by the Bush administration was the fact that Iraq sought to buy 500 tons of uranium oxide for use in nuclear weapons from uranium mines in Niger.

*** CIA chief George Tenet gave a classified briefing to congressmen on this and other charges in September 2002, a few weeks before Congress voted to endorse war with Iraq.

*** Secretary of State Colin Powell also informed a closed hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee two days later of the Iraq attempt to secure the key ingredient for a nuclear weapon. The revelation sent shock waves through Capitol Hill and helped squelch resistance to going to war.

A tardy admission

After months of a story about false Niger claims festering in the media, a senior Bush administration official — unnamed, of course — formally announced on July 7, 2003,

"Knowing all that we know now, the reference to Iraq’s attempt to acquire uranium from Africa should not have been included in the state of the Union speech"
This greatly belated admission by an unnamed official was taken by senior Republicans as the proper close of the entire episode. Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania, the No. 3 Republican in the Senate, declared,

"Obviously, when you use foreign intelligence, you — we don’t have necessarily as much confidence or as much reliability as you do your own. It has since turned out to be, at least according to the reports that have been just released, not true. The president stepped forward and said so. I think that’s all you can expect.
It’s very easy to pick one little flaw here or one little flaw there. The overall reason we went into Iraq was sound and morally sound. And it’s not just because somebody forged or a made a mistake on whether Saddam Hussein was looking for nuclear material from Niger or whatever“.

End Quotes;

Coupled with the recorded evidence that Saddam Hussein had used Chemical Weapons in the North of Iraq on his own people. Furthermore Saddam Hussein had broken all the UN resolutions and defiled the oil for food program to rebuild his personal wealth and buy arms for his dilapidated army. The violation of those resolutions which are still in force today was enough for the coalition to take action they did

4** Iraq ** Empty Re: ** Iraq ** Mon Jul 21, 2008 4:50 pm



4,123 Americans have be 2003 = average 824.6 per year

57000 + Americans died in the 11 years of Vietnam = 5181.81 + per year

American Road Deaths per year average 64000.
And waht about the death from Cancer or Heart Attacks that you can do something about? Typical librals lets complain about others but don't anyone complain about my habits cos its my right to do what I want.

The troops know there is a chance of dying because they volunteer to serve. Its part of the job.

Vietnam? They had no choice unless they ran away to Texas like Bobby Sahlen, they troops killed in Nam were drafted they had no choice.

Why isn’t anyone protesting road accidents?

You even complain about the cost of gas but keep driving big SUV’s and drive over the speed limit. You complain to make a noise and keep silent on the things you should voice an opinion about. The people of the viva board are gossips who have nothing better to do with there time. Most are just waiting to die they have no future and the highlight of there day is alecs picture.

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