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True Stories

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1True Stories Empty True Stories Sat Jun 28, 2008 10:22 am



Two men walked into a bank in Slidell, La. The teller's worstfears were realized when one of them handed her a note announcing arobbery. When she hesitated he threatened to shoot her, but as she handed money over to the robber, the second man jumped into action. Hey!" he shouted, "Don't take that woman's money!" The second manjumped the robber, knocking the cash out of his hand. As they fought
on the floor another customer, unaware of the robbery, pulled the second
man off the first, and he escaped -- without his coat, which contained
his wallet. The second man, Harry G. Wilson, 42, had accompanied the robber to the bank, and says he was not aware that he was going to rob it. Police called him a hero "of sorts" -- they arrested him for drug possession. The robbery was apparently set up to pay Wilson for drugs,
police say. Aided by the identification in his wallet, police aresearching for the robber.

(New Orleans Times-Picayune)

2True Stories Empty Re: True Stories Sat Jun 28, 2008 10:36 am



A man allegedly trying to steal goods from a store in Durban, South Africa, didn't quite get away. "He had been trying toclimb over the fence and both his feet had been impaled" on fence spikes, said Katya Evans, the paramedic who eventually rescued him. During the course of the evening he had managed to free one foot,"
but no one had sympathy for the alleged thief: they let him hang there, upside down. "According to bystanders," Evans said, "he had been hanging on the fence for nearly 12 hours." One passerby gave the man
a cigarette, but "no one was kind enough to offer him a light." When Evans arrived, the unlit cig was still hanging from his mouth.

(KwaZulu-Natal Mercury)

3True Stories Empty Re: True Stories Sat Jun 28, 2008 10:41 am



A judge in Lehigh County, Penn., has thrown out a criminal case after ruling the state police engaged in "outrageous" conduct to gather evidence. The police were investigating reports of prostitution in a spa. After a man complained that he was offered sex at the spa, police gave him money to purchase sex acts four times, plus $180 for his time. "We expect more from the police," Judge Robert L. Steinberg lectured.

(Allentown Morning Call)

4True Stories Empty Re: True Stories Sat Jun 28, 2008 10:44 am



Police in Manchester, N.H., were investigating an accident. The driver admitted he had been drinking at a local gay bar, gotten into his car, and then rear-ended another vehicle. "He had a difficult time locating his license in his purse," said the arresting officer. The driver, who allegedly wore a cocktail dress with fishnet stockings and high heels, was Boston, Mass., U.S. Bankruptcy Court Judge Robert Somma, 63. Police say a breath test found his blood alcohol level was .12 percent, 1.5 times the legal limit. Somma told officers he had driven up to New Hampshire when his wife was out of town because no one there knew him.

5True Stories Empty Re: True Stories Sat Jun 28, 2008 10:51 am



"It was weird the way this all came down," said a spokeswoman for the Louisiana State Police. A woman called to say she had received a phone call after midnight from a man who exclaimed, "I have killed them all!" Using the Caller ID on the woman's phone, officers tracked the call to Thomas Ballard, 29, of Delhi. Upon their arrival at his house, they found that Ballard had won a video game by "killing" all the "bad guys" -- and had called a friend to brag. He got a wrong number. No dead bodies were found in his house, but officers found he had an outstanding warrant on a drug charge, and arrested him.

(Monroe News-Star)

6True Stories Empty Re: True Stories Sat Jun 28, 2008 10:57 am



More than 43,000 patients had to wait outside in ambulances for at least an hour last year before they could be seen in Britain's National Health Service emergency rooms. Standards require that patients must been seen within four hours when they arrive at an emergency room, so when busy, patients must wait outside so the clock doesn't start ticking. A Department of Health spokesman shrugged off the report. "These figures, must be seen in the context of the 4.3 million patient journeys undertaken by emergency vehicles," he said.

(London Daily Mail)

7True Stories Empty Re: True Stories Tue Jul 15, 2008 2:56 pm



Security officers at a mall in Spokane, Wash., became
concerned when they noticed that the door of a family restroom was
locked from the inside for over an hour. Once they got the man inside
to open the door, the security officer saw a color copier sitting on
the floor and called in sheriff's deputies, who found sheets of uncut
$10 bills in the trash. Calvin Robinson, 19, allegedly admitted he
bought the copier for $100, and set up a counterfeit operation in the
restroom because that was the only place he could find with a power
outlet and a locking door. The original of the $10 bill was found in
his pocket. Deputies say Robinson, who said he is homeless, told them
he wanted to copy the money to buy $90 worth of marijuana. "I don't
believe he's going to be recruited by NASA," a sheriff's spokesman

Spokane Spokesman Review

8True Stories Empty Re: True Stories Tue Jul 15, 2008 3:04 pm



St. Lucie County, Fla., sheriff's deputies arrived at a car crash to find that the couple inside were ...uh... unclothed at the time of the crash. Megan Marie Douglas, 18, admitted to deputies that she and the 27-year-old man in the car had just had sex, "but not while the vehicle was in motion," the resulting accident report notes. Douglas was arrested and charged with drunk driving, possession of alcohol by a minor, and possession of marijuana with intent to sell. Her MySpace page notes her occupation as "Sunday school teacher"

9True Stories Empty Re: True Stories Tue Jul 15, 2008 3:08 pm



A man has been arrested for soliciting sex with an underage girl, only to find that the object of his lust was an undercover police officer. In this case, police say, Joe Barron, 52, drove his wife's car from Plano, Texas, to Bryan with a box of condoms to meet the "13-year-old" girl after "weeks" of "sexually explicit" chats online and via cell phone. Officers arrested Barron, who immediately broke into tears and "said he was feeling guilt and shame and grief," a Bryan police spokesman said. Barron now faces up to 20 years in prison and a $10,000 fine, and has been asked to resign from his job -- as a minister at the Prestonwood Baptist Church, a "megachurch" in Plano that's so large, its 140-acre campus is known to more profane locals as "Six Flags Over Jesus". After his release on bail, police searched Barron's computer and found he was courting other teens, and arrested him again on six more charges.

(Dallas Morning News)

10True Stories Empty Re: True Stories Tue Jul 15, 2008 3:19 pm



Angelique R. Vandeburg, 28, of Sheboygan, Wisc., faces up to three years in prison for intentional child abuse after a school counselor called police to report an injury the girl showed her. Vandeburg allegedly shot her 8-year-old daughter in the leg with a BB gun to win a "bet" with her boyfriend. The girl told police her mother and mother's boyfriend had been drinking heavily before the event, and the wound hurt so much she could hardly walk. Vandeburg says the child is lying to get her in trouble, but District Attorney Joe DeCecco says he believes the girl. "Even if a kid's upset with her parent, why would she make up a story of a BB being shot at her?" he asked. However, DeCecco says, the boyfriend will not be charged since it would be impossible to prove his intent with the bet, which was for $1.

(Sheboygan Press)

11True Stories Empty Re: True Stories Tue Jul 15, 2008 3:24 pm



For the seventh time in as many years, an internal study by the Los Angeles, Calif., Police Department has found that none of the complaints against officers over racial profiling is valid. In the latest study, there were 320 such accusations, and again none of them were found to be true. "In my mind, there is no such thing as a perfect institution," said suspicious Police Commissioner John Mack. "I find it baffling that we have these zeros." But Police Chief William Bratton had an explanation: "This is not a racist department," he said.

(Los Angeles Times)

12True Stories Empty Re: True Stories Tue Jul 15, 2008 3:30 pm



De Jesus, 47, keeps a cot in the back of his restaurant in Lutz, Fla., so he can stay the night if he's too sleep for his half-hour drive home after his 17-hour days. He was sleeping on the cot at 4:00 a.m. when he heard a noise. He got up to find a man breaking into his cash drawer. That's when he noticed the back door had been forced open, and a truck was sitting just outside it, idling. De Jesus dashed out the door, jumped into the burglar's waiting truck, and drove off. The police got two calls: the first was from Leonard Levy, 55, who wanted to report his pickup truck had been stolen. The second was from De Jesus, reporting the burglary. De Jesus waited for officers to arrive, then returned to identify the burglar. Levy, who has at least 20 arrests on his record, whined, "Well, that's the guy who stole my truck!" Police arrested Levy, whom they suspect is involved in several area burglaries, but levied no charges against De Jesus.

(St.Petersburg Times)

13True Stories Empty Re: True Stories Tue Jul 15, 2008 3:33 pm



Bungee jump master Carl Dionisio, 37, had a great idea for a specialized bungee jump: he'd make his bungee ropes out of condoms. It took four months to make the rope. "It was difficult as the condoms are slippery," said Dionisio, of Durban, South Africa. "When we tied knots they would just slip out." Still, he said, "latex is latex" and, after four months and 18,500 rubbers, he was "99 percent sure that it would work." Luckily, it did.

(South Africa Independent)

14True Stories Empty Re: True Stories Tue Jul 15, 2008 3:36 pm



After a student at San Diego State University died from a cocaine overdose, San Diego, Calif., police launched an undercover investigation into drug sales at the school. They found so much evidence that federal investigators joined the case. After a full year of gathering evidence, teams arrested 96 people, including 75 students. Officers confiscated $100,000 worth of drugs, $60,000 in cash, plus firearms and other evidence. Among those arrested were one who was about to graduate with a master's degree in Homeland Security, and another majoring in criminal justice. "When one of these individuals was arrested, he inquired as to whether or not his arrest and incarceration would have an effect on his becoming a federal law enforcement officer," said an incredulous Ralph Partridge, special agent-in-charge for the Drug Enforcement Administration.

(San Diego Union-Tribune)

15True Stories Empty Re: True Stories Tue Jul 15, 2008 3:52 pm



After a bank robbery in Cromwell, New Zealand, police were still investigating when another call came in. Witnesses called for officers after they saw a man take off all of his clothes, put them in a pile, and light them on fire. It was the robber, trying to destroy evidence. When officers arrived, Michael Geoffrey Linn, 36, claimed he had given the robbery proceeds to an accomplice, but then police "noticed some rustling sounds from Linn's bottom area." Linn had hidden the loot -- NZ$2,000 (US$1,525) -- in his rectum. Once Linn's trial is over, the cash will be destroyed.

(Southland Times)

16True Stories Empty Re: True Stories Tue Jul 15, 2008 3:56 pm



A 20-year-old man in Yakima, Wash., told police he was the victim of a "drive-by shooting." But officers doubted the story: the injuries to the man's groin appeared to be the result of a point-blank shot. After a brief investigation the truth came out: the man, apparently a gang member, had jammed a sawed-off double-barreled shotgun into his waistband, and managed to discharge both barrels into his pants. Officers described the result as "massive groin damage," but the man was hospitalized in "satisfactory" condition.

(Yakima Herald-Republic)

17True Stories Empty Re: True Stories Wed Jul 16, 2008 2:54 am



Afraid that her court-ordered urine test would show drug use, Krystal Evans, 26, and a friend allegedly flagged down a courier van in rural Del Norte County, Calif., and tried to steal the lab sample back. When the driver moved to call police, the women fled empty-handed. County District Attorney Mike Riese said the robbery attempt, and an alleged attempted burglary of the probation department before the courier picked up the tests, was "somewhat inept." The urine test Evans allegedly tried to steal came back negative, but a test immediately after her arrest showed methamphetamine use. She was imprisoned for three years for probation violation. Her friend, who was also on probation, also faces charges in the case.

(Eureka Times-Standard)

18True Stories Empty Re: True Stories Wed Jul 16, 2008 3:17 am



A policeman in Cunnamulla, Qld., Australia, was called to duty unexpectedly. He performed his duty at a hotel -- despite having drunk "at least" 18 "mid-strength" beers beforehand.
When Senior Constable Adam Reedy was done with his task, he stopped at the hotel's bar and had two more drinks, then got into a fight with a woman who was also drinking at the bar. She knocked him unconscious when he tried to arrest her. "At this time the Queensland Police Service has not received any complaint about the matter," said a police spokesman. Reedy was not only not disciplined, he has been promoted. And why was he called to duty? Fellow officers needed him to conduct
an alcohol breath test.

(Brisbane Courier-Mail)

19True Stories Empty Re: True Stories Wed Jul 16, 2008 3:25 am



After a reader snapped a shot of him on the freeway, the Melbourne, Vic., Australia, Herald Sun newspaper tracked down the motorcyclist who had figured out a way to transport a gas barbecue on his bike. "Stuart" admitted it was not his first odd motorcycle transport: the 27-year-old native New Zealander has also moved a couch on his bike. "People say it can't be done, but I proved them wrong," he said. He admitted such transports were dangerous and pledged not to do it again -- perhaps because the police were looking for him after the photo appeared in the newspaper. ...
Other Chinese motorcyclists who viewed the photo said:

"He was only carrying ONE?!"

(Melbourne Herald Sun)

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