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1"Banamex" Empty "Banamex" Wed Jun 25, 2008 5:04 am



When you go surfing through the Internet,
You’ll find a secret place to play.
A forum and a message board,
A place where you’re told what to say.

You’d better tiptoe carefully,
Tread lightly when you visit.
Viva San Carlos Mexico,
Is Georges domain, his Dictatorship.

It breeds illiteracy and ignorance,
It intimidates creating fear.
With a wave and press of a button,
George will make you disappear.

Neither Adolph Hitler nor Napoleon,
Can command or deter your fate.
However Chaves, Castro and the order of Lenin,
George, represents or at least will impersonate.

So now you’ve surfed the Internet,
And you’ve found a great place to play.
Pull up a chair and spend sometime with us,
Because, Banamex is here to stay.

Sent by ANON

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