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I Coon 668

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1I Coon 668 Empty I Coon 668 Sat Feb 14, 2009 2:26 pm



Don't you love Acuquacky? we highlited two of his commonly used phrases
Its very rare two strangers use exactly the same words unless its a cut and paste!

Could Quakery by changing yet again? what a charlatan the yellow coward is.
But wait theres more, he may mean he wants to move down here with Stevie? It Feb14 lets keep our fingers crossed San Carlos has a Valentines Day Massacre and the malitia feel what they threaten. Now whose swing the lead Georgie Boy

Georgie boy, the Feds? Next week? I spent yesterday telling them about you and all about rest of the San Carlos Malitia and real estate consters working here illegally and you drug and mail train from the US which is smuggling.

Jail Jeorgie Boy Jail your going to Jail soon real soon don't to tell Maggit double your KY supply..

Icoon668 your better off buying in Can-coon youll fit in there.


Registered: July 24, 2008
Posts: 38
Today at 06:50 AM #16

I don't understand this at all. I have read the threads about this on this board and on the other one. It feels like I am reading into two different worlds.

My husband and I are desperately trying to sell our home to move to SC. We were there, loved it and want to become part of the community. But as I read these things, I had a concern of all the threats I was reading. Hubby says they are just words and people of action seldom just type they do so not to worry.

I read on the other site that this board is close to be shut down because of violations and I think huh? I don't see anything on this board that justifies its closing. I do see heated debates, which in my mind, are necessary in learning/hearing/understanding both sides of a discussion. Who knows, I could be completely wrong as I was once when I married the first time and stayed in it for 35 years, but I really don't think I could EVER be that wrong again!!

That is my 2 cents since I know nothing but as an outsider just reading both threads.

2I Coon 668 Empty Re: I Coon 668 Sun Feb 15, 2009 2:55 pm



Hey’er Coon Dog have you been vaccinated against Rabies ?

And Stevies Aculiars new boy friend so you out of luck.

You really need to go home to Coon Land, a little bit south of here CAN - COON

We don’t need any more red necks and hilly Billies here we got enough to start a farm with all the inbreeding theyz done.

But lets have a laugh how many times did you marry your brother? and are all those kids living in your trailer or do you borrow a few to get more from the food bank? Take the hint we dont want another idiot Grino here so close you legs and move on.

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