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Truth Ubique

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1Acuquackyliar Empty Acuquackyliar Sun Feb 08, 2009 2:44 am



What a dicweed acuquacky has changed a post to cover his deciet. Does anyone know this liar has often said he never comes here and again he is quoting us. The worst part is he is trying to insinuate poor stevie is Us and again he's wrong. Whats up with this guy that he has to accuse everyone of being the banamex owner and Admin. He tried to accuse the followwing of being the owners of this site.

Gianenni, Dougy Gow, Dougy G, Infoseeker, Observer, Saracen, Pilgrim, Hawaii, Maui Waui, Stevie, Holly, Holly Chapman, informer, Instructor, Hank Jenson and a few others infact AcuQuacky likes to point fingers and accuse and we beleive it to hide his own lies and deceit. Aculiar has lied about his Education, and about his profession and don't forgt he was banned from the Baja forum? He claimed to be a Navy Veteran and then changed it to an era vet he claims he bummed arounfd the Baja for 30 years yet as we have shown he moved from New Hampshire with the intent of Colorado but settled in Illinios. And don't forget hes darent go back to San Carlos or he goes to jail. Lets hope if he tries to enter Mexico in June as he said he would, someone will inform the policia.

The Quackery is a fraud a liar and a cheat, Why is it that so many people see though his disguise and life of lies? And when they say something they end up being banned? It has to be because hes paying georgie boy a lot of money to protect him or hes black mailing George and alecs for being bum boys probably out of jelousy. because George is dipping it with Jean baker poor margaret perhas thats why shes socializes with the womens club, theres a few dykes Im sure she'll get into. but this post is about aculiar and his fake life a life he stole from a real acupuncturist and a real doctor if any of you let this idiot touch you with a pricker you need your head testing.

Aculiars post on Vivacrapola not the date change by Aculiar below compared to the original. And we have the original emails if you want them forwaded the fee is $25 to save the Childrens fund, we send the e-mails on proof of payment.


Registered: March 27, 2008
Posts: 2,962
Today at 09:46 AM #1

Like George I take a look at the Banamex board just for a good laugh every now and then and I had a good one this morning.

I never post Priddy's rants but this is amusing. It is supposedly an email from George posted by "admin" for owner of banamex.

I see he is now using the cut line "a funny guy" that I would post about Stevie. It is also worth noting that when Stevie was on the viva board there was no activity on banamex since jan 21 until Stevie was booted then within hours banamex once again began attacking George and others.

What is so great about todays banamex post is the DATE that George supposedly sent the email....

From: "George Gadsby"
Sent: 02/14/09 03:56 pm
To: "Banamex"

Robert Priddy you are such an idiot!

FROM the Banamex Board:

Joined : 27 May 2008
Posts : 136
Subject: Re: Threats from George Yesterday at 7:16 pm

I just got another one from George he's a funny guy,

----- Original Message -----
From: "George Gadsby"
Sent: 02/14/09 03:56 pm
To: "Banamex"
Subject: Bobbie, Bobbie, Bobbie... Babble, Babble, Babble Time to take your meds Robert bcc; All

My comment:The content does not matter, it is just pure trash as always...

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Registered: July 24, 2008
Posts: 24
Today at 10:10 AM #2

I read it also and wondered where those dates were coming from lol.

Sorry, I have no idea what the fight is about, don't care lol, but if you are going to type crap up, at least keep the date current not in the future.


Registered: March 27, 2008
Posts: 2,962
Today at 10:36 AM #3

The only reason I posted this is to prove to that very small faction that believes Priddy's rants. This proves how full of crap he is, sending himself emails from George in the FUTURE!!! I'm sure I will be hit again for posting this from Priddy...big deal, what's new?

2Acuquackyliar Empty Re: Acuquackyliar Sun Feb 08, 2009 5:55 am



Oldies but Goodies,

Subject: Acu LIar Sun May 18, 2008 7:17 pm


AcuDoc post lies on VSC he say heever post on this board.
We check everybod need see who use the names on Banamex.

the progam not let you change them this is truth


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Subject: YOUR ENGLISH FUSHI FUSHI Sun May 18, 2008 7:56 pm

Fushi Fushi if it looks like a lie and smells like alie hes a liar. and ducko smells and looks like a liar.

Janic Ja

Subject: Acu Liar Tue May 20, 2008 3:34 pm

I gotten a few pornomails from that IP address.

Fushi is AcuDoc

Fushi is chinese /oriental medicine

AcuDoc got hook on punk music he like 6 inch nails


Joined : 14 Nov 2007
Posts : 95

Subject: Acu Liar Sat May 24, 2008 2:32 pm


According to VSC So Acu Liar is still saying he never posted on here and someone else has used his e mail address and 30 names with his IP. So if he never comes here or posts how does he know the names add up to THIRTY (30)?

So lets look at the facts

AcuDoc used the e mail address his acceptance of membership was sent to that email and he would not have been able to post as a member unless the e mail was openned. It was openned and he post using AcuDoc.

His IP address was logged when he registered and has been used by AcuDoc to post using multiple names as a guest.

Again TRUTH UBIQUE shows the world a fraud and a liar.

Subject: Acu Liar Mon May 26, 2008 4:26 pm

The guys an out and out liar get rid of him George ever since hes been here hes created problems.

Doc Wrote;

Registered: March 27, 2008
Posts: 351
Today at 01:08 PM #2

I never said I was in Viet Nam I said I was a Viet Nam Era Veteran.


Is this a Memorial day confession?

Please note AcuDoc's self admittance of only being a
"Era Veteran" not Vietnam Veteran as he previously claimed and bragged about !!!!!

See George the truth is finally being unveiled!!!!! But no doubt you will be given a few shekels and this post will also vanish......


Subject: Acu Liar Tue May 27, 2008 6:10 am


Here is a post from log ago that was archieved, there will be more produed. It is not character assasination Acu Liar doesn't have any character.


Subject: Who am I ?? Thu Nov 15, 2007 8:32 am


My claims are to have served in Vietnam, I was a photo journalist in the US Navy, I have a Masters Degree "MTOM" and accuse everyone of being a coward or hiding behind a computer screen. Shouting show up and put up or shut up!!
I remembers all the names who have attacked me?

Moderator in waiting
Dougy G
Carrie Giannin
soldier on leave
Capt Jack
Jean baker

I keep posting no more yet reply 2 seconds later, I am supposedly back in Idaho working, but spend most of my time on the forum?

Lets have a chavez next time IM down in SC?

Who wants to buy a double mattress....

The truth will soon be fully revealed about this charlatan, keep tuned in!!!!


Subject: Acu Liar Tue May 27, 2008 7:16 am


More from the Achives.


Joined : 14 Nov 2007
Posts : 31

Subject: IP Checks Fri Nov 16, 2007 1:17 pm


It doesn't bother us you can post under any names you choose as often as you want. However sometimes questions do arise and need to be answered. Had the following not raised a red flag we wouldn't have even posted it. But it needs to be said as evidence is mounting against the problemeer of VSC. And seeing as it has been happening on a regular basis over the last year. We find it fitting we should show at least a card or two of our evidence that the purp is no other than your freindly needle pusher the MTOM Acudoc.
It should be noted that he also claims to not only have been on VSC for a year but been suffering these abusive attacks for the same time period!!!
He also stated he had been on the Baja site previously, but so far we have found no one who knows him.

Anyway we just ran the IP's of our visitors and see that the person calling themselves Zorro, More, Snitch and Bot Goer are all the same IP Address!!!!
Now as far as memory serves only Acu-DIC uses Cox Communications when not in SC, And he left SC within the last 10 days!!!

This IP was used by all four of the named above. [ ]

So what do you all think has the MTOM been playing games and masquerading again??? form W Bannock St Boise Idaho or is it from
E Charter Oak Rd in Scotsdale Arizona?

Never the less you decide just remember we told you a while back. Not only is he a fake a liar and a charlatan he is the imposter you have all been complaining about. Alec’s is so paranoid about the toil and trouble gang he deletes for no just cause. He deleted the wrong people, We guess the saying is correct those who make the most noise are keen to hide their own misgivings and dirty deeds...

More evidence will no doubt be available soon, but in the mean time, alecs, we know you read this board but so you can also pretend and say you don't, You can act all suprised when someone tells you your attacker is

Ped off

Subject: Re: IP Checks Fri Nov 16, 2007 5:33 pm


Thany same person also sent me nasty E mail. I am sure it was the needle guy. Same bad spelling , stle etc. Nothing but Whinw, whine, whine and threats. Referred to the Viva board so was probably him.
This guy is a proven liar and very sick.

3Acuquackyliar Empty Re: Acuquackyliar Thu Feb 19, 2009 3:18 am



We will let you all decide if AcuDoc has again proved he lies or if its boarder line not being able to remember what his previous claims have been! The dates are missing from the first too quotes because it didn’t show the date of the posts when we ran search over a week ago. However today in the last posts refer to 17 Feb 2009.

Take note old Hawaii11 (Hawaii) wasn’t far off on his predictions.

Subject: Plagiarism
Posted By: hawaii11 Replies: 167
Views: 2,015 Acudoc,
Sorry wrong again,
I told you to buy BZH home and hold it you laughed
I told you to buy BIDU and again you laughed.
Both are trading lower than when I told you to buy but if you had bought at that time and sold within three months you would have tripled your money.

But not to worry... Buy BIDU and GOOG now, and hold its going back up, China is already moving out of the small recession they were in as is Italy. Buy Feb March the Stock market will be bouncing back, may take a little time to reach previous highs but it will exceed them.

Keep away from Auto and Oil, Oil will increase later next year not before and its still moving downwards.

Now say I never told you this.............

Posted By: AcuDocTCM Replies: 167
Views: 2,015 You just continue to lie over and over again "I gave a couple of future stock picks AcuDoc was one of those who sneered and ridiculed." This never happened. I know nothing of the stock market and would never ridicule anyone that does.


Registered: March 27, 2008
Posts: 3,045
##Today at 10:39 AM #1

I'm watching Obama give his speech on his plan to help the mortgage problem. As ever minute passes the DOW, NASDAQ and the S&P is rising. I guess Wall Street is liking what it is hearing. I hope they stay up and continues to climb after the speech.
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Registered: July 25, 2008
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##Today at 11:32 AM #2

Going down Doc..... looks like new lows...
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Registered: June 24, 2008
Posts: 611
##Today at 11:32 AM #3

Look again Doc, now -.

Registered: July 25, 2008
Posts: 1,621
##Today at 11:34 AM #4

Was a pretty good speech though...

Registered: March 27, 2008
Posts: 3,045
##Today at 05:52 PM #5

Just got home and did not see the closing bell...guess I'll take your word for it.

At least it looked good for a little bit.

Registered: June 24, 2008
Posts: 611
##Today at 05:57 PM #6

Up 3.03 Doc, better than dooooooooooown

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