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Marine Stevie

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1Marine Stevie Empty Marine Stevie Fri Feb 06, 2009 12:49 am



We'll when a plan comes together it really works,

If anyone else challenges my credentials they go the same way.

I sent a few PM's and told him I was gonna get him and I did I got him so worked up georgie Banned him. Remind me to thank you one day George perhaps I'll do it when I show you the lead ingots we talked about before.

Oh its really great to screw Georgieboy about.

hey Georgie guess whats to come soon real soon...hahahahahaha

2Marine Stevie Empty Re: Marine Stevie Fri Feb 13, 2009 3:59 am



Acuquacky has a crush on Stevie boy, We always new he was a bum boy but to have a fetish about soldiers and uniforms explains why he claims to have SERVED in the Veitnam era. Just think of all those Soldier boys, How many BIG GUNS did you play with Quacky? If Stevie boy gets back on the Vivacrapola board you'll all regret it. Im not the only one who disagrees with him coming back, meltdown is an understatement. You should see what he can do with a cucumber and a 3 year old.

It seems that Priddy from the Banamex board has been playing his usual bs games. He set Stevie up to the point that Stevie had a meltdown on the Viva Board and that caused him to be banned. Priddy admitted to sending the hate and obscene emails to members here. Many of us in the past had the same thing happen. It set Stevie off.

Hey Georgie Boy you really need to clean up your board or well have to do it for you.

Love A?

3Marine Stevie Empty Re: Marine Stevie Fri Feb 13, 2009 4:14 am



We have a hero worshipper, Oh we are so overwhelmed we need a bathroom to vomit.

First of all Doc, if Stevie wanted to be back, he probably would be, if the truth were known, he probably is. Secondly, Doc, have you ever met Robert Priddy? I have not, is there any proof you could put on this blog that he exists, and that he lives on the Characol in SC? Hurry I can't hold my breath as long as Joel can.

Hey Bumbero
Unlike you and your times at the white horse ranch Priddys Mentally handicapped and couldn't run a strip show in a whore house.

We thought you were one of the sain ones on Crapolacarlos but we forgot the prefix IN.

4Marine Stevie Empty Re: Marine Stevie Fri Feb 13, 2009 4:44 am



I posted this on viva than thunked it was better over here, down stevie down, roll over beg play dead!

I got a new dog--it's half pit bull and half French poodle. It's a lousy watchdog, but it is a really vicious gossip

5Marine Stevie Empty Re: Marine Stevie Fri Feb 13, 2009 4:48 am



Heres a thought perhaps Priddy's Stevie?

Naw Priddy and his Mental Handicaps much more intelligent than a smashed up old Grunt.

Here Piggy Piggy Here Piggy Stevie come on Piggy Piggy AcuQuacky want to have some pork.

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