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Guilty or Not Guilty?

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1Guilty or Not Guilty? Empty Guilty or Not Guilty? Fri Jan 09, 2009 7:02 pm



Docket No CAL-SF/ALA041089

Defendant/s, GEORGE CRAIG GADSBY and MARGARET ANN GADSBY, JUDGMENT, against Defendant/s, George Craig Gadsby and Margaret Ann Gadsby

Summary judgment has been granted against defendants having been found guilty of fraud and theft by their peers.

Count 1

The plaintiffs, “Bank of America NA” have shown there are genuine issues of material fact in dispute and "evidence to support the Plaintiffs case .for restitution against defendants" George C Gadsby and Margaret A Gadsby” a real estate partnership licensed in the state of California (32. Ca. 704 - RE (1987))
As stated in Plaintiffs separate statement of undisputed material fact of record before the court, by this the Court is asked to assume the bank made a loan of money that was already there before the transaction they have an equitable risk of loss to recover, as they agreed., and now have such loss and damage as a result of defendant's fraudulent act under the terms of the agreement. If we lived in the 19th century where the bank went to its vault got out the money in gold or currency and counted it out to the borrower and received his note to pay it back the performance of the bank would be obvious and this a moot point which the plaintiff would try to persuade the Court it is and has in fact written its note agreement and such language to make it appear so. In this age of fractional reserve banking and commercial paper that acts as money or money equivalent in finance, the fact that loan proceeds checks or disbursements for credit card obligations were written or electronically transferred out of the bank on behalf of the defendant is proof the bank made a loan of money that was already there before the transaction (Triplicated) they have equitable risk of loss to recover, which is the basis for the terms of the agreement. Payment of the obligations proved this and all money in existence has been created from fraudulent applications. The Plaintiffs wish the courts to recognize all transactions were made according to the applications submitted in evidence. The plaintiff also wishes the court to know that this case is also under federal investigation and charges of wire fraud and money laundering have been levied against the defendants.

Count II

Plaintiff's can establish and accounting will show these loan transactions were made in accordance with all State and Federal regulations The plaintiffs will show the defendants used multiple applications containing false and fraudulent information while using the same property (6710 Bedford Avenue Los Angles, CA 90056) as overvalued collateral.
Further the plaintiffs will prove that George C Gadsby and Margaret A Gadsby jointly used the social security numbers and identities bought from desperate homeless individuals for the sole purpose of obtaining large sums of credit and cash to finance their lavish and illegal enterprises.

Count III

The plaintiffs also request recovery of all assets the Gadsby’s have in all assumed names including but not limited to property in Mexico and finances held in foreign accounts and off shore accounts. The plaintiff also claims damages in order for a judgment to be awarded - including all cost and fee’s associated with recovery of there property and funds according to Law of Contracts, §§ 346, 352.257 F.3d.
An indisputable fact of this case is that the defendant provided a signed note/credit agreement to this transaction, before a loan was made. And as noted from authoritative sources of the banking and accounting professions, and from the SEPARATE STATEMENT OF UNDISPUTED MATERIAL FACTS, of record before the Court, If Defendant’s signed note/credit agreement was taken by the plaintiff for its own unjust enrichment as commercial paper of substantive money equivalence as recorded into the bank records,
This is guile and deception against the plaintiff that would not be allowed to pass in any other commercial realm. The equitable cost and risk to the bank to make the loan has been misrepresented and it is this misrepresentation of an extension of its own consideration of face principle it has not had to make that has been the foundation for the terms of the agreement.

All the obligations and terms of repayment and the rights of the lender under the contract are based on the supposed equitable risk to the bank for extension of its own consideration of face principle to have made the loan. When the book entries show under GAAP this didn’t happen, they have breached the agreement in numerous ways:

1) The defendants have withheld material fact they have used as borrower’s given for no other purpose but to deceptively and falsely secure, assets to cover loans and attempt to avoid risk to its own assets it had promised to repay without truthful disclosure.

2) From another perspective, they have used the lender’s note to originate the consideration for the bank’s loan without giving anything to get the note, as the only consideration ever given in the transaction was originated from the note and cannot be consideration given before hand for the bank to gain and so use it.

3) Origination of the loans, therefore, has been made through unjust enrichment from its fraudulent conversion of the borrower’s asset without the banks knowledge or agreement


Because the issue of discovery and what has been or will be produced to be evidence in this case is presently not resolved, it is impossible for the court to know what of defendant's defenses and any allegations noted above can or cannot be with the exception of possible fabrications of statement, that will prove their contentions and defenses in discovery will be nullified by such statements. Plaintiff’s basis in asserting its motion for summary judgment has been proven at this time and requests the court to make final judgment in BANK of AMERICA NA favor pursuant to the Uniform Commercial Banking Code and Lending Practices (UCC) sections 13-3308, and the California Revised Statutes (CAS) 11 CARS 03-18018, the validity of a signature on all of the charge slips and loan applications is hereby specifically and unequivocally been proved to have been paid and fraudulently obtained by GEORGE C GADSBY and MARGARET ANN GADSBY the Account Holders on record as the recipients of all loans.

Summary judgment by submitted evidence shows plaintiff’s case and according to the law where the facts before the court are conclusively that the court could conclude, as a matter of law, that only one conclusion of fact is possible.
The fact is, the plaintiff has shown the defendants to be guilty of the crimes they are accused therefore according to law a guilty verdict should be the only ramification that satisfies the sought judgment.


2Guilty or Not Guilty? Empty Re: Guilty or Not Guilty? Fri Jan 09, 2009 7:03 pm



Defendants complaint and defenses are based on the highly technical yet provable allegations of fact that Plaintiff does not have the risk for recovery of the money loaned purported as a basis for the terms and obligations of the agreement on the defendant, and if such risk represented and allowed to be understood by its language and terms does not exist, Plaintiff has breached the contract from the beginning enforcing it against the defendant.
In itspresent form the case, if allowed to continue, and if the bank's witnesses are compelled to appear and if the book entry accounting of these loan transaction is ordered to be produced, all of which defendants have a right to to make there case, defendant will proceed to prove in open court in the confronting of the agents of his adversary who has made the allegations of complaint against them, out of their own mouths, the facts:

1) That Plaintiff as a banking institution is bound by law to abide by and conform to standard Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in the making of its loans and other transactions,
2) That according to such principles, the book entry accounting of a loan transaction takes precedent over other legal forms of the agreement as showing the actual economic substance of it as to who in equity provided what and received what as a risk and or a benefit in the carrying out of the written agreement; and
3) That such book entry accounting of this transaction is available and recoverable to be produced as evidence in this case and, once produced for their examination, the testimony of these authoritative witnesses on it will show,
4) The economic substance of this transaction between Plaintiff and Defendant as they themselves are qualified to determine it, and will demonstrate and prove with absolute certainty the nature of the performance by the Plaintiff and the inherent risks to itself, or the lack thereof, in breach of its contract in making the loan transaction.
Plaintiff has ignored completely the article of defendant's complaint and defenses that defendant was estopped from its action by provisions of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) and has damaged the Defendant in violation of the law in carrying out its suit without having first validated the debt as required under the law.
The facts are, as established by documentary evidence, of records here and already before the court, Defendant had sought verification of the assumed debt BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., on January, 21, 2002, via U.S. Certified Mail, Receipt number 7005 0328 1003 6035 3365, as the Collector had not provided the verification required by definition and statute under the FDCPA as requested. Collector has still not provided adequate verification of said debt, even as a summons for suit was issued on September 17, 2003 ultimately served on the defendant on September 24, 2001.
Defendant has sought and requested the Plaintiff or its agents to validate the legal form and terms of the agreement of how the parties were equitably supposed to have performed, by producing for examination the bank’s journal bookkeeping entry ledger records of the transaction showing the factual economic substance of the transaction under GAAP of what actually did happen and how the parties actually did perform. Defendant would show unto the Court, to this date Plaintiff has yet to provide any of the appropriate documentation necessary to validate this debt accordingly despite his direct request for them do so, and which request is his right to receive from the Plaintiff.
Plaintiff had noted in its letter of March 12, 2001, (see exhibit, ”D”, attached).the requirements to which it is bound under The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act by stating, "...If you notify this office in writing within the thirty day period that the debt, or any portion thereof is disputed, this office will obtain verification of the debt...".

Fair Debt Collections Practices Act: § 809. Validation of debts [15 USC 1692g]
5(b) If the consumer notifies the debt collector in writing within the thirty-day period described in subsection (a) that the debt, or any portion thereof, is disputed, or that the consumer requests the name and address of the original creditor, the debt collector shall cease collection of the debt, or any disputed portion thereof, until the debt collector obtains verification of the debt or any copy of a judgment, or the name and address of the original creditor, and a copy of such verification or judgment, or name and address of the original creditor, is mailed to the consumer by the debt collector.
Defendant will show unto the Court, It is fundamental for Plaintiff’s debt collector in validating that a debt exists, to establish that their client had loaned its own substance as valuable consideration that did already exist before the transaction that would allow creditor or collector in equity to demand payment. This is what defendant had requested and what the law requires must be produced before collection efforts could rightly continue. Yet it is clear Plaintiff's attorney had once again initiated collection of the alleged debt by beginning its legal action before defendant would have had opportunity to be notified of Plaintiff’s position in any dispute over the debt. And therefore began its legal action in violation of their own acknowledged requirements of temporary forbearance of such action under The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act until the requirements of the law had been met. But Plaintiff has in fact, not verified or validated the debt before having begun its legal action even if its response had been received prior to its legal action beginning.
Defendant had requested of Plaintiff in his letter of January 21, 2001 validation of the debt on two points:
1) Validation of the debt, by notarized affidavit from an officer of your client qualified to make a statement affirming the fact that your client is still presently the legal holder in due course of this debt and that I currently have the obligation to pay them for it or in or in any way which may be considered legal verification of the debt enforceable in law proving they or you are the actual holder of the debt in question; and
2) a full validation of the debt as allegedly made by the original alleged lender seeking to establish fact by the bank’s journal bookkeeping entry records of the accounting of this loan transaction under standard GAAP showing that the bank has performed as agreed as stated and implied in its loan agreement and did, in fact, lend money already in existence from assets, deposits or accounts belonging to the bank, its depositor’s, or other banks, that existed prior to the transaction and origination from the credit agreement/note, and was in fact, lending money it had advertised and represented to the buyers as already being in its possession and/or control to lend in the origination of the loan and to which assets, deposits or accounts the bank would be seen by its accounting to have had risk of liability to make good the funds buyers received from the bank if not repaid,( which is the risk of liability to the bank stated and/or implied in the agreement as justification and basis for the terms of the bank’s note buyers were induced to sign.) And which specific performance, as indicated above, stated and implied in the note and the bank’s past advertising, was the sole legal basis for the bank to have obtained the buyers’ promise and obligation to perform under the note as he agreed,
52. But as stated no such verification has yet been provided by Plaintiff’s debt collector.
53. This was not a refusal to pay, but a notice that this account was disputed until this dispute was resolved by their validation and verification of the debt and until the requirements of the FDCPA have been met, the Collector had no jurisdiction to continue any collection activities.
Defendant would show unto the Court with regard to legal validation and verification of a debt: And that no fraudulent applications were presented by or on behalf of the defendants GEORGE C GADSBY and MARGARET ANN GADSBY.


Plaintiff's motion refuses to rebut or remove defendant's issue of immaterial facts in dispute. And fails to show there is any evidence to support defendant’s case, in the light of authoritative documentary evidence already submitted, and in anticipation of witness testimony subpoenaed and discovery yet to be produced, which must be viewed “in the light most favorable to the plaintiff.”


BY James.W.Donaldson

San Fransisco District 2

I hereby certify that I have mailed a copy of the foregoing Additional Response to defendants motion for Summary Judgment, this eleventh day of December 2003, by, James W Donaldson Attorney at Law, San Francisco District and to Clerk of District Court, Certified Mail
Return Receipt Requested, Receipt no CAL-SF/ALA04108

3Guilty or Not Guilty? Empty Re: Guilty or Not Guilty? Sat Jan 10, 2009 4:35 pm



You know, I could give a shit about any of the wrinkled has beens, wanna bes and never will be on the Viva forum or on this forum.

I do think this shit has no value whatsoever and is only someone's way of continuing a pissing contest in which they are the only participant.

Posting this shit is meaningless, who cares and what do you expect to derive from the posting? Do you need someone to chime in with you on this or are you validating yourself by making a completely ignorant post.

Give it up dixi, grow up and find something else to do with your wasted time. Go out and stand in the middle of the street and do yourself a favor, stop a bus with your body. You'll feel better about yourself, I know you will.

4Guilty or Not Guilty? Empty Re: Guilty or Not Guilty? Sun Jan 11, 2009 12:46 pm



From the Newspaper files February 2004

Judges sentences man and wife for fraudulent loans

San Francisco

A San Francisco Judge has sentences 51 year real estate tycoon George Craig Gadsby and his wife 49 year old wife Margaret Ann Gadsby of Alameda to 4 1/2 years imprisonment
(3 year suspended) and ordered to pay $ 4.2 million in restitution to Bank of America.
The Gadsby’s were found guilty of obtaining fraudulent loans from BAC using derelict property and empty lots in Los Angeles as collateral. The prosecution said the Gadsby’s posed as State officials and paid $20 to as many as 600 homeless people for there Names and Social Security numbers. They then used the information to apply and obtain a number of loans.

5Guilty or Not Guilty? Empty Re: Guilty or Not Guilty? Sun Jan 11, 2009 12:59 pm



If you don't like it dont read it. This is the TRUTH forum, Dixi has a right to post any and all information about crooks and liars hiding out in San Carlos.

George has been proved to be a liar and a conman more than once.

If we dig around will we uncover some dirt about you and you travels around the keys?

6Guilty or Not Guilty? Empty Re: Guilty or Not Guilty? Sun Jan 11, 2009 5:02 pm



Keys? As in the Florida Keys? Please, don't bother me with your little threats. Anything you 'dig' up on me will surely have come out of your ass because that's where your head is most of the time.

I'm all for the truth and open reporting but dragging up shit from 5 years ago is ancient history.

We know George is a screw up but so are a lot of people in San Carlos. George is old news and doesn't even deserve the old lame stories about him. Each time a post about him is made the post only brings him to the fore front again. Still, who cares?

As for me, go for it little buddy, let's see what your corn mash tells you.

7Guilty or Not Guilty? Empty Re: Guilty or Not Guilty? Sun Jan 11, 2009 10:54 pm



George professes to be a model citizen and an up right honest resident.

But as proved hes a lying conman who likes to play King of the Viva board at least 25% of registered member names are George, doone to make the forum look bigger than it is.
George is Geezerville, Solarwind,George of San Carlos,VSCM,George of Alameda,Moderator of Viva San Carlos,Barbra,Moderator,Dennis,Dennis Green,Misty,Holly. Holly Chapman,Pilgrim and God knows how many others. He has a criminal record for fraudulent real estate transactions and anyone who challenges his 'POWER" he bans them from the forum so he can protect his cheating.

It doesn't matter how long ago it was he was sent to prison for fraud and he has a felony. It needs to be constantly posted so everyone knows his back ground and his lies. It doesn't matter what the liar claims he owns the viva board not alex, he conned alex out of it and is using the forum to work ilegally in Mexico.

Its the right of everybody to post who is and who isn't what they claim to be.

And we haven't finished with AcuQuacky and Gay Guys Sahlen yet there is more to come about them.

Tax evasion and impersonation odf a medical professional is a crime theyll go down soon real soon.

So keep watching, disagree but youll change nothing!

8Guilty or Not Guilty? Empty Re: Guilty or Not Guilty? Mon Jan 12, 2009 4:00 am



I already know all of that, so do a ton of other people. What George has done and what the Sahlens have done and even what Larry professes to be or not to be doesn't amount to a hill of beans.

This forum has been at this juncture since the beginning and you and your members haven't made a difference.

George is still running Viva and Bobby and his partner are still singing at the local venues. Doesn't that tell you that your rantings and ravings are falling on deaf ears?

What about Parnell? He's just as vocal as ever and is still pushing pins. He's not out of work even if he's out of the country.

I understand and appreciate a forum that is for the truth and is an avenue for expression without repercussion but hashing old news over and over hasn't proven a thing and it apparently hasn't hurt the principles that are the brunt of the rants.

Someone pays for the bandwidth of this forum even though many days pass before there is a post of any substance. It seems to me that bandwidth could be used for more than puking up old news that no one cares about.

This thread for instance, how many other members have made a post here? Just me, you and the wacko Admin with his little threats to me.

If this is your idea of truth then so be it. It's not for me to say what makes your mind be at ease.

I'll keep watching but understand one thing, I don't expect to change anything. I'm only making truthful points as to the wastefulness of the redundant posts.

I'll keep watching and perhaps you'll be respectful enough to get my nick right the next time. Tuc-a-loco has a ring to it that might sound like I'm a little 'loco'. I like my nick as it is, tu_cu_lo, meaning 'your ass'. To be construed many ways.

I checked my profile today and was amazed to find that I listed my hobby as travelling and my home base as the Florida Keys. Funny thing that, I don't do profiles when I join forums. To me it's unnecessary so the best thing I can think of is this forum's administrator filled that in for me.

Which brings up another question, who would know what was in my profile other than me or the forum administrator? The wacko Admin member that threatened today with uncovering dirt about me and my travels around the Keys apparently has admin rights to my profile or you let it be known what my profile said. Remember, I didn't do a profile.

Here's a little truthful tidbit, I like a head game once in awhile and I can talk some shit with the best of them. Before this thing and the Keys gets started you may want to discuss the threat made by Admin today.

It's your forum and it's your party but it seems lately most of the members have lost interest in what is said these days. Try something new, how about reporting something worthwhile?

Edited by Admin,

Admin changed the script color, yellow is so QuackyGeorgeSahlen.

Get one thing straight Tuco, Posters come posters go, they only have to register to post anyone can read every word. Before you pull your hair out having a screaming fit take a look at the views per thread. If no one was interested they would be Zero or should that be Zorro I can't quite remember?

As long as this forum is controlled by US we will post what we want when we want, we do not delete posts as everybody has a right to be informed. The more it is posted the more people read it, the more people read the more negativity is created and the more the liars are shown in there true light.
As the real estate markets are suffering no one seems to care about all the fraud, but when it returns the TRUTH will remind them of the crooks like George,Jose Martinez,Catalina,Richard Baca, Bud23 and the rest of the crooks working ilegally.
As this is being written queer boys Bobby and Leslie Sahlen is being investigated by the Mexican Treasury and the IRS so at least one side of the boarder will be screwing his fat @$$ shortly.

9Guilty or Not Guilty? Empty Re: Guilty or Not Guilty? Fri Jan 16, 2009 8:32 pm



Georgie Boy posted this on viva,
all we can say is Priddy darn clever of you to accuse a mentally disturbed innocent person. Very convenient especially as the TRUTH is posted for all to see.

Hey Georgie being the president elect of a foundation used to raise money seems to fit your criminal persona. Who better but a conman and a liar to raise much needed funds in a recession?
You can post all your denials George, facts are facts you and your bad wife ran away to Mexico because you thought you could hide out.

Mexican jails are less inviting than the US, but its your choice!


Registered: March 27, 2008
Posts: 467
Today at 01:20 PM #1

The rumor of our criminality has been greatly exaggerated.

The banamex board and its creator Robert T. Priddy have decided to defame my wife and me for whatever reason.

I am currently standing as President Elect and Vice President of the Rotary Club of San Carlos. The Club's reputation as well as our own is very important to the future success of Rotary in San Carlos.

Rather than having a back door fight and a whispering campaign to get the facts out we are using the awesome power of the board to expose Robert Priddy for the fraud he is.

I have posted below the initial excerpts of the two lawsuits he has found and then proceeded to cut and paste our names into.

The link to the entire thread is also attached should you choose to read the suits in their entirety.

The sole purpose of the banamex board seems to be destructive.

Margaret and I hereby and irrevocably state that neither of us was ever a party to either of the legal actions referred to on the banamex board.

It's a lie.

Those of you who know us will know it is a lie. Those of you who don't know us will have to decide for yourselves.

Some of you will believe it no matter what and frankly a whole lot of you will be wondering what the hell it's about in the first place.

San Carlos is a small town and rumors spread rapidly. Good reputations take a lifetime to achieve and only a second or two to destroy.

We refuse to sit by and let Robert T. Priddy try to destroy ours with his hate filled mind.

Docket No CAL-SF/ALA041089

Defendant/s, GEORGE CRAIG GADSBY and MARGARET ANN GADSBY, JUDGMENT, against Defendant/s, George Craig Gadsby and Margaret Ann Gadsby

Summary judgment has been granted against defendants having been found guilty of fraud and theft by their peers.

Source >>>


U.S. 52010 Pet. 52119 L.Ed. 5018





ON appeal from the 9th circuit court of the United States, in the county of Orange California..
This was a bill filed in the circuit court, by the appellant, against the executors of James Walker, praying for an injunction on a trustee, to prevent his proceeding to sell certain real estate, conveyed to him to secure the payment of a sum of money loaned to the complainant; and for relief against an alleged usurious contract.

For this one you have to log onto the thread and go down a few posts.

source >>>

The original source for the suit listed above. Note the date 1836 >>>
U.S. Supreme Court
Stanley v. Gadsby, 35 U.S. 10 Pet. 521 521 (1836)
Stanley v. Gadsby

35 U.S. (10 Pet.) 521



Thanks for your time.
Hooray for the awsome power of the board.
George and Margaret Gadsby
San Carlos
Full Time

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