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Who is Geezerville?

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1Who is Geezerville? Empty Who is Geezerville? Fri Dec 19, 2008 4:35 pm



This will be again denied but as our records prove we have our ways of finding these things out.

It can also be confirmed that Hawaii was right in his assumption Geezerville was George .

Geezerville is George e mail addresses and IP’s don’t lie.

Plus they are in the same location profess to have the same professional back ground, both are dying and both support liberals and drugs.

So keep writing your fiction George, the only ones who read it are the frustrated old hags who wouldn’t know what a good line is anyway.

Last edited by Admin on Tue Dec 23, 2008 11:30 pm; edited 2 times in total

2Who is Geezerville? Empty Re: Who is Geezerville? Tue Dec 23, 2008 7:10 pm



Found while surfing, take a good read its your hero George!!!

The Real Alameda.
I think the central dispute in Alameda is more about culture than politics. It's the common sense, blue collar, working class way of life and thought vs. the newer influx of, for want of a better phrase, "Hula Hoop Yuppies," suburbanite, middle-class values and thinking. I grew up working class, (my dad worked in sawmills of Pennsylvania ), and I went off to the University where I learned to pass as lower middle-class, so I understand the conflict better than most.
And while I GET the lower middle class statement, I reflect on my dad and my first and lasting loyalties are with the workers, those who work with their hands. who make things, fix things and keep things running. I did really well with my Real Estate Agency Gadsby’s. Simply because I was working with artisans and craftsmen all the time layout artists, designers, photographers, illustrators, printers, etc. but I could also talk to clients, i.e., business owners and CEOsand people I had known from my early introductions of the Bay.
When I got out here, Alameda was still a Navy town but more importantly a community of like-minded souls and I got along with the locals, the natives, the fifth generation Alamedians right away because of my willingness to live like them and promote the anti-government feelings of the times. In the sixties it was a revolution for the people by the people and against another unwanted war. I was quite happy to smoke a weed or two as I joined in the riots and demonstrations. While I may not share their fear of change, I can understand and appreciate it. I have faith that Alameda will never really change at heart, no matter how much Towne Centre grows, or traffic patterns thicken, but I don’t dismiss their concerns lightly.
Currently, this community is seeking its real voice in the same way I am the Sultan and voice of a poultry egotistical gang south of here. Some newcomers feel a tangible disdain for the old culture here, that a Penny’s and a Mervyn's could be the anchor stores for South Shore. A newer arrival once remarked to me that "Alameda was screwed up before we got here," which is most revealing of the "newcomer" state of mind. and on their cars. Sorry, but I love my old MG.

So it ain't political, not liberal vs. conservative, but a class war of the finest sort. Will the down-to-earth proletariat give in to the educated, all-white, would-be ruling class? Not likely. And the Middle Class, classically, is isolated from reality, dumb enough to pay a million dollars for a house on High Street, and no more sophisticated about art and literature and philosophy than their working class neighbours who paid $36,500 for the same floor plan and location, 30 years ago.
The current real estate crash may well preserve the original spirit of Alameda. Rampant development of the former Naval Air Station is now unlikely, and many of the latest home buyers may have to live within their means, may even have to learn an honest trade, or drive a smaller car. They say the middle class in America is disappearing, but somehow I’m not convinced that’s going to be such a terrible thing.
Workers unite! Let the Unions rule balance the budget by making drugs legal, And God bless Alameda while the devil takes to rest of the greedy down trodden Hula Yuppies!

3Who is Geezerville? Empty Re: Who is Geezerville? Tue Dec 23, 2008 7:48 pm



I find it highly suspect that Georgie boy is a crooked RE Agent and all these RE articles are being written by his PAL in Alameda DENNIS GREEN.

No home for you!
Filed under: Alameda, Development — Dennis Greene @ 4:42 pm
The San Francisco Business Times reports that housing affordability for first time homebuyers has gotten worse, not better, some highlights:
The percentage of first-time buyers in California able to afford a median-priced home stood at 24 percent in the third quarter of 2006, compared with 28 percent for the same period a year ago, according to a report released Monday by the California Association of Realtors.

In the Bay Area, the minimum household income first-time buyers needed to buy a median-priced home of $627,560 was $129,640, based on an adjustable rate of 6.58 percent and assuming a 10 percent down payment. The monthly payment, including taxes and insurance, would be $4,320.

Alameda County affordability was at 24 percent in the third and second quarters of this year, down from 27 percent in the year-ago third quarter…
Almost $130K combined income is needed in order to purchase a home in the Bay Area, and with the prospects of housing affordability looking to get worse and not better, just who are we shutting out of the “American dream” of home ownership with our reactionary housing policy? When we think about first time homebuyers, it’s not just the young professionals looking to get into a starter home to build equity. First time homebuyers are folks of all shapes and sizes — the immigrant family that has scrimped and saved enough for a down payment, the young couple looking to build a life, the lifelong renters who are ready to take that next step…our neighbors, friends, and family. Moving forward in Alameda, let’s be thoughtful about how we can both preserve the qualities that we appreciate about Alameda, but also plan to provide the next generation of homeowners with a diversity of housing opportunities.

4Who is Geezerville? Empty Re: Who is Geezerville? Wed Dec 24, 2008 3:26 am



This is posted by Geezer on Viva as if it was his own work! He changed the name but the article is as printed!

Geezer has again been uncovered as a cheat and a fraud

Dennis Herbert Green 68

Also claims to be dying after having 7 heart surgeries including a bypass. He is a conman and has a criminal record in California for drugs and drug paraphernalia.
The World is better off without this charlatan lets hope he is terminated soon and the devil reclaims his off spring.

Drinks & Debauchery
The San Francisco Sun
By Don Baird
Published: May 10, 2007

Dean Martin played one in the movie “Rio Bravo,” a stinking, fall-down sloppy drunk. He went on to play one on his television show, and you could never be quite sure… Dudley Moore played a happy drunk in “Arthur” and there was lots of sloshing around in Vegas by the Rat Pack. The only time I ever saw Sinatra live, at the Circle Star Theater near the end of his life, he was holding a drink the whole time he was on stage, and commented, “God bless that bartender and his broken arm!”
In chemical dependency treatment circles, they often say, “Drinking is not the problem. Even if the person has one too many. It’s what happens next. If he or she then does something mean, or angry or stupid, THAT’S the problem.”
If you’ve ever been a captive, cringing passenger driven home by someone who is popped and driving like a maniac, taking careless chances with your life and the lives of others, you know what a rolling Death Wish is like. I did that once, driving on the way home from a wild weekend drinking beer at Redway, south of Garberville, on the banks of the South Fork of the Eel River.
I was driving my customized ’52 Ford hardtop, metallic green with bronze “scallops,” like flames, coming off the front, lowered all around, all the chrome scraped off, the header pipes along the bottom of the car doors open and roaring out my disdain. I was driving north on Highway 101 toward Eureka when it was still two-lane blacktop going through the “Avenue of the Giants,” those huge redwoods standing right on the edge of the roadway.
I was driving much too fast, passing other cars on curves and just generally being an idiot. I had three passengers, other boys my age, 18, in the car and when we got to Garberville, the two in the back seat asked to be let out. They were the smart ones. I made it home safely that day, by the grace of God, but when I sobered up, I swore I would never get behind the wheel again unless I could walk the line.
As that satire goes, “I paid the fine/couldn’t walk the line.”
I don’t get drunk anymore, not even close. Not since that time in my twenties when I passed out in a field near the party in Isla Vista, breaking my eyeglasses and tearing my favorite shirt. I’m not a prig about it, just don’t need the hangovers.
A ritual of coming of age in our society seems to be learning how to drink without becoming a problem, how to hold your liquor, knowing that praying at the porcelain altar ain’t no fun, that driving drunk is stupid. Some of us learn by dying. Or snagging that D.U.I.
I remember breaking my vow, leaving a party in Eureka once after drinking a fifth of Canadian Club, crawling across the lawn to my car, and driving home.
And we marveled, at the University, at the Mormon kid who had never had a drink before in his life, and simply lost it, over and over again. And of course, some people never do learn how to hold their booze. According to Hemingway’s “A Movable Feast,” F. Scott Fitzgerald was one of “those.” And Sheila Graham’s story, “Beloved Infidel,” seems to confirm Hem’s diagnosis.
“Friends don’t let friends drive drunk,” or so the saying goes. But we need to have resolve to follow through on that. And we need to be wily in taking away their keys. It’s best, of course, if the person who’s having way too much fun recognizes the fact, and doesn’t even attempt driving, or the bungee cord or sky diving.
Now that would be a spectacular display in poor judgment. Wouldn’t it?

5Who is Geezerville? Empty Re: Who is Geezerville? Thu Dec 25, 2008 2:42 am



I have just read the dribble George is trying to promote on the vivacrapola site.
He should apply to the oscar's for an award or at least and EMI. He has the ordacity to say the Banamex board is run by Priddy who I understand is handicapped? Banamex George is run by the person you protect.

I concur with Banamex Geezerville is George there are too many similarities and thats why george was swift to boot Hawaii of the forum. George took it as Hawaii was calling Georges wife Maggy a whore, perhaps she was and George couldnt accept the TRUTH.

I do like the way Aculiar tries to tell everyone he was being impersonated by Priddy. What a liar he is, Bomber you need to screw your head on Aculiar is just that a liar.
Ask yourselves these questions

Acu... continually claims he has a masters degree an MTOM, but if you type in mtom degree nothing comes up! there is an MTOM but its to do with lasers not medical especially not acupuncture or other fake asian herb garden,

Why has Acu... never claimed to have a Bachelors degree? which is required to obtain entry into an undergraduate course.

Aculiar posted a resume!! no he didn't he posted what he wanted everyone to believe but forgot to put times and dates for his acclaimed accreditation.. You critisize Hawaii yet his resume contained information that could be verified if you wanted to. Aculiar is a fraud and a fake. His whole persona is an impersonation of someone else.

Ask aculiar why he can't go back to Mexico the answer is because he got caught practicing medicine without a license and will be arrested if he returns. I remember his claim of passing a mexican medical exam and obtaining a work permit with in three weeks was a lie just like his military service is a lie.

So why does George keep him around? Well a dogs a mans best friend and George needed a poodle to satisfy his cravings.

Oh and George/Geezer you really are a stupid gringo no lawyer in the US is going to do a darn thing to anyone in Mexico.

What I don't understand is how you get so upset about your supposed letter but allow a fake to roam unattended amongst you.

If you got a cease and desist from a real law office you should be taking it seriously. But then as George owns the viva board he's just shit scared of being found out. So he's trying to blame young Priddy once again... Perhaps you came blame Priddy for you law suit in Alameda George you remeber that dont you? Stew on it I'll post your criminal record soon enough.

The viva board is full of liars and cheats.

6Who is Geezerville? Empty Re: Who is Geezerville? Thu Jan 08, 2009 2:11 am



Geezerville is George

George banned Hawaii accusing him of calling geezers dead wife a whore when it was George who called her a whore, did George bann himself No because he thinks hes F... God

Anybody reading the Crapola shite can plainly see the connection between Geoprge and Geezer

George is a liar and a cheat George has a criminal record for fraudulant real estate deals

Since Hawaii was banned Aculiar has continued to slander and name call, Geezer (George) has continued to post questionable vulgarity and a number of other idiots have continued to insult point fingers and wear a crown. All are pathetic cretins in need of a good screw
Janis has the ordacidy to post a picci of her ugliness, she should wear a bag over her head and post a public health warning. Beegee claims to be a nurse I wonder how many she's killed by posting on Viva every two minutes

The only saine person on there is Rubber Dicky and Bombero
but not to worry because they will all die and the world wll be free of parasites and wannabee's
lets hope george gets arrested soon and thrown in jail

Youll be "Fresh Meat" George thatll make change from you screwing everybody else.

Bend and cough

ooops wheres the KY

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