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For Holly Chapman

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1For Holly Chapman Empty For Holly Chapman Wed Nov 12, 2008 10:25 pm



Heads up Holly, you won’t win against any of the creeps you’re doing battle with. Alecs used to post lots and everyday since George took over you hear nothing from him.

* George came here from Alameda that’s the bay area the same area as Cheese Cake.

* Quackery and Chrisy Holmes went to the same school in California.

* Fred went to Berkley also in the bay area.

* Zorros, all mouth he has no real opinion everything he posts he copies comes from the internet.

* beegee2 is an old gossip wannabee, the next time she says anything of importance will be a first.

* Bobby Sahlen is a 60 year old queer, he says he’s married to Leslie but Leslie (a Bi name) is also a queer who had a sex change that went wrong.

* You nailed Bud hes a drunken dreamer and nothing more then a car salesman on the run.

* Acudoc + AcudocTCM plus many other names is a liar and a fraud, We concur he is under educated to be a needle pusher.

* Acuquack can’t come back to Mexico or he goes to jail for practicing medicine without a license. Check the wellness center they’ll confirm it.

* He said his brother was queer, he is his brother he was divorced by his ex for sleeping with guys.

* Rumour had it when AcuQuaky was in San Carlos he was Alecs bum boy, yep Alecs is single, you never see or hear of him been with a female

This is the Viva San Carlos committee

George the owner
Alecs in name only
Zorro the committee fool
MexicoMel another fool
Maggie Georges other half
Richard Baca a crooked Real Estate Agent
Jose Martinez another crooked Real Estate Agent who ran a way to Vegas after screwing the locals out of there homes and cash.

You don’t belong on the viva board Holly come over to the TRUTH we don’t delete or edit posts you are responsible for your own messages.

Our membership is small compared to Viva but George inflates the numbers with multiple use names, If you don’t believe me look at his member list pick a few names at random you’ll have a suprising number show up as no records found. His 1350 members are no more than 300, George himself uses lots of names George, George of San Carlos, George of Alameda, geo, Moderator and quite a few more.

2For Holly Chapman Empty Re: For Holly Chapman Thu Nov 13, 2008 5:10 am



Naliled Jose Martinez and Baca. They stay quiet or run away until things are forgotten by a few. Martinez is a liar for hire but a smooth talker cause he speaks English. Yikes.
Let me find the past posts they made on viva.
Ahhh.............. leave Bobby alone. Artist can be free spirits.

3For Holly Chapman Empty Re: For Holly Chapman Thu Nov 13, 2008 5:17 am



Glossaries José J. Martínez
Experience Years of translation experience: 40. Registered at Jul 2008. Became a member: Jul 2008.
Credentials English to Spanish ()
Memberships N/A
Software Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Other (, Powerpoint
Website, CV/Resume CV/Resume: English
About me


Hello, my name is Jose J. Martinez; I can be located at my postal Address P.O. Box 483, Green Valley, AZ 85622. My phones are (623) 298-4602 & Cell (520) 834-6746 with my E-mail: .
I also live in Mexico, in the beautiful city of San Carlos, Sonora, right on the Gulf of California where I have a condo. And yes, I am semi-retired but have a lot of time for doing translations. You can contact me at the same numbers above when I am in San Carlos.

My profession is Biochemical Engineering and I have specialties in 1) Food Technology, 2) Marine Sciences, 3) Fermentation Technology and I have taken many MBA subjects. I have translated continuously for many years and am quite versatile.

When I was a very, young child my parents left my native Mexico to the US to seek further education and specialties in the Medical Field. I learned English in first grade in a school where there was nobody else speaking Spanish, therefore I learned English quickly and well. After concluding my Primary schooling (grade 6), my family returned to Mexico for a few years. I had to relearn Spanish and was able to catch up quickly with my classmates. I continued with all my Secondary and Preparatory work in the city of Xalapa, Veracruz. After graduating from Preparatory, my selection for University was the Tecnológico de Monterrey in Monterrey, Mexico. The Tecnológico de Monterrey, an institution of much prestige turned out to be more than I was expecting, it was an excellent school. I started in the school of Mechanical Electrical Engineering, where I stayed for four semesters but then decided to change to the school of Biochemical Engineering that had subjects and fields that interested me more. I graduated in 1971 as a Professional Biochemical Engineer, Certified in Mexico. I wrote my professional thesis, about research conducted on formulations of specialty feeds used in shrimp farming; this was when Mariculture and Aquaculture were just starting in Mexico. I later went to Mexico City to seek employment. Once there, I decided to study the MBA at the Mexico City Campus of the Tecnológico de Monterrey. I was not able to finish the curriculum because of my constant travels and changes of residence. I later took and graduated in a Specialty in Fermentation with a sub specialty in Beer Technology at the Siebel Institute of Chicago.

Since my family had gone back to Mexico I had the opportunity to use my bilingual skills substantially. I remember interpreting telephone transactions for coffee distributors of my home town with companies like Folgers in New Orleans and other coffee buyers in the USA. I also did interpretations and written translations for the few Americans that arrived in our part of Mexico back then. In those days, there were very few persons that spoke English in my part of Mexico.

At school I was always in high demand with my peers because the majority of books that we used were in English, therefore they needed me to translate to them the homework we had to do. I was also asked to collaborate with them because of my English knowledge.

My parents had a medical clinic. I was very much involved in the Medical field because I was always a curious kid in my parents’ clinic. I would grab books and check on illnesses and diagnostics, medications, side effects and other related subjects.

For my first real job after arriving in Mexico City I collaborated with The Mexican Institute of Technological Investigations for more than six months as a Bibliographical Investigator, I was later with Procter and Gamble as a buyer of packaging materials and then with a CO2 firm named Liquid Carbonic in the sales, operation and installation of Cryogenic food freezers for more than a year. After this, I decided it was time to direct my efforts to more interesting fields.

As follows are companies I worked for, and I mention a few words about my experiences there. You can see that in these jobs, there was always a use for my bilingual abilities:

Dow Chemical de Mexico. -- Mexico City. Starting out as a Dow product Inside-Sales Trainee, I learned logistic procedures and general policies and practices. Upon graduation from the “Dow Management Development Program”, was promoted to Account Manager of Herbicides, Insecticides and Veterinary products, to distributors of the Gulf of Mexico region. I was later promoted to the Exports Supervisor for Human Medical Products.

Enmex, S.A.--Mexico City. A Miles Labs Joint Venture., where I was an Enzyme Production Engineer for one year, was later promoted to Technical Sales Manager. I was able to devise products for the baking and detergent industries. I sold enzyme products mainly to the detergent, beer, dairy, starch, and cloth manufacturers.

Pfizer de Mexico.—Toluca, Mexico. Production Planning & Inventory Control Manager, responsible for streamlining materials management and improving inventory administration. Able to optimize plant output by improving the materials administration, using ABC methods for planning production and purchasing and inventory control. Decreased on-hand inventory levels of raw materials and packaging by instituting JIT deliveries and correct spacing for the deliveries resulting in a lesser dependence on rented warehousing space and less investment in both materials and finished products. At Pfizer I got new product development and product launch experience.

Stauffer Chemical de Mexico. –Mexico City. Here I held the position of General Director for this Mexico subsidiary. Products sold were mainly phosphorous compounds and highly specialized items.

Southwest Diagnostic Laboratory.--San Antonio, Texas; a clinical laboratory of which I was part owner and General Director.

Van Waters & Rogers.—Corpus Christi, Texas. Salesman for all the chemicals line to Northern Mexico maquiladora (assembly plant) customers and the Southeast Texas Territory.

J.E. SIEBEL SONS' Co.--Chicago, IL, I had the position of Latin American Sales Manager for Brewing Processing Ingredients. Siebel was then an internationally famous provider of brewing ingredients, brewing analytical services and a world renowned educational brewing institution. Obtained the Kosher approval for all of Siebel’s products.

QUEST INTERNATIONAL.--Hoffman Estates, IL. A leading multinational company in the food ingredient and fragrance industries. Account Manager to US breweries and US fruit juice manufacturers--Was responsible for the marketing, sales and customer base assessment for brewing systems, natural flavor extracts and processing aids to U.S. breweries, and sales of enzymes to the fruit juice and wine industries of the US West coast.

I WAS ALSO AN INDEPENDENT FOOD CONSULTANT, Vernon Hills, IL. As a Consultant and a product innovator to the Nutraceutical Industry I improved and developed many products. I also acted as a Technical translator in Spanish/English. Was very successful in reformulating 5 Nutraceutical beverage products for a Lake Bluff, IL firm. I designed a revolutionary Nutraceutical product that had a first year sales budget of $1.5 MM. I also translated food and chemical related web sites and some highly important product and equipment specs brochures. Served as technology and sales consultant to a vegetable foam manufacturer named Desert King I also improved and designed new products for a Merrillville, IN independent soft drink manufacturer.

CROWN POINT LTD.--St. John, IN. A food-trading company. Two positions with this firm:
1. Brewing Products Manager: Set in motion a line of products designed by me, that is still used internationally by the brewing industry. In this position served in technical and sales capacities to the brewing field. Designed the formulations, sought best material suppliers, evaluated and selected proper formulators and packers, set up appropriate manufacturing and quality control procedures. Wrote product data and MSDS sheets, and established advertising. Elected proper warehouse in Chicago and was involved in logistics and financial matters of the company.
2. Additional Product Line sales responsibilities: Initiated sales of food product a lines to the Central American meat industry. Offering and selling all types of meat items, food products, ingredients and chemicals to larger consumers in Mexico and other Latin American countries.

SNOWBIRD REALTY, San Carlos, Sonora, Mexico. Co-owner/partner in this Real Estate firm. Snowbird became very well placed serving the incremental demand from American and Canadian buyers in this resort city during the years of 2004-2007.


These days when I am a resident of the Mexican town of San Carlos, Sonora, I do Real Estate Consulting. Because of the seasonal conditions of this place, I am more and more dedicated to translating from English to Spanish and from Spanish to English. I work with companies such as Transperfect, Language 123 and now PROZ. I also get private clients from industrial concerns as well as local ones that need me for interpretations of different kinds and legal and real estate translations.

With the education and experience I have, I would like to be involved in more translation projects. I can produce quality work with a quick turn around.

4For Holly Chapman Empty Re: For Holly Chapman Fri Nov 14, 2008 5:06 am




holly got banned again! Hey hols you ever get the feeling George is having his strings pulled you got banned because quackster complained saying he would withdraw sponsorship if he ddn't ban you.

You need to come on here and get your own back

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