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Truth Ubique

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Phone calls

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1Phone calls Empty Phone calls Mon Oct 20, 2008 2:18 am



Hello. My name is blank and I'm calling to warn you not to vote for McCain because he's lied about his past, claiming to be a to be a hero when actually he crashed five planes and may have started a fire on an aircraft carrier that killed some of the personnel, and while a captive in Vietnam and receiving special treatment because of his father's fame, he collaborated with the enemy and gave them information about his unit. He has a nasty temper which he is unable to control and if elected he will surely bomb South America because he is angry with Spain. He is an adulterer who deserted the wife that waited for him while he was a captive in Vietnam at a time when she was particularly vulnerable and left her for a rich, younger woman who supports his gambling habit and supplies him with so many cars and houses that he can't keep track of them. His running mate believes that God wants another pipeline in Alaska, left the small town where she was mayor with a huge dept, abuses her power as governor for personal reasons, and is accused of breaking up the marriage of her husband's business partner by engaging in an adulterous relationship with the partner. They both believe that Muslims are evil will start a major war in the Middle East if elected. By the way, we are sending you a picture of McCain taken at the last Presidential Debate.

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