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Why I'll vote for McCain

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1Why I'll vote for McCain Empty Why I'll vote for McCain Wed Oct 15, 2008 4:22 pm



I personally evaluate a candidate for president, especially because he or she would be the Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces.

First I look at the character of the person. What does their past actions tell me about whether I can trust them or not, regardless of what they say when campaigning. I understand that all politicians embellish, and in some cases, just outright lie. That is why it is important to look at their past actions because as well know, actions speak louder than words. So when Sen. Obama says he will do whatever is necessary to defend our nation I look at his voting record regarding armed conflicts, and I find that he voted against the war, voted against funding our troops, and voted against the surge. He continues to be unwilling to come right out and say he was wrong about the surge. I would have more respect for him if he would just come out and admit he was wrong.

Second I look at what they have accomplished in the offices they have held in their past. On this issue, the two candidates are worlds apart. Experience matters. I have looked high and low and I cannot find one major piece of legislation that Barack Obama has sponsored either in the IIinois or U.S. Senate.

Third I look at their stance on Foreign Affairs. On this issue, Obama lacks the vision that I would like him to have if he's going to be our president. He said, in his own words, that he would sit down, without pre-conditions with wolrd dictators and terrorits leaders. This is an act of naivette that we cannot afford in a president. I know the argument that "we should be able to sit down and talk with our enemies". But that indicates a lack of understanding of world politics because when the president of the U.S. meets with a leader it gives them instant credibility and strenghthens their position, which is something we do not want to do with our enemies.

Fourth I look at their worldview. By that I mean how do they look at America in the eyes of the world. I have heard a lot about how countries around the world look at us yadda, yadda, yadda. Personally, I could care less what Socialist Europe, or Dictator controlled countries think of us. Those people are out to destroy what I love, The United States of America. Obama said we needed to be more of a World Citizen. Sorry, I want to remain a U.S. Citizen. World citizen is code for UN types to get their hands on more of our money. Don't believe me? Research what the U.S. pays into the UN and how those so-called leaders treat us in return. There are numerous proposals on the table to impose a UN tax on the U.S. and other nations around the world. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Fifth I look at where they want to take America as a nation. Obama wants to turn us into a Socialist nation. That is a huge red flag for me and I suspect the majority of Americans if they just stop and think about it for a minute. Did you see that encounter between a plumber and Obama the other day? Obama told the plumber that he was going to raise his taxes so he could quote; "spread the wealth around". You know what is so scary about that statement? It is straight out of the Communist Manifesto. "From each according to his means, to each according to his needs". If that doesn't send chills down the spine of a voter then I don't know what will. When is the last time you heard a U.S. presidential candidate recite to voters from the Communist Manifesto?

About taxes: Obama is an eloquent speaker to be sure. Noone can deny his speaking ability. But therein lies the ruse. He is such a good speaker that people have been mesmerized by the man. But let's look at his record. Obama promises to "cut taxes for 95% of the working families in America". First of all that is impossible to do; but I hereby challenge anyone reading this to point to just ONE time when Obama has voted to "cut taxes"; whether in the Illinois or U.S Senate. Just one is all I ask. Here's a clue, you won't find one because it doesn't exist. So all of a sudden he is going to become something he is not? With that record what makes anyone believe him? Shouldn't the candidate at least have some record to support their promises?

Bottom line is that Obama is wrong for America in so many ways that it is simply amazing to me how so many otherwise intelligent people can be so fooled into voting for this guy. I know emotions are running high in this election but people just need to stop and take a deep breath and examine ALL THE FACTS before voting.

Oh yeah, just one more tidbit. Anything the Hollywood crowd supports so vehemently, I oppose just as vehemently

2Why I'll vote for McCain Empty Vote Fri Oct 17, 2008 12:06 am



Very well written and thought out and hope many will use their brains like you have and vote accordingly.

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