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Queer Bobby !!!

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1Queer Bobby !!! Empty Queer Bobby !!! Thu Sep 04, 2008 7:08 am

Al + Val

Al + Val

Queers in the military is protested by Bobby Sahlen but then hes shacking up with leslie pretending to be married. Pretending yer because shes a HE and his sex change boob job failed.

Cos Booby never served in the military but he has a crush on those who wear a uniform.... The Village People idiot of San Carlos.


Registered: April 16, 2008
Posts: 153
Yesterday at 07:49 PM #1

From the "Daily Onion" article that explains why other countries laugh at us.

WASHINGTON—In a solemn ceremony held in the White House Rose Garden Monday, recently outed Iraq War casualty Sgt. Maj. Michael Delacroix—a highly decorated career serviceman with an impeccable 22-year record—was posthumously stripped of his military honors and dishonorably discharged from the U.S. Army. "For giving his life in the line of duty and selflessly serving his nation while being gay, Mr. Delacroix will be exhumed from Arlington National Cemetery and relieved of his rank and all attendant benefits," U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said during the ceremony. "We also ask that his mother return the American flag that was given to her at his funeral." A Pentagon spokesman said that Delacroix's cause of death—sniper fire while attempting to save an injured Iraqi boy—will be changed to AIDS in the official record.

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Registered: March 27, 2008
Posts: 769
Yesterday at 07:51 PM #2

You have GOT to be kidding! If not, this is absolutely outrageous. His mother should tell this a...hole to sit on it and spin. Only in a Bush Administration...

2Queer Bobby !!! Empty Re: Queer Bobby !!! Wed Sep 17, 2008 4:03 pm

Al + Val

Al + Val

We have it on a good source that bobby had a package from Canada, it arrived open and the source took a look!1
Guess what he saw? Porn and sex toys! So do you think Bobby is part of the pornomail club?

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