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Another Whopping Lie

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1Another Whopping Lie Empty Another Whopping Lie Wed Jul 09, 2008 1:34 am



When will the people of San Carlos realize the AcuLiar is just that. As If a Senator would spend time with a nothingness and prickster.



Registered: March 27, 2008
Posts: 582
Today at 06:18 PM #4

I worked on Senator Bill Bradley today and told him that I am a political junkie and watch politics like most guys watch sports. He thanked me for paying attention to what is actually going on. I then told him my favorite political quote: "The greatest argument against democracy is speaking to the average voter for ten minutes" - Churchill
He got a kick out of that one....

2Another Whopping Lie Empty Re: Another Whopping Lie Tue Jul 15, 2008 5:42 am



Too bad Acudoc and Bradley do not know that we are not a democracy.

We are a Constitutional Republic.

Democracy = Mob Rule..........Constitutional Republic = Rule of Law

3Another Whopping Lie Empty Re: Another Whopping Lie Tue Jul 15, 2008 5:46 am



I was wondering what people are thinking of Karl Rove leaving the country and defying the congressional subpoena. I think those bad boys are running scared just about now! Well at least they are worried.

4Another Whopping Lie Empty Re: Another Whopping Lie Wed Jul 16, 2008 1:44 pm



Freedom go back to the viva board we don't want you here.

5Another Whopping Lie Empty Re: Another Whopping Lie Wed Jul 16, 2008 3:08 pm



You need to go back to the visa board and read the thread where youre telling everyone Hawaii knows nothing. We read it just now and Hawaii clearly says the English Queen is related to the Hannover Family. The last we knew Hannover was part of Germany.
We also think you are one of those concieted people who think the USA won the 1st and 2nd WW's we didn't it was the allies that won, that includes England, France, Belgium, Russia, India, Jamaca, Africa, Australia, New Zealand and a few others plus the USA. We didn't provide anything free to the allies we sold them what they needed and it took them 60 years to pay us back including interest.

It looks as if your political posts on the VSC board were cut and pasted then edited to make them look like you wrote them. We have no problem with you doing that if you want to try and impress others but just make sure you get it right afterall this site projects the "TRUTH"

6Another Whopping Lie Empty Re: Another Whopping Lie Wed Jul 16, 2008 5:04 pm



Peter........................Your attack is inappropriate and unacceptable. I do not wish to get into a sophomoric name calling diatribe with you.

If you go back and read my posts here I was asking for a civilized discussion of what has been going on in this country to come up with some solutions. Since you can not get out of the matrix that has been set up for you I do not expect you to become part of it. I was trying to get people to think outside the box and give up on the old divide and conquer, left, right paradigm.

In view of the sad economic news that has been coming at the American people.......I feel it is high time that we really looked at just who and what is raping America and her people. Have you read about the Indy Bank or are you still in the dark about that. Did you notice the difference in the messages between Bush and Bernake on the same day or are you still in denial.

You joined this board approximately one month ago. You are not the moderator here .................and who do you think you are to tell anyone what to do.

The only reason why I cut and paste any articles is because of their information. I post them so that people can discuss them in a civil manner and glean some information about what is happening. There is no way in hell that they are getting the truth from this administration (or past ones) and the mainstream media is nothing but a propaganda machine and as you well know corporate owned!

My allegiance is to the country, Constitution, the Bill of rights and mainly the American people and their freedom. Right now they are being ripped off royalty by the International Banksters, the Global Elite, the New World Order and the CFR. The elected representative who are supporting their agenda are the ones who need to be exposed in order to vote them out of office and take the country back!

7Another Whopping Lie Empty Re: Another Whopping Lie Wed Jul 16, 2008 8:11 pm



Freedom or should I say Mauiwowi?
You jumped on Hawaii's name by using one of the islands and postthe samr shit here as what you do on the viva board. you can call yourself anything your manerisms show who you are.
And as Peter said your posts are C&P then edited to make it look like your own material.

You show the same agenda as Bobby and his Liberal gang who want to blame everything on the president and administration.

Its been said many times Greed is what brought down the economy. Mortgage brokers issued loans to people who didn't no qualify so they bent the rules to get a commision. Peter's right go back to the viva board and play with the other kids.

8Another Whopping Lie Empty Re: Another Whopping Lie Thu Jul 17, 2008 8:31 pm



No Michelle, I am not Maui.........and I hereby give the webmaster the authority to confirm that by my ip or whatever means he has at his disposal.

What do you have against copying and pasting? I find tons of valid, factual reports and articles on the net that are extremely informative. You will never see any of them mentioned on the corporate owned mainstream media.

I copied and pasted them to make them available for people to read. The last I knew we were still a free society. I do not dictate to you and when you dictate to me, I feel really resentful, and angry. I do not give you or anyone else that power so please do not do it again by falsely stating who I am, what I stand for or where or not to go! It is inappropriate and unacceptable to me, and to most freedom loving Americans. We are not Nazi Germany...yet! For your information I am part of those people who are found in the center or moderate section of the political spectrum.

As far as the copy and paste articles, if there was any that did not indicate the appropriate link, that was by mistake and not to plagiarize as you falsely accuse me of doing. I would be more than happy to correct any error on my part, however you do not quote one!

If you read my posts, with any comprehension, you would have learned that I feel there is little difference between either party. The two parties are just different sides of the same coin, senior or junior partners of the same law firm so to speak. That is even confirmed, (and past administrations) in my post above where I state that in parentheses! So just what are you not understanding? How can I make it any clearer for you! I am not saying that to be insulting on the contrary I really want to understand how you perceive what is happening.

I have tried to encourage people to think outside the (box) matrix and the left, vs right, republican, vs democrat paradigm. We are all AMERICANS first.

That paradigm is what the globalists have used from time immortal, century after century to divide (us) and conquer us. It is not working like it used to any more.

After extensive research I have come to feel that the global elite/New World Order own both parties. They have the wealth and power pick the candidates in the primaries from both parties. These nominees will follow their global elite's agenda to the letter. They have the wealth to fund the think tanks and manipulate us until they achieve their agenda, constantly creating a win/win situtation for themselves.

From this research I have come to learn we are only given the illusion that we have power in our vote. I refer you to the book Beyond Tragedy and Hope by Carroll of Clinton's mentors.

In this book Quigley lays out how to create both parties along similar agendas. That is what has happened. Right now we have a soft corporate fascist administration. Next Obama will win the presidency along socialistic lines. This is exactly what the globalists want a world wide fascist/socialist governance. Unless the American people wake up to what is happening that is what will be created. That is my conclusion after a few years of research. I am willing to listen to anyone who perceives things differently. Believe me I truly hope I am wrong...........because I truly deplore leaving this mess for future generations.

As far as being part of "Bobby's liberal gang"......... I am not. It was my experience that Bobby, Christy and a few others were open minded enough to at least discuss and consider what I was posting. They were willing to have a civil dialogue about the questions that approximately 70% of Americans now have about what is happening to their country.

I am think so simplisticly,as you so accuse me, "to blame the president for everything. I do however hold him, (as I would if it had been Gore, a Democrat, who was president) responsible for eroding the Constitution and our Bill of rights, and the following:

a)Lying us into war in Iraq
b)Lying about the WMD
c)Cooking the intelligence in order to go to war
d)Allowing our young men and women to die for these lies
e)Patriots Acts I and II
f)Military Commission's Act 2006
g)Illegal wiretapping of American Citizens
h)Suspension of Habeas Corpus
i)Suspension of Posse Comitatus
j)Signing of the FISA Bill
k)Permitting torture in our name
l)Eviscerating the Geneva Conventions to which we were signers
m)Handling of Katrina
n)9 Trillion debt
just to name a few ..............

If it had been a Democrat regime............sadly the actions probably would have been very similar only the rhetoric would have been different! That is what I have consistently posted. Please help ME understand what it is that YOU do not seem to understand. Is it because you are feeling threatened that you lash out in this way? If so I understand that. I too wrestle with denial big time. I did not want to believe what the conclusions were, even when I read the evidence with my own eyes FROM THEIR OWN DOCUMENTS! The CFR are not hiding any more what they have been for decades!

As far as the Mortgage Brokers you seem to think are responsible for the real estate crash, Bill Clinton signed a sweeping banking deregulation bill, for giant financial monopolies, in 1997 that allowed these Mortgage Brokers to issue these bogus loans! Google it for yourself. We are seeing the results of that deregulation today.

Along with this bill and the off-shoring of jobs to third world countries like China and India our economy is being trashed. We now have lost hundreds of thousands of jobs and our people are hurting. I see this as a manipulation of the international bankesters in order to concentrate once again the wealth, control and power in the hands of the elite and move their New World Order agenda further along.

America is the one country with the people that had the power to stop this! The globalists left vs right, liberals vs conservative, Democrat vs. Republican paradigm has been shattered. Are they devaluing the dollar in order to bring us to our knees? Have you not watched what happened last week to Indy Bank? Do you really believe that any true American elected representative who believed in America's sovereignty would allow this to happen?

Remember we were the country that was so abundant, only a few years ago, that we could feed the whole world? Now we can hardly feed our own people. It is not American people, like you or me who is doing this and/or who will benefit from a New World Order!

I refer you to the Project for a New American Century, created by William Kristol in 1991 which was ready and waiting for the neocons to put into place ............"ONCE THERE WAS SOME KIND OF TRAMAUTIC EVENT LIKE A PEARL HARBOR." I am paraphrasing their own words from that document. You can google the document and read it for yourself. Did they use the tradegy of 911 to advance their agenda and... who benefited? By the way it was also 1991 that president George H.W. Bush talked about the "New World Order" in one of his speeches to congress. You can also google the video and see that for yourself.

There are also interesting articles about what a failure the PNAC Project has been which you can also google. I am not sure this is true. I feel that time will tell

I find it amazing that you are still supporting this president when close to 70% of the population do not, both republicans and democrats. 90% of the population do not support congress. Don't you think that the American people have awakened and know what is really going on?

I invite anyone who has had questions and done some research to share it here so that we do not continue to loose the freedoms. Our founding fathers fought for and brilliantly created a document called the constitution for us in order to reign in government and keep the people free. I wonder if we still know the freedoms that the founding fathers wanted for us.........or are we so dumbeddown that we are willing to allow that to go by the wayside?

By the way, just today I learned of the Civilian Security Force that Obama is calling for and wants to create. This sounds like more of a police state. My next question is.... does that mean that the country is looking at a depression similar to 1929 and they are planning on enacting Marshall Law because of the people's reaction? I don't know .....yet.

Then I have to look at the double speak Obama is using...... he did vote no on the war in Iraq but now he is calling for a war with Pakistan. He did vote yes on the FISA Bill after stating he would not. These are some of the double thoughts that he is putting in people's mind.

There is no question in my mind that McCain does not have a chance of winning. He is playing the exact same role as Dole played for Clinton to win. It is all manipulated right in front of our eyes and all we have to do is take a step back and see it!

Obama has tremendous charisma and is considered and being promoted as a Rock Star. I do not see how Obama will be able to free himself from the New World Order/Bilderbergers/Trilateralists and CFR agenda even if he wanted to.

It will take the people to rise up and protest in the streets over and over again to get this reversed with the second revolution. Hopefully without one shot being fired. McCain and Obama have the same agenda ...............sadly they just use different rehtoritc.

The Youth of America are not following for it! They realize how their freedoms are being eroded, how they can not find a job and will be left with the tremendous 9 trillion dollar (so far) debt. Is Obama just calling for this Civilian Security Force to seduce these same youth into the New World Agenda................time will tell! However right now I am rather suspicious about this Force.

I can not support either candidate of either party right now. I do hope that the program to "vote local" is working and working well. That means that starting with your own home town you vote for none globalists. Get rid of people from any party who are promoting the North American Union or the New World Order. That is where we have to start and work our way up.

I see it being done, because America was build on revolution, the desire for freedom is in our DNA. The alternative of becoming corporate slaves is not an option!

9Another Whopping Lie Empty Re: Another Whopping Lie Fri Jul 18, 2008 12:50 am

Phyllis L

Phyllis L

Oh come on Freedom get off your soap you need to stop the copying and post the link instead. Michelle is right you post as if you wrote it but the worst is no one cares about your disfunctional point of view or your attempt at trying to create discord.

This site doesn't need you go back to viva.

10Another Whopping Lie Empty Re: Another Whopping Lie Fri Jul 18, 2008 5:19 pm



No Phyllis, read again, and try comprehending this time. I wrote every word of the above post.

Instead of trying to distract with your false accusations that you are famous for, try doing some of the research on the above documents. Maybe then you would be capable of a civilized discussion.

You are projecting when you accuse me of attempting to create discord, something for which YOU are famous ever since you came to town!

All your post shows is "contempt prior to investigation." Confirmation of your own close-mindedness!

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